See the daily farce of the two knight girls.
Su Mo shook his head amusedly.
“Erica, stop bullying Liliana.”
“By the way, the Zhuzhen acting just now was too exaggerated. I give you seventy-nine points.”
Hearing what Su Mo said,Erica immediately stood at attention as if to accept the order.
There was still a slight smile on his face.
You can tell at a glance, a habitual offender.
“As for Liliana…”
Su Mo looked at the knight Ji who was kneeling in front of him.
“Even if you take the bait like this straight bait, sometimes I think you are too straightforward.”
“Forget about fighting, let’s save the competitive thing for next time!”
“If you perform much better than Erica in the next operation, I can consider giving you a chance to order Erica.”
Lightly, Su Mo dropped a bait.
Liliana immediately raised her head, showing a surprised expression.
“You are not joking.”
Su Mo nodded…
hear this. The smile on Erica’s face froze immediately.
“My lord?” She asked with some doubts about her life.
Obviously before, didn’t you see that I was very happy to bully Lily?
Why did you suddenly pull me into the water? !
Are you mistaken, I am your only knight!
See her expression of doubting life.
Su Mo added with some amusement.
“The same applies to you.”
“If you perform much better than Liliana next time, I can help you and help you bully Liliana once.”
The reason why the two sides are treated differently.
It’s not because Su Mo treats one more than another.
It was because Erica swore allegiance to Su Mo two days ago.
She belongs to Su Mo’s direct knight, and Su Mo has complete ownership of it.
The power to order Erica is his property.
But Liliana was different. She arrived on this island later, although she was also working as Su Mo’s secretary.
But strictly speaking, she is only an expatriate employee.
Did not take an oath of allegiance.
Therefore, Su Mo could only help.
As a godslayer, Su Mo said that he was assisting, but in fact it was not much different from direct orders.
After all, people on the ground are absolutely unable to resist the Demon King.
After hearing what Su Mo said, Erica’s eyes lit up.
“Thank you, my lord!”
There are not many opportunities to bully Liliana justifiably.
For her, the terms Su Mo promised were quite attractive.
As for the subsequent victory, whose side will it be.
Erica brims with confidence.
She is a swordsman genius, a sixteen-year-old girl grand knight, and a person with full diplomatic skills.
How could he lose to Liliana, a guy who has nothing but a sword and a witch physique.
This time around, she won for sure.
As for Liliana, she had the same idea.
She is a knight princess with the physique of a witch.
In the next battle, if his spirit vision finds a reliable clue, wouldn’t it be a sure win.
How could Erica, a guy who can only deal with magic associations, beat herself?
The eyes of the two girls met, sparks sparked from the collision.
Under Su Mo’s simple condition, their enthusiasm was immediately aroused.
The art of mastering the next is as simple as 0.3, unpretentious.
and boring…
At this time, Erica remembered why she came here.
Her expression became a little strange, and she bowed and handed the information to Su Mo.
“My lord, there is an urgent call from Sir Andre.”
“The King of Swords doesn’t seem to know that you have agreed to his invitation to fight, and thought that Sir Andre would stop him.”
“So, when the plane flew near the port, His Highness jumped out of the plane.”
Hear this information.
Both Erica and Liliana, who was watching, showed speechless expressions.
Because he was worried that Mr. Andre would stop him.
The King of Swords actually jumped directly from the plane?
Below is the endless sea!
And falling on the water from a high altitude will do the same damage as falling on the concrete floor.
Even if the Godslayer couldn’t fall to his death, this operation would be too reckless.
Don’t you have to swim afterward, to the island?
What kind of weird brain circuit is needed to do such a thing!
At first, when Erica got the information, she suspected it was false information.
Because it’s so ridiculous.
But think about it.
The king of swords, Salvatore Tony, seems to be able to do this.
If it was him, it would not be surprising.
Chapter 154 The Fourth Holy Grail War in the Realm of Tsukihime Sora
Hear Erica’s report. Su Mo was not very surprised.
There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.
Isn’t the nickname “Fool’s Sword” spread because the King of Swords looks like a dick?
Su Mo was not surprised that he could do such a thing.
“This guy, won’t it take several days to come over?”
With the power of [Steel Protection], the sword king Tony should not be crushed into small biscuits by the huge water pressure of the deep sea.
However, 【Protection of Steel】in addition to bringing extremely strong defense to the user.
It also increases the weight of the user.
As thick as a steel pier.
In this case, it is almost impossible for Tony the King of Swords to swim.
It is estimated that it can only be walked on foot on the bottom of the sea.
Even if he doesn’t get lost.
The landing site is also near the port.
It takes at least two or three days to walk from the bottom of the sea to Sardinia.
Su Mo is not impatient.
It’s just that this guy is too procrastinating.
He has already made up his mind that when the King of Swords comes over, he must teach him to be a man!
“According to Sir Andre’s report, the place where the King of Swords jumped off the plane is not far from here.”
“It should be here within two days.”
Erica calculated it based on the existing information.
“it is good.”
My main god is Kaguya
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