Su Mo nodded.
“If that guy doesn’t arrive within two days, I’ll bury him directly in the center of the earth!”
Even if it is a godslayer, if he wants to break free from the center of the earth, he probably has to shed a layer of skin.
For someone who was late for so long, this kind of treatment shouldn’t be too much, right?
Erica on the side had cold sweat dripping from her forehead.
Having witnessed Su Mo’s god-killing process with her own eyes, 14 didn’t think it was just a joke.
Su Mo, who can easily kill even the god of disobedience, if he really wants to deal with other godslayers.
I’m afraid it is really possible to stuff the King of Swords into the center of the earth.
“I will urge Sir Andre to catch the King of Swords as soon as possible!”
Although there has always been a lot of complaints about the God Slayer, the King of Swords. However, she didn’t want her lord to bear the notoriety of suppressing her own clan from the very beginning.
So, no matter what, she still hoped that the idiot King of Swords would arrive in time.
Discovery still needs to wait.
The bored Su Mo looked at the magic book in his hand for a while.
After a general understanding of the magic of this world.
He closed his eyes.
Ready to go to the fog space and see if others have gained anything.

After coming to the misty space.
Su Mo, the “God Slayer” who is already familiar with it.
Immediately walk in the direction of the square.
After crossing the last layer of fog.
He immediately saw two figures talking in the middle of the square.
Thought it was someone I knew.
Just about to go up to say hello.
However, after noticing the attire of the two.
Su Mo of Godslayer World was stunned immediately.
The white coat of justice seems to have the rank of a general on it.
Without much thought, he recognized that it was a costume from the world of pirates.
And the other side.
Su Mo, a newcomer with a youthful appearance, can’t see anything unusual from his clothes.
However, the iridescent pupils of the other party seemed very familiar.
Always feel deja vu.
Just when he was about to go to say hello.
The two newcomers also discovered Su Mo in the Godslayer World.
Seeing the arrival of “God Killer” Su Mo.
Su Mo, who had been talking for a long time, had a thorough understanding of the situation.
Immediately greeted “God Slayer” Su Mo.
“Welcome to the foggy space, newcomer!” said Su Mo, who was wearing the admiral’s clothes.
“I was able to stay calm for the first time.”
“It seems that the quality of this newcomer is very good.”
The young Su Mo also nodded very calmly.
He seemed very satisfied with the calm performance of the newcomer Su Mo, the “God Slayer”.
Su Mo in the Godslayer World fell silent for a moment.
What hammer are you talking about?
He was a little dazed when he was about to say hello to the two of them.
The newcomer is myself? !
Even among all Su Mo, he, “Dijia” Su Mo, and “Fair Tail” Su Mo were the first to reach the misty space!
It’s already old fritters!
I didn’t expect that one day I would be called so.
But soon, he understood the situation.
It must be that after the two newcomers met, they didn’t meet other Su Mo.
That’s why I thought that the two of them were the first to get here.
Then, I subconsciously thought I was a newcomer.
After understanding the situation.
“God Killer” Su Mo showed a somewhat dumbfounding expression.
Ready to start explaining.
At this time, the Huatou was snatched away by the other party.
“I know, you must be very nervous!”
Su Mo, who was dressed as an admiral, looked at him with an expression that I could understand.
“At first, I was also very apprehensive, thinking that this place was a trap created by someone with fruit ability.”
“But don’t panic, this foggy space is beyond the scope of the world, we can’t hurt each other.”
“Not to mention, looking at our appearance, you may also be able to discover this shocking secret!”
He looked like a confidant old brother, and comforted “God Slayer” Su Mo.
In the end, he sold off.
Another young man, Su Mo, added in due course.
“That’s right! You may already have some guesses in your mind!”
“But let me tell you officially!”
Then, the young Su Mo looked like I was going to tell a big secret.
He announced his discovery very seriously.
“We—are the same person!”
“We are all Su Mo!”
Hear him.
“God Killer” Su Mo was stunned.
I couldn’t help being stunned, and a little numb.
What do you want to say?
However, under the expectant eyes of young Su Mo.
He finally nodded and said as the other party wished.
“Oh, so that’s the case—”
A pair of learned new knowledge, very miraculous.
Even if the acting skills are not up to standard, the readers of the lines are also dry, which seems a bit good to read.
Didn’t seem too surprised to see him.
Admiral Su Mo thought about it.
I think this news may not be the best.
Or the other party still doesn’t want to believe it.
Then another big news broke out.
“The most important thing is that we can share our respective strengths simply through contact.”
“This is quite a powerful golden finger!”
“On our side, one is an admiral, and the other has a magic eye!”
“Being able to share our power, no matter how you say it, you will be much smoother in another world.”
Saying so.
Admiral Su Mo raised his palm to Su Mo, who looked like an ordinary person in modern casual clothes.
The young Su Mo also impatiently raised his palm.
Seems to be waiting for a high five.
A look of helpfulness.
They also really want to help newcomers.
“God Killer” Su Mo stretched out his hands with a strange expression on his face.
My main god is Kaguya
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