“In front of me, discuss how to deal with me?”
“Rider, your boldness has exceeded my expectations.”
“Could it be that you want to offend me directly because you have no hope of winning, and you want to return to the Seat of Heroes quickly?”
Although he has no plans to let the two of them leave the stage.
But it depends on the rhetoric of the king of conquest.
Su Mo will change his approach.
Anyway, even if there are two out-of-spec servants, Ishtar and Karna.
The Holy Grail War is still a fish pond game for him.
Random killing!
Hear what Su Mo said.
Even if he was joking.
The King of Conquerors didn’t dare to treat it casually with a joking attitude.
This is the god of life and death.
If you want to beat him, you can’t make mistakes in key places.
“Of course I don’t want to offend His Majesty the God King.”
The King of Conquerors immediately shook his head.
“However, a war without suspense at all is not very interesting.”
“If we wait for an alliance, this Holy Grail War will at least have some twists and turns.”
“For you, if I just wait to be killed, you will find it boring, right?”
In all honesty, the Conqueror made no secret of his intentions.
The reason why he chose to say this in front of Su Mo was because he wanted to gamble on the courage of this martial god.
If Lord Valkyrie does not express his opinion on this. At least, their odds of winning can be increased by 10%.
Otherwise, no matter how sophisticated the plan is.
If this majesty intervenes at will during the execution of the plan, it will also be scrapped.
For them.
Su Mo’s existence is so terrifying.
So much so that just his attitude is enough to affect the outcome of the Holy Grail War.
Hear the words of the King of Conquerors 970.
Su Mo showed a playful smile.
“From your point of view, if you want to have fun in the Holy Grail War, I should allow you to form an alliance.”
“These words sound reasonable.”
As he spoke, the King Conqueror and Waver showed joy at the moment.
Su Mo’s voice changed.
“But I refuse!”
There was a wicked smile on his face.
“My favorite thing to do is to say no to people who think things will go according to their own expectations!”
“Originally, I didn’t want to have any fun in the Holy Grail War.”
“Not to mention, I’m not that stupid Valkyrie at all.”
Having said that, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.
“Why don’t you play your cards according to the routine!”
The King of Conquerors wailed in his heart, but he clenched his weapon tightly in his hand.
Just when the King of Conquerors and Karna were about to fight to the death.
above the sky.
Suddenly, a woman’s exclamation sounded.
“Wow! Is this flying? It’s amazing! Hahaha!”
Correct it.
It was indeed the exclamation sound.
But it was actually a cry of surprise.
The next thing that sounded was the voice of a more immature little girl.
“Mother Ellie, I found it!”
Everyone looked up.
Then I saw a cute little girl dressed as a magical girl.
A mature woman with white hair and red eyes flew towards the bottom.
The two people who entered randomly suddenly found everyone on the port side.
It landed quickly.
A mature woman with white hair and red pupils who looks only eighteen or nineteen years old.
A primary school girl with white hair and red (bead) pupils who looks to be only about ten years old.
This pair of combinations doesn’t look like fighters no matter what.
Instead, it looks like a mother and daughter or sisters who are out for a winter outing.
However, the people who witnessed the flying scene of the two would never regard them as ordinary people.
That flying speed is either a Servant or a Magician.
“This is……”
The King of Conquerors was also confused by this sudden development.
Kenneth, however, recognized the iconic feature.
“White hair and red pupils, is it an artificial human from the Einzbern family?”
He has a basic understanding of Yusanjia’s information.
His judgment was correct.
The one who landed suddenly was none other than the master and servant from the Einzbern family.
If you don’t count the plane, this is the first time Irisviel has experienced flying in her life.
For her with a childlike innocence, this experience was not only not scary, but quite interesting.
After coming down from the sky, she was still holding on to her followers like a child.
“Caster, this is amazing, let’s do it again later!”
It seems that he is somewhat addicted to high-speed flying.
While being happy, I still remember to conceal my servant’s real name.
It shows that Irisviel is still very reliable in business.
Although, even if Illya’s real name is not concealed, no one will be able to recognize it.
And hear her.
The Conqueror King’s eyes lit up.
Although I don’t know why, this young girl will be the Caster in this Holy Grail War.
However, this is not important.
The important thing is that Caster’s appearance still has breath, not like a god.
And as long as it is not a god, it may be his ally.
Face the goddess Ishtar, and enemies like the warrior god Indra.
All other followers are inThe position of the weak is naturally on the same front.
Therefore, the possibility of being recruited is high.
Just as the King of Conquerors was about to speak, he offered an olive branch to Caster.
Expand your [Human Front Alliance] by one more point.
“Do you want to team up with us—”
This sentence has just been said.
He sees it.
That petite, little girl-like Caster in very cute outfits.
It’s like a baby swallow throwing itself into the forest.
Fell into Su Mo’s embrace.
Then, she yelled sweetly.
“Father, I finally found you!”
Hear this sentence.
The Conqueror fell silent.
My main god is Kaguya
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