Weber was also silent.
Okita was also silent.
Irisviel’s smile was a little awkward, but she had expected this scene a long time ago.
And like everyone else.
Su Mo was also a little confused.
Suddenly, a pink loli called her daddy.
He was just surprised.
However, unexpectedly, seeing the little girl’s outfit, Su Mo also recognized her identity.
Isn’t this—
He yelled suspiciously.
–and in front of him–
Hearing Su Mo blurt out his name.
Elijah’s eyes sparkled.
Then he hugged Su Mo even tighter.
Rub and rub hard.
“Sure enough, Irisviel’s mother is an idiot!”
“I knew… Dad must remember Illya!”
Although I don’t know why my father recognized me before I was born.
But this is not important (“This book is organized by ;;[F;’l’i’!p?pe,d],! (: more’more new!” book; contact 1:!34?3?1?77 .’4! 78) to.
The important thing is that Illya was recognized by her father.
This is very happy!
Elijah is very happy.
The Conqueror was not happy.
Finally came a servant, but she was the other party’s daughter?
Could it be another goddess-level figure?
Although it doesn’t look like it.
But even if Caster is not a goddess, he is still the companion of the crowned one.
There are seven servants in the Holy Grail War, and this is one less.
In other words, there is one less position that should have been his ally.
This is not a good thing.
However, now is not the time to think about it.
Seeing Caster hugging Su Mo happily.
When you are being intimate and coquettish.
The King of Conquerors held Weber with great foresight.
He yelled in a low voice.
“Then we won’t disturb the reunion of Lord God King’s father and daughter.”
After finishing speaking, he pulled his master, and the wind tightened him.
Get away!
The one who is as thieves as him is Lancer’s master.
Then, after Lancer made another sincere farewell.
They also left immediately.
On the battlefield at the port, only the Saber and Caster teams were left.
Looking at Illya who took her place and acted like a baby to the Master.
Souji Okita didn’t feel that he was being NTR.
common sense of her day.
Monogamy is not required.
This is especially true for the strong.
Not to mention, Ilya is only a ten-year-old child.
So, compared to these, she cared more about another point.
“Master’s daughter?”
He stared blankly at Ilya, then at Su Mo.
Okita revealed a look of disbelief.
“Master is only sixteen or seventeen years old, why is there such an old daughter?”
Su Mo in Xingyue World is still a teenager.
At his age, if he wants to have a ten-year-old daughter.
In other words, when he was six or seven years old, he became a father.
After realizing this point.
Souji Okita looked at the Master of Caster not far away with horrified eyes.
That is, the woman called Irisviel’s mother.
“You actually attacked the Master when he was six or seven years old?!”
Okita looked like he saw the criminal.
I feel that it is necessary to send this woman to the police station and make a good confession.
Although it is true that the Master when he was six or seven years old must have been cute.
But you can’t do that to him!
Seeing Souji Okita, he looked like he saw the criminal.
Irisviel felt that she was victimized by her reputation.
“No, I’m not, I’m not!”
She waved her hands hastily.
Although I look mature, I am only nine years old!
My daughter is older than me!
Besides, I was still there for the first time—it really wasn’t my doing!
She wanted to explain, but couldn’t speak.
for a while…
Irisviel understood what it means to be unable to argue with one hundred mouths.
Chapter 187 Qing Ji’s Love Book An Unbreakable Alliance
Obviously I didn’t do anything, but I felt unable to lift my head. Irisviel felt like crying.
However, when faced with the scrutiny of Director Okita.
She was also a little curious, and secretly glanced at Su Mo.
Irisviel had already accepted Illya’s calling her mother.
However, there is still a father for Ilya.
That is to say, I somehow had an extra husband.
Irisviel has always been unable to accept it.
She is only nine years old!
Haven’t talked about love yet!
Why did she suddenly have an extra husband…isn’t this an imperial order?
Is this reasonable?
Thinking of this, she originally wanted to resist the connection from her daughter.
As a mother in the new era, you must resist the arranged marriage from your daughter!
She mustered up her courage like this, after seeing Su Mo’s face.
Suddenly, I felt that there is nothing wrong with imperial appointment!
certainly,It’s just a joke mentality.
However, after seeing Su Mo, the resistance in her heart was indeed much less.
After all, no matter what era it is in.
The face is really edible.
At this time…
Su Mo, who was entangled by the sudden daughter, had already figured out the situation.
As a time traveler, his imagination and receptivity are naturally stronger than Irisviel’s.
Soon, I understood what happened from Illya’s mouth.
My main god is Kaguya
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