she asked with a slightly trembling voice.
“Why, why do you call Qing Ji “Qing Ji’s mother”? ! ”
What was not said was.
Why is she Qing Ji’s mother and she is Okita sister!
Obviously she came first.
It doesn’t matter if you become a follower, or stick with the Master.
They are all from Okita.
But why, why did things turn out like this?
Okita couldn’t understand.
Have you failed so much?
After blurting out.
Elijah immediately covered her mouth.
“No! Qingzi—Sister Qingzi told me not to say too much!”
She shook her head immediately, unwilling to reveal more.
“In order to avoid the space-time paradox, is there a certain limit?”
Su Mo saw Ilya’s concerns.
Elijah nodded desperately.
“All right!”
Su Mo looked at everyone.
“You don’t want to keep asking.”
“Even in the future, there may be changes, so don’t worry too much about it.”
He himself is in a good mood.
With the golden finger of the misty space, he can’t tell where he will reach in the future.
However, absolutely 14 is to a degree that I can’t imagine now.
So he wasn’t too curious.
I heard Su Mo say that.
No matter how much Okita cared, he could only put his flag down.
Sakura bit her lip with an expression of “how could she not care”.
But after being obedient, she glared at Qing Ji.
I had no choice but to stop asking.
Qing Ji felt wronged and was glared at by her little Master.
But he couldn’t speak.
He could only show his loyalty with a smile.
Seeing everyone quiet down, Su Mo opened his mouth to speak.
“As for the future, we will not discuss it for the time being.”
“However, the reason why you came to this era, Ilya, is that you have a mission, right?”
“Should we be able to talk about this?”
I heard Su Mo ask this.
Elijah breathed a sigh of relief.
Ignoring Okita’s sister’s pitiful expression.
She smiled sweetly at Su Mo.
“This can be said.”
“Before I came here, I had listened to my father and organized the Einzbern family.”
“Now father, mother Eri, and Ilya are all the highest-level controllers of Einzbern!”
As soon as he opened his mouth, it was an extraordinary thing.
Hearing this–
“Illya, you said you organized the Einzbern family?!”
Irisviel looked shocked.
Why doesn’t she know it herself?
But think back, since Illya was summoned.
The head of the family, Ahadeon, seems to have never issued any orders for the Holy Grail War.
“Hey hey… I did it without telling my mother.”
Illya rubbed her head in embarrassment.
“Anyway, Grandpa Ahad did it voluntarily, so there’s nothing wrong with it, right?”
The Einzbern family is different from ordinary magician families.
This whole family is all artificial humans.
Even Ahadeon, the patriarch of the Einzbern family, is a homunculus.
All of them artificial humans have only one set purpose.
Arrive at the Cup of Heaven and fulfill the wish of the Maiden of Winter.
For all the cyborgs of the Einzbern family, the third method is their eternal pursuit.
Not so much that they are human.
It would be better to say that it is a robot with the same purpose.
And the reason Illya was able to control the Einzbern family as soon as she was summoned.
Except that she is also a member of the Einzbern family.
more importantly–
“Because I am the cup of heaven, the third law itself!” Illya said proudly, puffing out her barren chest.
An optimized version of the living third method, the Maiden of Winter.
It is precisely because of Illya herself that the long-cherished wish of the Einzbern family has been fulfilled.
Only then could she directly and smoothly grasp the highest authority of the Einzbern family group.
Hear her say that.
Irisviel showed a shocked expression again.
Her daughter is actually the third way to live?
Also shocked was Su Mo.
——So, my daughter is actually a cup?
Does the future him have such a bad taste?
It seems that he is bad enough now.
That’s fine.
“That is to say, the future me will also give the third method to Illya. Is that the case anyway?”
Su Mo made a conclusion.
The five magics of the Xingyue world.
Only the third method is somewhat different.
Those who have mastered the third method – the materialization of the soul, can materialize their own or other people’s souls.
Let others become the third way to live.
However, the person who was given the materialization of the soul by him.
Strictly speaking, it is just a product of the third law.
It’s like the existence of fantasy species, or servants.
It is only the use of the materialized performance of the soulBy.
The real owner of the third law is only Su Mo.
He can take away or give others at will, the materialistic characteristics of the soul.
Moreover, only he can connect with the root and refine the third method to a deeper level.
According to Su Mo’s own plan.
If the daughter Illya is really born.
For its safety considerations, the possibility of giving it a third law is quite high.
After all, the magical girl Illya is also quite cute.
So he quickly understood the source of the third law in Illya.
“Dad was right.”
My main god is Kaguya
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