Elijah nodded.
“Aside from the Einzbern family, my biggest task this time is actually to bring this to Dad!”
Saying so, she took out a magic book from under her skirt.
“this is?”
Su Mo casually flipped through two pages.
Immediately revealed a surprised expression.
“God summoning technology?”
Isn’t this what he is studying now?
Su Mo in the world of Godslayer needs magic that can stably summon gods.
For the past two days, he was still studying the material of the Matou family’s Heroic Spirit Summoning technique.
Progress is rather slow.
Didn’t expect his daughter Ilya to bring the finished product directly?
“Looking at these materials, many of them are not technologies involved in the Holy Grail War…”
After flipping through it casually, Su Mo saw the problem.
“Many of the materials mentioned in it seem to be systematic magic treatises.”
And the largest organization of magicians in Xingyue World is without a doubt——
“The clock tower!”
“Many of these should be top-secret information of the Clock Tower’s Spirit Division, right? The future me actually got these?”
“Could it be that I’ll take the clock tower to one pot in the future?”
He was a little puzzled.
Hearing what he said, Ilya wanted to complain.
——How dare those people in the Clock Tower provoke you?
But in order not to interfere with history, she refrained.
Su Mo looked at these magic materials, but relished them.
These god summoning techniques not only synthesize myths and legends, but also deliberately discard many magic theories unique to the Xingyue world.
Instead, use leylines and myths and legends to arrange the summoning ceremony.
Very versatile.
Even if it is directly placed in another world, as long as it is a god with the same myths and legends.
The possibility of summoning it down is quite high.
“This information is very helpful to me, thank you Ilya!” Su Mo said to Ilya.
“Hey, it’s the best thing to help Dad!”
Illya was also very happy to be praised by her father.
At this moment, Su Mo finished reading the previous chapter.
――Information on the God Summoning Ceremony――
Actually only takes up half of the spellbook.
The other half is related to the technique of spiritual base manipulation.
“God summoning technology is indeed necessary now.”
Su Mo looked at Ilya with some doubts.
“But why is there still a spirit base manipulation technique?”
Even if he had thought about it, he had to adjust Okita Souji’s spirit base.
But in fact, this matter is not urgent.
Wait until you have mastered the third method and accumulated enough knowledge about the soul.
Adjusting things like spirit foundations is a piece of cake.
There is no need to do it now.
Hear what Su Mo said.
Elijah smiled embarrassedly.
“This, actually, Illya begged my father to let me bring it here!”
“It mainly involves your well-behaved and obedient daughter, a very small wish.”
“What wish?” Su Mo asked suspiciously.
Hearing this, Illya glanced at Irisviel.
hesitated for a moment.
She sneaked close to Su Mo’s ear.
“Dad, let’s talk about this matter when I look for you at night!”
“Remember to keep it a secret from Ellie’s mother!”
Seeing her daughter pleading desperately to herself, she blinked.
A mysterious look.
Su Mo thought about it and nodded.
Chapter 190 Illya Strikes Late at Night
Although I don’t know what Illya wants to ask her to do. But for the lovely daughter’s request.
He had no intention of refusing.
Although I don’t know why, it took a lot of time to travel to this era just to pass on a god summoning technique.
But Illya’s purpose for this trip really has no other purpose.
After roughly understanding this point.
It was getting late.
It’s time to sleep.
Illya immediately ran to the suspicious Irisviel.
What are you talking about with your mother.
Fooled the little wish that was kept secret just now.
“Then I will go to bed with Ellie’s mother!”
Ilya found a quilt and a vacant room in Matou Mansion with ease.
Before taking Irisviel away, he even winked at Su Mo.
It means to let him not forget the agreement at night.
Su Mo nodded skillfully.
He was already used to such things as night raids.
When I was a child, Qiuye was also often scared, and often came to find herself at night with her pillow in her arms.
Although I just met Ilya.
But Su Mo, who knew her character well, didn’t feel unfamiliar.
After Illya and Irisviel left.
It was as if some kind of positive aura had disappeared.
The expressions of Sakura, Kiyohime, and Okita Souji all relaxed a little.
Qing Ji had a guilty face.
After the future daughter of Ilya left.
Immediately came the spirit.
She immediately tugged on Sakura’s sleeve and whispered to her little Master.
“Master, you have to trust me, I am your servant, I will definitely not betray you!”
Saying so.
I only got Sakura’s speechless eyes.
You have become “Qing Ji’s mother”?
Still say these nonsense, can I believe it?
Unable to refute, Qing Ji let out a cry of grief.
Then, she rekindled her fighting spirit.
“If the master doesn’t believe me!”
“I will prove myself with facts!”
“It turns out?”
Sakura was a little puzzled.
“Didn’t I say before, I will definitely assist you, master!”
Qing Ji said with a serious face.
My main god is Kaguya
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