Whether it is creating an ancient rock dragon lizard or a freezing tree, it shouldn’t be difficult.
——The original demon player is ecstatic.
And Fischel, who was next to him, witnessed the ice crystal butterfly causing the sky to blizzard.
Immediately shines!
Isn’t this move a good move with ice?
If Su Mo can team up with him.
Let him hang the ice.
Ozzy hung mine.
After triggering the superconducting reaction, wouldn’t he kill himself indiscriminately?
At that time, those adventurers will definitely not dare to say that they are Oz launchers!
Thinking of this future, Fischer immediately asked excitedly.
“Destined one, are you willing to sign an eternal contract with the condemned princess?”
She looked at Su Mo with an expectant look on her face.
No matter how deep Su Mo’s knowledge of the second disease is.
Hearing this, it is inevitable that you will be wrong.
Is this a marriage proposal?
Little Amy has taken a fancy to herself?
Don’t blame him for thinking too much.
Hearing this, even Ying couldn’t help but wonder.
Immediately looked at Fischer in surprise.
Good guy, poach me in person?
After Su Mo was silent for a while, he looked at Fischer.
“We’ve only met for the second time, isn’t it a little too early?”
“Also, don’t you need to consider the opinions of the Convicted Emperor and Convicted Queen?”
He was referring to Fischer’s parents.
“Huh? Why should we consider their opinions?”
Fischer was a little puzzled.
Ozzy on the side was also a little confused.
“What did it mean before, was it a marriage proposal or a solicitation of teammates?” It couldn’t help asking Fischer.
“Of course it’s to recruit teammates! How, how could it be a marriage proposal!”
Only then did Fischer realize that his words were ambiguous.
Involuntarily, her little face turned red.
Ying breathed a sigh of relief.
“Scare me.”
Paimon also showed a look of relief.
Just when the shy Fischel was about to write something.
above the sky.
Amber, who was using Wings of Wind, flew over quickly.
“The big thing is bad!”
After landing, Amber looked anxiously at Su Mo and others at the gate of the city.
Then immediately report to the two of them.
“Mr. Su Mo, traveler, the Celestial Qin of the Church of the West Wind has been stolen!”
“By the way, have you seen any suspicious people leaving the city?”
Probably because they saw them staying at the gate of the city.
Amber asked the two of them.
“Suspicious person?”
Ying thought for a moment, then shook her head.
“I did not see it.”
(beae) “What is the Qin of the Sky?” Paimon asked with a puzzled expression.
“Why are you so nervous, Amber?”
“It looks like the prisoner hasn’t left the city yet!”
Seeing that Su Mo and the others shook their heads, Amber heaved a sigh of relief.
Other directions have been searched, and her task is to prevent the prisoners from escaping from the city gate.
So, while monitoring the vicinity of the city gate, Amber explained to them.
“The harp of the sky is a sacred object of the Westwind Church, and it is very important!”
“According to legend, that is the violin used by Lord Barbatos.”
“However, the nun who is in charge of guarding the zither of the sky today discovered that the zither of the sky has been stolen!”
“Now Captain Qin is leading the Zephyr Knights to search the entire city.”
“I accepted the order to block the city gate.”
As a Mond flying champion, Amber’s flying speed is trustworthy.
“It’s actually a token of the gods!”
Ying is a little concerned about things involving gods.
She couldn’t help looking at Su Mo.
“Do you want to go over and help?”
Su Mo saw what Ying was thinking.
She didn’t know that her uncle had already been here.
He also planned to visit the Seven Gods to find the strange god who took his brother away.
Therefore, she will not sit idly by in matters related to the gods.
Ying nodded.
“Then let’s go together!”
Su Mo agreed with her idea.
“I’m also very interested in the thief who stole the zither from the sky.”
The original world line.
It should be that Ying was fooled by Wendy and ran to steal the zither from the sky.
But before that, the harp of the sky has been stolen by the foolish sorcerer Lei Ying.
So this time, the criminals who stole the zither from the sky are undoubtedly fools.
And the reason why fools would start with this thing.
Same thing with their sudden involvement in Twarin.
What they wanted was something related to Fengshen.
Whether it is the Fengshen family member Twalin.
Or the Fengshen musical instrument Sky Qin.
All of them contain the divine power of the wind god.
And according to the flow of Fengshen’s divine power.
It is possible to deduce the location of Fengshen.
The target of the fools is probably Wendy herself.
To be precise, it should be the heart of God held by Wendy.
Thinking this way, after a while, several people felt the West Wind Church.
In the church, Priest Barbara bowed her head in shame and confessed to the statue.
She is the nun in charge of guarding the harp of the sky.
Therefore, this incident is considered unfavorable for her care.
After seeing Su Mo and others coming.
Barbara immediately looked up, looking at them expectantly with watery eyes.
“Mr. Su Mo, and travelers, you can helpMe? ”
“If the harp of the sky can’t be found, Lord Barbatos will definitely not forgive me!”
As a devout nun, she felt very remorseful for her mistake.
“Don’t worry, Barbatos won’t blame believers for trivial matters.” Su Mo couldn’t help but said.
He didn’t want to comfort Barbara, but he simply felt that Wendy had this character.
Maybe, the theft of the zither from the sky was all a script prepared by Wendy herself.
My main god is Kaguya
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