After all, Wendy who can flatten the mountains and change the entire Mond landscape.
Even if because there has been no rule, the power is not as good as before.
It is also absolutely impossible to be directly solo killed by the foolish “lady”.
The power of the gods is not limited to that level.
According to the development of the later plot.
Both Wendy and Zhongli seemed to have acquiesced in the behavior of the Ice Queen.
And it seems that the water was released on purpose so that the ice queen could get the heart of God.
In this way, to fight against the law of heaven.
Therefore, even if Barbara was strict with the officials, she couldn’t stop Fengshen himself from going forward to see her off.
“Well, thank you Mr. Su Mo for your comfort!”
Barbara felt better.
At this time, she realized some strange problems.
“Speaking of which, the Qin of the Sky itself has no ability, why would anyone want to steal it?”
She was very puzzled.
Even if a sacred object of this level is stolen, there is probably no way to resell it, right?
Who would call attention to this thing? .
Chapter 252 God’s Heart Wendy’s Plan
The Church of the West Wind will definitely try its best to track down the whereabouts of the Qin of the Sky. It is almost impossible for the lyre of the sky to change hands.
In this case, the purpose of the thief is very strange.
Everyone has some doubts.
At this time, Su Mo spoke.
“Thinking about it from another perspective, if ordinary people want to steal the zither of the sky, they will inevitably face the responsibility of the West Wind Church and the West Wind Knights.”
“However, what if he has the confidence to face the hands of the West Wind Knights?”
If it is said that the person who steals the zither of the sky will surely die.
Of course no one would steal it.
However, if the person who stole the zither of the sky is confident that he will not be held accountable.
That’s different.
As for why he chose to steal instead of rob.
Of course, because more things are worse than less things.
On the Tivat continent, there are not many organizations that are qualified to face the wrath of the Zephyr Knights.
The only one who can do this is——
Everyone looked at each other and realized the answer at the same time.
Judging by the style of fools, it is not surprising to do this.
All bad things are done by fools — strange as it may sound, it’s the customary thought of the Monds.
“However, if it’s a group of fools, my sister—— Captain Qin will be very embarrassed!” Barbara said with some worry.
No matter how bad the relationship is.
Fools are also diplomatic envoys.
There is no way to search their station directly.
Otherwise, if a diplomatic dispute is caused.
It is very unfavorable for Mond now that the head of the regiment is going on an expedition.
No matter how high the symbolic meaning of the zither in the sky is.
There is no way to compare with Mond’s safety.
Just like dealing with the Wind Demon Dragon Tewarin before.
If you are faced with a situation where you have to choose between the two.
As the agent of the Knights of the West Wind (‘: this?? Book,. Organized by [Fl”i”p,,ped”,] “!” “”34317’? 747? 8) Captain, Qin can only choose the people of Mond.
So, even if it is guessed that it may be done by fools.
They also have no way to search by coercive means.
After all, they are not Liyue with full combat power.
If the national strength is weak, it is impossible to become stronger by itself.
Hear Barbara say that.
Ying also found it a little tricky.
If it is all the way to the past.
She wasn’t afraid.
After all, Su Mo was by his side.
But if these other factors are involved.
She’s not good at it.
“It’s obvious that those guys did it, but they can’t search it, how angry!”
Paimon folded his hands on his chest, puffed up his cheeks and said.
After everyone reached an agreement, they turned their eyes to Su Mo.
He obviously thought that Su Mo must have a solution.
Facing the eyes of everyone, Su Mo did not panic.
“The other party used the means of theft to steal the zither of the sky, and we can naturally repay the above-mentioned small means that are not on the table.”
He said using the principle of diplomatic reciprocity.
“And in Mond, the people who are best at not doing business and sneaking around…”
The words are not finished.
A turquoise figure appeared in front of everyone like a flowing wind.
“It’s right here!” Wendy patted her chest proudly and said proudly.
“Why are you so proud of singing!”
“Is it a good thing to be good at sneaking?!” Paimon couldn’t help complaining.
Wendy stuck out her tongue, acting cute.
“Hey, what do you mean!”
Paimon stomped in the void.
“With Wendy here, the Qin of the Sky should be fine.” Su Mo glanced at Wendy and said.
Now that I guessed Wendy’s plan.
Naturally, Su Mo would not fail to guess Wendy’s actions.
Presumably, after hearing that the zither from the sky was stolen, Wendy immediately realized that it was the work of fools.
Therefore, I came here on purpose.
The fools may think that their own strategy has worked.
However, in fact, everything is in Wendy’s expectation.
As the most hidden god, although Wendy likes to touch fish, her resourcefulness is definitely not bad.
“Ah, Mr. Su Mo really trusts me, which makes me a little bit smallLittle stress! ”
Wendy said with a relaxed smile.
He also noticed that Su Mo seemed to know him very well.
However, the two sides are in the same position, so he doesn’t have too many unnecessary worries.
Not to mention, he already owed a favor to Su Mo who helped rescue Twalin.
So there is no need to hide anything.
“This bard, is there any good way?” Barbara asked Wendy.
Obviously a devout nun, there is a statue of Fengshen on Fengshen Square.
But face to face, she didn’t find that Wendy and Fengshen looked exactly the same.
Probably because Wendy looks so unreliable!
Question for Barbara.
Wendy blinked.
“It’s easy!” he said.
“Since the fools stole the zither from the sky, let’s just steal it back, isn’t that all right?”
Everyone was silent.
Although it is my own thing, it feels wrong to steal it back.
My main god is Kaguya
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