In the underground city.
The adventurers of the Loki family don’t know what stupid things their Lord God is doing.
At this point, their expedition was over, and they wereOn the way back.
The sharp sword swung down.
The gust of wind attached to it is like a hammer, attacking the monsters in the front direction.
in this fierce storm.
Dozens of monsters were wiped out with one blow.
Wind King Hammer.
Aisi, who easily wiped out a bunch of monsters in front of her, stood there with a calm face.
He didn’t notice the stunned look in his companion’s eyes.
“Although it is said that Ais has been receiving the guidance of that strong man recently.”
“But it’s too foul to be so strong in such a short period of time!” Tiona murmured softly.
Kill dozens of LV4 monsters with one blow.
Although as a LV5, she is not completely unable to do this.
However, Aisi’s attitude is too understated, it is completely trying to restrain herself.
Not to mention.
During the previous expedition.
With the same blow, Aiz easily strangled dozens of LV5s.
This point, let alone them.
Even Finn, the leader of the Loki family, may not be able to do this.
And Aisi didn’t even engage in melee combat, which she was best at.
Ace is only a few days away from upgrading to LV6?
In such a short period of time, her combat power has actually reached the level of the Big Three.
It may even surpass the Big Three.
This speed of becoming stronger is really terrifying! Four.
Chapter 303 Miss Ace Has Me in Her Heart
Hear Teona’s words. The werewolf Burt on the side also whispered.
“When we were on the 50th floor of the dungeon before, did you notice that Aisi’s movements to deal with those monsters were a bit too proficient?”
It’s as if the same thing has been done more than a dozen times.
Whether it is searching for the location of those monsters.
Still attracts hate.
Or finally converge to a wave of solutions.
That posture was too neat.
“You mean, Aisi has already hunted down such monsters many times before?”
Teona caught Bert’s meaning.
Then, she immediately remembered something.
“Speaking of which, even after we explored to the 59th floor, Ai Si still looks very familiar!”
“Whether it’s the monster’s habits or attack methods, it’s like fighting with it many times.”
Think about it.
The two looked at each other.
Can’t help but guess.
“That Mr. Su Mo and Ai Si have already reached the 60th floor?”
“Very likely.” Bert replied with some frustration.
Although he knew that Su Mo was a strong man that he could never defeat.
But before, Bert, who is also LV5 with Ais, at least won’t feel ashamed in front of Ais.
However, after Ai Si followed that Mr. Su Mo and trained “047” together.
Burt discovered that not only could he not see Su Mo’s back, but the distance between him and Aisi had also become unattainable.
If it is simply to be promoted to LV6.
He felt that as long as he worked hard, it was not impossible.
However, Ai Si’s current progress speed is not only at the level of LV6.
In such a short period of time, she has reached or even surpassed the level of the Big Three.
If this continues, she is very likely to be promoted to LV7.
Become the second adventurer to reach this level on Ola Li’s face.
Ai Si, who has become so powerful, has made it difficult for him to catch up.
the other side……
Hear peers discuss.
Seeing Ais in front of her easily beheading monsters one after another.
Finn, the leader of the Loki family, couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.
“I didn’t expect that in just a few days, Ais, as a junior, completely surpassed us.”
“If possible, I really want to be a supporter for Mr. Su Mo!” He said enviously while praising him.
Compared to the judgments of Tiona and Bert.
Finn has a more accurate perception of Ace’s strength.
This girl’s fighting power has completely surpassed several of her old LV6s.
Become the strongest in the Loki family.
Whether it is the miraculous dodging technique, or the dexterous posture like a butterfly, or the storm like a sharp blade.
The combat skills displayed by Aisi almost brought her unique magic to the extreme.
Attack, maneuver, defend…
She was completely different from her before.
“Mr. Su Mo’s knowledge of wind magic is so profound that it’s simply amazing.”
Riveria on the side also said with a sigh.
“I thought Aisi had already used her magic well.”
“However, judging by Aisi’s current strength, I’m afraid that even if she doesn’t upgrade, she can easily defeat her original self!”
Even Riveria, who is a magician, did not expect that Aisi’s magic could exert so many effects.
If it is said that the previous “Wind Spirit Sprint” can increase Aisi in all aspects.
The current “Wind Spirit Sprint” can be said to provide Aisi with the strength to fight at a higher level, and fully utilize the characteristics of this magic.
Witnessing the active performance of Aisi in this expedition.
Riveria simply refreshed her understanding of wind magic.
in her heart.
He is even more grateful to Su Mo, who taught Ais such a powerful magic, and highly respects him.
Seeing Riveria’s unsparing attitude of praise.
Finn smiled.
“In the beginning, Aisi wanted to be a supporter, and we were a little worried.”
“Looking at it now, it’s a good thing we didn’t stop it, otherwise we would regret it to death.”
Thinking of the first time they met Su Mo, the two couldn’t help but feel very lucky.
Fortunately, Ai Si agreed.
Otherwise, she would never be able to make such progress.
in rockyMost of the companions of the family.
It was a time when I felt full of joy and admiration for Aisi’s brilliant performance in the expedition this time.
The position in the middle of the team.
As an adventurer of the second echelon, Refia, a LV3-level elf magician, looked at Aisi with envious eyes.
“Woo… Ais is getting stronger and stronger!”
See her active back.
Refia was very happy for Ais.
She yearns for Ais very much, knowing that Ais’s wish is to become stronger.
Therefore, after seeing Ai Si achieve her goal, she was naturally very happy for her.
However, apart from being happy, she also felt very disappointed.
My main god is Kaguya
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