“The distance between me and Ais… has become much further away.”
When Ais was LV5, she was LV3.
When Ais was LV6, she was still LV3.
Doubling the level means more than just doubling the difference in combat effectiveness.
“If you keep drifting away from Ais like this…”
Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but tighten her heart.
Seems to have seen it.
Ai Si was embraced by Su Mo, looking like a small bird.
As for himself, he could only squat in the corner helplessly, watching them.
As a complete loser.
“I don’t want to do this!” Lily Elf, who wanted to stick with Aisi, shouted in her heart.
If I can also have such a fast speed of becoming stronger.
Is it true that Aisi will also give her attention?
She is not greedy, as long as Ace can touch her head as a reward.
“It’s impossible to have the speed of becoming stronger like Aisi!”
(“;This” book is organized by 【F?!l!;i”ppe’d;】, (More, how new?! Shulian’link 1″?3″!43.1.,7!7.47! 8;?) she thought dejectedly.
In just over a week.
Not only has he upgraded from LV5 to LV6, he has also trained his strength to a level comparable to the Big Three.
Such a speed of becoming stronger, even in the entire Orario, is the only one at the BUG level.
It is simply impossible to become stronger at the same speed as Aisi.
Just when she was lost.
Suddenly, she heard Tiona’s envious voice beside her.
—— “I really want to be Mr. Su Mo’s supporter!”
Immediately, Refiya’s eyes lit up, as if she had thought of something.
If Mr. Su Mo is willing to teach himself.
You must be able to become stronger quickly!
The main reason for Ais to become stronger is the improvement of wind magic.
In other words, Su Mo must be very familiar with magic!
If you can get Su Mo’s guidance.
Not only can it impress Ai Si, but it can also take the opportunity to be with Ai Si and receive the irrigation of Teacher Su Mo.
In this case, wouldn’t it be possible to take the opportunity to stick with Aisi? !
It’s killing two birds with one stone!
The only problem is that Mr. Su Mo may not accept himself.
However, in order to stick with Aisi…
Even if the success rate is low.
You have to try it yourself!
The elf girl made up her mind.

Under the active performance of Aisi.
Tiona, Bert, and Tione were stimulated.
In any case, even if you can’t catch up with her back, you can’t be thrown too far by Aisi.
With this mentality.
Their enthusiasm for cleaning up monsters is getting higher and higher.
Therefore, the expedition team advances very fast.
After most of the day.
He walked out of the dungeon smoothly.
After announcing the results of the expedition and publicizing the reputation of the Loki family.
The tired adventurers returned to the Loki Familia.
Then, I saw it.
A warm welcome ceremony in the base camp of the Loki Familia.
Not only has a variety of food.
Even the peerless wines that were unheard of before but heard from other adventurers on the road filled the hall.
Just the smell.
They were certain that this was definitely a rare wine no less than that of the Dionysian family.
And there is a whole box of wine like this.
“What stimulated Loki?” Tiona asked a little stunned.
Usually, even if it is to comfort them, it is not necessary to put on such a posture!
How much does it cost!
“Did something good happen?”
Finn was also a little weird.
According to his usual style, Rocky shouldn’t be the type to spend extravagantly.
Expeditions are also a common occurrence in the Loki family.
Not worth the celebration, is it?
Just when everyone was very puzzled.
A familiar red-haired figure rushed out from the family hall.
“Ace-chan, you’re back!”
Loki made a familiar swoop.
Then Ais kicked her back.
“It hurts…Aisan is still guarding against excess heart as always!”
While Loki got up skillfully, he looked at the crowd who had already seen him.
“Come on, in order to celebrate your return from the expedition, and to celebrate the dividends you got today, everyone will not return today if they are not drunk!”
Riveria was a little puzzled.
“It’s something I discussed with Su Mo in the past few days!”
Loki sat back at the main seat of the wine table, and then 0.4 beamed and began to talk about the wine.
I heard that the family has a new source of income.
As the head of the group, Finn was very pleasantly surprised.
if it is like this.
Then the financial pressure on their expedition team will be much more relaxed.
I heard that Su Mo took the lead in this matter.
He couldn’t help sighing.
“I really owe Mr. Su Mo another favor!”
Loki nodded too.
Business belongs to business, favor belongs to favor.
Su Mo can be the firstTime, thinking of the Loki family, she naturally has to appreciate it.
“Speaking of which, how much is the dividend this time?” Riveria asked curiously.
“Well, there are a lot anyway!”
Thinking that I didn’t pay dividends, but owed 50 million in debt.
Loki couldn’t help changing the subject with a guilty conscience.
“Okay, let’s not mention this for now, let’s toast the safe return of the expedition team!”
The adventurers cheered and booed.
It’s not good for Riveria to continue asking.
Loki, who escaped unharmed in this way, after the banquet started.
She took a sip of wine happily, and then looked at Aisi.
“Aisi-chan, remember to go to my place later!”
My main god is Kaguya
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