After hesitating for a while.
She tried to use euphemistic terms and said.
“Su Mo, even if you haven’t found any gifts yet, don’t be discouraged.”
“Even ordinary people, if they can obtain powerful gifts through the gift game, they can have a place in Little Garden.”
“Even if you don’t have the right gift, becoming a support staff is still a very important job.”
“Even the woman Canary said that logistics is a very important position, and it must not be underestimated.”
It can be seen that she is not used to such euphemistic expressions.
However, even though he was clumsy, he still comforted Su Mo earnestly, preventing any words from hurting him.
Hear her say that.
Su Mo showed a somewhat funny expression.
“Senior Leticia, you don’t have to comfort me like that.”
“Make the best use of things and make the best use of people. If you really don’t have the talent to fight, I’m happy to be a support staff.”
“I regret my life, so I don’t need to quote Canary’s words to endorse!”
Although it’s only been a day since I traveled to Hakoniwa World.
But Su Mo has figured out the basic situation of the world.
Naturally, Leticia’s words were just pure comfort.
For the average small business community, perhaps logistics are indeed very important.
After all, that is the community’s basic source of income.
However, this is not the case for “Arcadia”.
As a community that fights against the Demon Lord.
The main source of income for “Arcadia” is not the output of resident food, or the output of weapons.
It is a reward for defeating the Demon Lord or accepting a commission.
The logistics part, although it is responsible for providing resources such as food and water to the entire community.
However, these things are highly replaceable.
It is not difficult to buy if you spend money.
It can be said that it is indeed a department that has not been taken seriously.
The only feature is safety.
Generally speaking, no one will shoot them.
In contrast, the combatants of “Arcadia”, even if they are not the main force, are in a very dangerous situation.
May face the devil at any time.
Leticia’s persuasion is unnecessary.
Su Mo himself is not the type who lacks ability and still has a hard head.His idea is simple.
If you have the ability, you will naturally become a main member and experience the characteristics of Hakoniwa World.
If you are not capable enough, it is not bad to become a support staff.
Anyway, in “Arcadia”, it is certain that there is no need to worry about food and drink.
In the logistics department, you can also tease those cute fox-eared girls.
Isn’t it beautiful?
Not to mention–
“According to Canary, although nothing is displayed on my gift card.”
“However, that might just mean that the Hakoniwa Center is still observing my spirit.”
“After it finishes observing, maybe there will be surprises!” Su Mo said with a very optimistic attitude.
gift card…
It is a very popular prop in Little Garden.
It itself is made by Laplace Demon, and it is the corner of omniscience and omnipotence.
Not only can identify the ability and gift name of an individual, but also display and arrange them like the system attribute interface.
You can also store gifts, items, and the like.
This is also one of the reasons why Su Mo said that the logistics part is not important.
The main members with a gift card can carry enough food for several years or even decades with them.
In this situation, logistical supplements are almost completely unnecessary.
Everyone can take a granary with them.
Yesterday, I was summoned into this world.
After becoming a backup member of “Arcadia”.
Canary, the strategist and staff officer of “Arcadia”, gave Su Mo a gift card.
In order to identify his strength.
Of course.
As an ordinary person, he traveled to the Hakoniwa world without any gift at all.
Completely normal.
There is no indication on the gift card…
At that time, Canary, who saw this scene, immediately had doubts about her life.
Ordinary people without any achievements are unlikely to be summoned to Hakoniwa World.
Those who can be summoned here, no matter whether it is good or bad, should have some inheritance or merit.
After such a person is summoned, his spiritual status will manifest the corresponding gifts.
This is the basic rule of Hakoniwa World.
For example, if you summon Souji Okita.
Even if Okita Souji was just an ordinary person in history.
After being summoned to Hakoniwa, the Hakoniwa Center will still observe its spiritual status and bestow corresponding gifts.
Greatly increased her strength.
This point is similar to heroic transformation, but stronger than this.
Just like summoning from servants, it is basically impossible to summon ordinary people.
The summoning in Hakoniwa World is also unlikely to summon someone who has no merit at all.
The puzzling canary.
Summarize this phenomenon as the special situation of Su Mo, and the Hakoniwa Center needs to observe a little longer.
At first, Leticia was skeptical.
But after seeing it for a day, when Su Mo’s gift card still didn’t respond.
She basically nailed the situation.
To know.
Even if it is to summon the innate gods and Buddhas to the world of Little Garden.
There is absolutely no need to observe Lingge for such a long time.
Therefore, the newcomer Su Mo should really have no gifts, and really just a very pure ordinary person.
That’s why Leticia went out for a walk with Su Mo.
And, try to comfort him.
“It would be great if you could think about it.”
Leticia breathed a sigh of relief and was very happy for Su Mo’s rational judgment.
Because of her own past, Leticia attaches great importance to her companion, and doesn’t want to see her companion’s life in crisis.
Therefore, she did not suggest that Su Mo risk his life to participate in the 0.4 strategy of the main members.
That’s too dangerous.
Not to mention–
“I am the one who summoned you, so rest assured, no matter what position you choose, I will be responsible for you.”
Leticia said with some guilt.
The reason why she was so concerned about Su Mo.
The status of a companion is one of them.
However, that’s not the reason why she did this.
The most important thing is that it was she herself who gave the invitation letter and summoned the new members.
Yesterday, Canary complained that she had been unlucky recently.
Leave the job of recruiting new members to Leticia.
And Leticia, who worked hard without complaint, was the result of using the invitation letter to summon.
It was the arrival of Su Mo, an out-and-out ordinary person.
Summon people who have no ability to protect themselves to the Hakoniwa world full of Shura gods and Buddhas.
My main god is Kaguya
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