Because of this incident, Leticia has always felt guilty towards Su Mo.
Therefore, extra care will be taken of him.
Chapter 349 Bug in Zoroastrianism’s Secret Spirit Observation
It would be better if Su Mo was willing to stay in the logistics post. If he doesn’t want to, Leticia is also ready to help him obtain some combat gifts.
With “Arcadia”‘s current connections and financial resources.
As a main member.
Leticia felt that if she wanted to exchange for a godhead, it shouldn’t be difficult.
In Hakoniwa, the godhood is not the natural gods and Buddhas themselves.
Rather, it belongs to the nature recognized as God.
Godhead itself is a high-quality gift that can make life stronger until it reaches the highest level of the species.
If given the snake godhead, it will become a huge snake god.
If you bestow ghosts and gods, they will turn into ghosts and gods that can shake the world.
Moreover, having a godhead will strengthen other gifts as well.
It can be said that it is a very rare gift.
In the middle and lower levels of Little Garden, it is also a very sought-after and cherished resource.
Leticia herself is the holder of the godhead.
she is now oftenThe standard strength is at the four-digit level.
But once you lose your godhead, you will only be at the five-digit level.
This shows the importance of the godhead.
The power of the godhead is related to the limit of the species itself.
Leticia is only able to make the godhead play such a big role.
The main reason is that she is a pure vampire herself.
As a royal family of vampires, her potential is much greater than that of ordinary races.
Humans like Su Mo.
Even if it is to obtain the godhead.
At best, it is only at the level of a child of God.
Even if the spiritual level can reach five digits, the actual combat power may only be six digits.
Can’t play much role.
This is also the reason why Leticia hopes that Su Mo will do what he can.
Sometimes, the lack of qualifications cannot be made up for even with 14 more resources.
Su Mo is not that kind of dead-headed.
As for what he said.
After Hakoniwa finished the observation, there can be some surprises.
Leticia only thought that this was Su Mo’s dissatisfaction.
After all, time has passed so long.
It is impossible that the Hakoniwa Center has not been observed.
However, no matter how clumsy she is, she will not pierce other people’s hopes.
So that was not raised.
Thoughts on Leticia.
Su Mo naturally noticed it.
However, he didn’t care.
Because, even he himself is not sure whether he really has a golden finger.
Waiting for Hakoniwa to observe the spirit grid is actually just an excuse.
What he was really waiting for was the golden finger that he might not come.
And now, compared to Goldfinger.
What Leticia said about being responsible made him even more concerned.
“To be honest, Senior Leticia is now in charge.”
“I already have a position I want to take.”
He said with a straight face.
“Huh? What is it?” Leticia asked seriously.
“stay-home husband!”
Su Mo answered quickly.
“That’s the kind of perfect job that is responsible for posting with girls without going out to work.”
“The doctor said that I have a bad stomach since I was a child, and I am suitable for eating soft rice.”
With that said, Su Mo looked at Leticia, hinting clearly.
It’s a pity that with Leticia’s rigid and upright character, she didn’t understand Su Mo’s words at all.
“Is there such a profession…”
She nodded ignorantly with an expression of having learned something new.
Then, he looked at Su Mo with concern.
“Hakoniwa doesn’t seem to have the kind of occupation you mentioned. However, the stomach problem can be resolved here.”
“There is a medical community nearby. If it is a stomach problem, I can accompany you to cure it!”
“Although, only being able to eat soft rice doesn’t seem like a big disadvantage.”
“But I heard that the human body is very fragile, it’s better to stay healthy!”
Obviously a joke.
But she was treated so seriously by Leticia.
The worried eyes were really worried about Su Mo’s body.
Su Mo couldn’t help covering his face.
“That’s okay, I’m just joking.”
After hearing this, Leticia was taken aback.
In turn, he apologized to Su Mo.
“I’ve never had any sense of entertainment, so I don’t understand jokes very well. I’m really sorry.”
Judging by her expression, she was really sorry for not understanding the joke.
Seeing her like this, Su Mo was speechless.
“This is not something you should apologize for. If you have to say it, you should blame me for saying things you don’t understand.”
“However, Senior Leticia, who is serious enough to this level, is rather cutely dull.”
Having said that, he couldn’t help boasting.
Of course, the main reason is that the face is good-looking, so it is cute.
Su Mo confessed that he was greedy for his body.
He is honest and worthy of praise.
And the other side.
Probably the first time he was praised.
Leticia couldn’t help being stunned.
“Cute or something, can it be used on me?”
Not the slightest blush nor the slightest shyness.
On the contrary, Leticia’s expression was purely confused.
“Canary has always said that a rigid type like me will definitely scare off many people…”
“That’s not wrong at all.”
Su Mo nodded.
“After all, Senior Leticia is too serious. If someone who knows your identity as a vampire is stared at by you, they may be worried about being attacked by Senior Leticia!”
Of course, this is also a joke.
However, Leticia still didn’t see it.
She looked at Su Mo nervously.
“Su Mo, are you also afraid of me?”
“That’s not going to happen.”
My main god is Kaguya
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