Di Shitian, the ancient king of gods, the god of war, and the god of victory, even in the three-digit number, is still a leader with astonishing combat power.
If Di Shitian made a move.
Directly on the spot, it was possible to suppress the Gold-winged Roc and Asura clans.
Even if the two sides join forces, they are definitely not Di Shitian’s opponent.
Therefore, the best way to solve the problem should be Di Shitian himself.
Faced with the doubts of Kasukabe Takaaki.
Di Shitian scratched his head in embarrassment, not knowing where to start.
Canary on the side crossed her arms and snorted softly.
“This useless god probably won’t be able to get out of Mount Sumeru… No, it probably won’t even be able to get out of the entire palace!”
She is witty and has already seen through everything.
Hit by a canary.
Di Shitian had no room for defense.
He had no choice but to get up from the ground with a wry smile, then reached out and handed a piece of paper to Kasukabe Takaaki.
To be precise, thatIt is the contract paper of the gift game.
“Are you trapped in the gift game?”
Kasukabe Takaaki immediately understood the situation of Di Shitian.
The gift game is a mechanism unique to Hakoniwa World.
In Hakoniwa World, strength alone is not enough.
You must have enough wisdom to be able to mix it up.
Once you agree to participate in the gift game, you must abide by the rules and punishments.
The winner gets to loot.
The loser will pay tribute.
It can be said that it is still the rule of the jungle.
However, in Hakoniwa World, wisdom and strength are equally important.
Once involved in the game.
Even a three-digit god king must abide by the rules.
Otherwise, it will usher in the constraints and punishment of the rules.
After taking a rough look at the content of the gift game.
Kasukabe Takaaki was a little puzzled.
“There seems to be nothing wrong. Isn’t this a little game you would like to play when you were looking for wine and having fun?”
Gift games, although there are extreme types where life is bet.
But more, it is some small games for entertainment.
On paper.
The gift game that Di Shitian participated in seems to be a sideshow of the banquet of the gods.
no difference.
But soon, he discovered something was wrong.
“The names of the signers include Di Shitian, Jialouluo, the patriarch of the Golden-winged Roc clan, and others—Princess Yueyi?”
Princess Yueyi may not be familiar to ordinary people.
However, Kasukabe Takaaki had heard about it.
Not because he is interested in this woman, but because this woman is one of Di Shitian’s wives.
At the same time, she is the daughter of King Ashura.
In the myth, Di Shitian, an old pervert, took a fancy to the daughter of King Ashura, who was a colleague.
Then, it took a lot of effort to give the dowry.
After being a licking dog for a while, King Asura agreed.
Married Princess Yueyi to herself.
It is not unusual for Princess Yueyi to appear in Di Shitian’s palace, after all, she is the hostess here.
However, if she participates in the game.
It has to make people wonder.
Takaaki Kasukabe sensed something was wrong.
Immediately handed the game contract paper to Canary.
I want this resourceful strategist to analyze the essence of this gift game.
“This kind of thing doesn’t need to be seen at all.”
Canary did not take over the game contract.
Instead, he said it in a tone that he had expected a long time ago.
“As the daughter of King Asura, Princess Yueyi must have chosen to help her father by trapping Di Shitian and you in the palace, so that you can’t go to war!”
No need to know the content of the game, just from the purpose, Canary is enough to judge the effect of this gift game.
And for her judgment.
“Everything is right.” Di Shitian hammered his head and said dejectedly.
Then, began to explain the development of things.
The story is simple.
Last night, Di Shitian invited Garuda to drink with him.
When they were full with wine and food, the two of them started an entertainment-type gift game according to their previous habits and the existing contract.
Originally, this was just a game of skill competition like throwing pots.
However, Di Shitian, who was quite drunk, didn’t notice at all.
The content of the gift game was secretly rewritten by his wife, Princess Yueyi, the daughter of King Ashura.
Out of trust in Di Shitian, Garuda did not check in detail.
Thus, the two were trapped by this gift game.
“The conditions for unlocking the gift game are actually very simple.”
Di Shitian patted his head with a headache.
“It only takes anyone to kill Princess Yueyi, and the game will end.”
“But, how could I agree to such a thing?” I had to say.
Princess Yueyi is indeed ruthless.
According to Hakoniwa’s rules, it is not allowed to construct gift games that cannot be cracked.
So, she tied the condition of cracking with her own life and launched a suicide attack.
Unless Di Shitian could sit back and watch his wife be killed.
Otherwise, within three days, both Di Shitian and Garuda would be trapped in the palace.
And while Di Shitian and Jialuluo were trapped.
King Asura led the Asura clan to declare war on the Golden-winged Roc clan.
The situation has become what it is now.
After listening to Di Shitian’s narration.
Even Leticia began to find it difficult.
Su Mo asked rather curiously.
“Let the Golden-winged Dapeng clan who lost their leader face the Asura clan led by King Ashura.”
“This situation is overwhelmingly unfavorable to the Golden-winged Roc family.”
“Faced with such a dangerous situation, that Garuda didn’t even try to attack Princess Yueyi?”
In the face of the crisis of the ethnic group.
Even good brothers have to give way.
Even Di Shitian was also the one who was cheated.
However, Princess Yueyi was the culprit.
In addition, she is also a necessary condition for unlocking the gift game.
As the leader of the golden-winged roc, Garuda must also be a hot-tempered type.
No matter how he thought about it, he couldn’t let her offend the troublemaker.
Even at the risk of breaking with Di Shitian, he must kill this woman, right?
Hear Su Mo’s question.
Di Shitian nodded.
“Garuda really has this plan.”
Then, with a very understatement attitude.
“So, I suppressed him.”.
My main god is Kaguya
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