Chapter 357: Peng Demon King Little Jialing Sun Wheel Golden Wing Flame
Damn, he pretended to be there!
Su Mo’s eyesOne pump. Even Takaaki Kasukabe looked a little speechless.
The best way to pretend is to listen to thunder in a silent place.
Although Garuda is not one of the twelve heavenly protectors.
However, as the strongest and the original Golden-winged Roc, he and Di Shitian are in the same category.
It is also the main god of the three-digit level.
Moreover, the combat power is in the three digits.
Also belongs to quite good type.
The existence of such a level of almighty domain was actually suppressed directly by Di Shitian in less than one night.
This record.
It is worthy of being the head of the twelve heavenly protectors.
It is worthy of being called the god of war and the god of victory.
Just when everyone finally changed their minds about this useless god.
Di Shitian suddenly remembered the situation he was facing, and his face suddenly became humble.
“So I beg you, there is no choice between a brother and a woman. If you don’t help me, it will be over!”
In an instant, all the momentum accumulated before collapsed.
This impatient gesture.
This is the real situation of Di Shitian at present.
Or, let your brother kill your wife.
Only in this way can Garuda get out.
Only when the two sides are evenly matched can the war be calmed down.
Or, leave Garuda here for his wife.
In this case.
The Golden-winged Roc clan has no leader, and it is very likely that they will be completely wiped out.
Three days later, he would have a life-and-death enmity with his brother Garuda.
Neither side is easy to choose.
He had to turn to Canary for help.
And after listening to Di Shitian’s narration.
Canary’s expression began to hesitate.
Originally, she did not intend to participate in the internal struggle of Buddhism.
That’s too dangerous.
But now, King Ashura’s actions are definitely not in the interests of any party.
Even if he wins, he will wipe out all the Golden Winged Rocs.
After that, he will also face the furious Garuda.
It is also possible to be punished by the Buddha.
It’s a lose-lose situation.
Therefore, Canary concluded that this incident was not a conflict of interests within Buddhism.
Instead, it should simply be King Asura walking alone.
If this is the case, participating in it yourself will not only make Di Shitian personally grateful.
You can also sell favors to Buddhism.
It can be said to be a profitable business.
There is no reason to refuse.
Moreover, look at Di Shitian’s anxious look.
This is the best time to rip off, and it should not be missed.
So, Canary and Su Mo looked at each other.
Pretending to be embarrassing, he opened the mouth and said.
“Di Shitian, even if you say that, this matter is too dangerous.”
“After all, we haven’t gathered all the main forces on our side, and the strongest is only in the four digits.”
Selling badly is an important part of bargaining.
Moreover, Canary’s words were not lies.
Among the main members of “Arcadia”, there is also the God of Death, Croa Baron, and the Ritian Lion.
These two men have other tasks.
Left a few days ago.
Canary himself is not a combatant.
Now that Su Mo’s strength has not been exposed.
On their side, the only ones who seem to be able to exert their combat power are Takaaki Kasukabe and Leticia.
Let two or four digits stop the war of the god army.
This level of danger cannot be justified without a generous reward.
“I understand this!” I heard Canary say so.
Di Shitian immediately beamed with joy.
It’s not that he doesn’t know that Canary is really ripping him off.
It’s just that Canary is willing to rip him off.
It means that you can consider agreeing to this matter.
For him, that was enough to be happy.
In order to get rid of the predicament in front of him, no matter how much he paid, he would not hesitate.
“Remuneration or something, you feel free to mention it, as long as you can solve this matter!”
Di Shitian waved his hand, with the air of a local tyrant.
As a three-digit main god, he is indeed a local tyrant.
In the light palace, there are countless treasures.
compared with his treasury.
The treasure house of “Arcadia” is not even a garbage dump.
Canary is also very clear about this.
However, after hearing about Di Shi, she didn’t set her sights on Di Shitian’s treasure house.
Instead, he cast his gaze on Su Mo who was at the side.
“Di Shitian, you should know about my Su Mo’s affairs, right?”
Canary showed a very cunning, mother-fox-like smile.
“more or less……”
Di Shitian gave Su Mo a complicated look.
“He and I… and Zoroastrianism have a considerable relationship, and the inside story is a little complicated.” He said this in a vague way.
Even in this crisis situation.
He didn’t seem to intend to directly reveal the information he had.
From the looks of it, this information should be as important to him as his wife and brother.
It should be related to the secrets of Zoroastrianism!
Canary, who judged this, did not ask.
But a different way of saying it.
“I won’t ask for details.”
He blinked at Su Mo.
Canary said with a smile.
“My request is also very simple.”
“Di Shitian, you have to give him what you think can bring Su Mo the greatest benefit.”
“how do you feel?”
Canary knows very well that the best thing is not necessarily the most suitable, this truth.
Therefore, she didn’t ask for a salary that was too high.
Instead, I hope that Di Shitian can give Su Mo the best thing for Su Mo.
In this case.
It doesn’t matter even if Di Shitian doesn’t want to reveal those secrets.
As long as the result is good for Su Mo, that’s fine.
My main god is Kaguya
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