Hear this request from Canary.
Di Shitian was silent for a while.
However, he didn’t hesitate for long.
After looking at Su Mo again, he gritted his teeth and nodded.
“No problem, if he has this qualification, I promise you!”
The two agreed only verbally.
And did not use the gift game as a constraint.
But, no one cares about this.
Not to mention what Di Shitian thinks is the best, this point is too vague to be bound by the game contract.
Simply based on the friendship between them, there is no need for this.
“Okay, the transaction is established!”
Canary nodded happily.
Then, he greeted Su Mo, Leticia and others.
“Let’s go, let’s go! Let’s see the battle of the army of gods!”
Look at the way she is in high spirits.
Don’t worry about not being able to solve the problem at all.
On the contrary, it was like going on an outing, with a well-thought-out plan.
People can’t help but feel very relieved.
After Di Shitian stuffed all the existing information to them.
After waving goodbye to the few of them, the expression on his face finally relaxed.
Although he doesn’t know, only two four-digit numbers.
How to stop this fight.
However, since Canary agreed, it meant that she must have a way.
Di Shitian has full trust in the wisdom of the canary.
…seeking flowers 0…
Or rather.
Anyone who has experienced the battle with the “dystopian” demon king.
Everyone will be deeply impressed by the wisdom of this young girl.
Even if you are not good at fighting.
Canary is also the kind of strong player who will give people the impression of being “steady” once he makes a shot.

the other side……
Su Mo and his party are rushing to the hell road.
“Senior Canary…”
On the way, Su Mo suddenly spoke.
In this operation, all members participated, and the mission was quite dangerous.
But the reward that Canary talked about was only for Su Mo.
In any case, thanks are due,
When I was about to say something.
“Don’t thank me!”
Canary shook her head.
“You are our partner, and Di Shitian happens to have a relationship with you, so it is most appropriate to bring all the rewards to you.”
“On the contrary, if this commission is related to vampires, the reward will be on Leticia’s side.” She said very sincerely.
For her, the main consideration is for the team.
And there is no doubt that Su Mo is one of her important companions, that’s why she specially helped him.
After understanding Canary’s words, Su Mo nodded.
“I understand, we are all members of the community, and words of thanks are too much, so there is no need to say more.”
I heard…
Both Leticia and Kasukabe Takaaki had faint smiles on their faces.
Obviously, he is very proud of his community “Arcadia”.
Then, Su Mo added something.
“However, I still want to compliment you. Senior Canary’s beauty shines as brightly as your wisdom.”
This sentence is true.
Canary’s cute wink before really made Su Mo’s affection for her a lot.
Never found out before.
In fact, Canary’s appearance is not inferior to Leticia’s.
It’s just because she is too dazzlingly intelligent.
Also has an overly explicit personality.
Often people don’t notice her beauty.
I heard Su Mo say that.
The corners of Canary’s mouth couldn’t help but rise.
“Finally someone noticed my one-in-a-million beauty. It seems that you have a good aesthetic!”
After smiling generously, she showed a narrow expression.
“However, when provoking wild flowers outside, you should pay attention to the flowers in your own home, and beware of Leticia’s jealousy!”
hear this.
Leticia was confused.
“Canary, why am I mentioned here?”
She looked at Su Mo in a daze.
She was not familiar with the relationship between men and women, so she never thought about it in that direction.
Just when Canary was about to make a joke and tease the rigid Leticia.
“and many more!”
Su Mo and Kasukabe Takaaki spoke successively.
After the two looked at each other, they slowed down.
“There are many auras of gods ahead…we have already arrived at the scene!” Su Mo said after closing his eyes and feeling it.
Leticia hugged Canary, and Su Mo and Kasukabe Takaaki jumped.
Jumped over the extremely cold Huangquan.
Arrived at the top of a high mountain in Hell Road.
below the top of the mountain.
At the bottom of the endless abyss.
The Dapeng Garuda family and the Asura family are fighting bloody battles.
The earth cracked and shook, and the sky was covered with golden flames.
A scene like the collapse of heaven and earth, (,;this!.book! by;【F’lipped;】”! Organized. (more, more’new book’ contact? 134″‘317″!7.47:’8) appeared in the crowd In front of. Four.
Chapter 358 It’s better to send you to the west
Both the sky and the earth were shaken by the aftermath of the battle. If this is not the heaven, but the lower realm.
I am afraid that the entire planet has already collapsed.
Fortunately, this is a heaven that can withstand the three-digit almighty domain spirit, and its space itself is strong enough.
Moreover, this area, even the earth and sky, are within the sovereignty of Buddhism.
So, let alone a four-digit god.
Even a three-digit number of gods and Buddhas cannot destroy this site with territorial sovereignty.
However, Rao is so.
The battle situation in front of him is also spectacular enough.
The Ashura family is a famous fighting race, and its physical fitness is several times stronger than that of ordinary gods.
In addition, they have more and moreStrong bloodthirsty characteristics.
Fighting in the form of legions can bring their combat effectiveness to the limit.
And the Garuda Roc side.
My main god is Kaguya
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