Although in terms of physique, it is not as good as that of the Asura clan.
However, in terms of gifts, they are far stronger than the Asura clan.
Solar Gold Wing Flame – This is a rare and extraordinary gift that is enough for gods and dragons.
The restraint is greater than the sky, and the special attack is the god of the sun.
This point can also work in Hakoniwa World.
Even though the firepower of the great roc garudas was far inferior to the patriarch’s Garuda.
However, “080” is more than enough to deal with the Asura clan.
As natural gods and Buddhas, the Asura family is within the restraint range of this “solar chakra”.
Where the golden flames burned, the Asura clan all wailed in pain.
As far as local combat is concerned.
Possessing terrifying firepower, the Golden-winged Roc clan with the extraordinary gift of “Sunlunar Gold-winged Flame” has the upper hand.
However, if you observe the entire battle situation.
It was obvious that the defeat of the Gold-winged Roc clan was almost certain.
Even if they are born gods and Buddhas, their firepower will not last forever.
Not to mention, behind the army of the Asura clan, there is the three-digit Almighty Domain, King Asura, who is proudly overlooking all living beings.
Even if King Ashura didn’t make a move.
However, the existence of the three-digit level itself has brought enough psychological pressure to the Golden-winged Roc family.
The balance of victory has tilted to the limit at this moment.
“Canary, what can we do to save this situation?”
Rao is someone like Takaaki Kasukabe who is used to big scenes.
See this almost one-sided situation.
I also feel like I have nowhere to start.
With such a huge gap in combat power, even if they all go up together, it probably won’t be enough to fill the gap between their teeth, right?
Hear Kasukabe Takaaki’s question.
Canary asked leisurely.
“Obviously knowing that the opponent has the existence of the Almighty Domain, but also knowing that their leader is trapped.”
“Continuing to fight like this will inevitably lead to complete annihilation…”
“But why didn’t the Gold-winged Roc family choose to retreat?”
No matter how hot-tempered they are, the Golden-winged Rocs are not idiots who like to die.
It only needs to wait a few days, and after the main god Garuda returns, he can counter-kill the opponent.
Under this premise, even if they do not choose to retreat.
It will never be like now, where everyone is crazy and fighting to the death.
Hearing Canary’s prompt, Kasukabe Takaaki seemed to see something.
“Gold-winged rocs seem to be completely enraged?”
Only then did he notice the details on the battlefield.
Obviously the Asura clan is the more violent and bloodthirsty race.
But on the battlefield in front of them, the Golden-winged Rocs, who have always been proud and pay attention to their image, seem to be crazier than the Asuras, and even resort to suicide attacks.
“What did King Asura do? How could he enrage the Garuda family to such an extent?”
There was some surprise in his eyes.
“It’s very simple.”
Canary raised her hand, the information she got from Di Shitian.
“After Garuda was trapped, King Asura ran to the camp of the Garuda family early this morning and kidnapped Garuda’s daughter.”
“Then, the entire Golden-winged Roc clan was completely enraged, and they fought to the death without retreating.”
The princess of the clan was kidnapped by the other party like a sneak attack.
For the proud Golden-winged Roc clan, this is an absolutely unbearable humiliation.
After all, she was also the daughter of her own god.
It is the face of the Golden-winged Roc family.
Even if she is a demigod with human blood, it is definitely not a reason to let her be taken away by Asura.
have to say.
King Ashura’s calculations are very accurate, and the links are closely linked.
So much so that even when they lost Garuda’s protection, the Golden-winged Roc clan still ignited an inextinguishable fighting spirit.
Using the young princess of the Garuda family as bait, set up a big picture.
He wanted to slaughter all the Golden-winged Rocs.
But look at the situation in front of you.
He will soon be successful.
Thinking of this, Kasukabe Takaaki couldn’t help but tremble.
Soon, he remembered another thing.
“Wait! The princess of the Golden-winged Roc clan, the daughter of Garuda…”
“Garuda only has one daughter! Could it be that the one kidnapped by King Ashura was actually the Demon King Jialing?!”
Kasukabe Takaaki was completely shocked.
Hunting Great Sage Peng Demon King.
She is one of the seven demon kings who became sisters with Sun Wukong, the great sage equal to heaven.
——Yes, sisters match.
The monkey in Hakoniwa World is a vitality loli.
In the current Hakoniwa world, the “Seven Heavens Demon King” is a well-known organization for problem children.
From the initial grassland on the top of the mountain, to the flag of rebellion against the heaven.
Among them, Monkey King has even been marked in heaven.
It can be said that it is a famous existence.
And the Peng Demon King Jialing who is not yet ten years old.
It is the most beloved young girl in the “Seven Heavens Demon King”.
“If Monkey King finds out that his younger sister was kidnapped by King Ashura…”
Kasukabe Takaaki couldn’t imagine what would happen.
With the temper of that great sage, I am afraid that the whole hell will be overturned.
Bull Demon King, Flood Demon King and others will definitely come to help.
“This Asura king, if he didn’t get into the trap of Garuda and Di Shitian, he dared to provoke the “Seven Heavens Demon King”, does he really have brains? ”
Takaaki Kasukabe was dumbfounded.
In his life, he had never seen such a dead person.
After this wave, even King Asura got his wish.
Whoever wanted to settle accounts with him after QiuhouIn the field of ability, there are at least three.
No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for King Asura to retreat completely.
“Heh… He is certainly not a fool to be able to lay out such a scheme.”
“It’s just that my vision is too short-sighted, and I only care about my immediate interests.”
Canary chuckled and saw through the other party’s plan at a glance.
“I’m afraid, he is planning to wait for other people to take revenge, and then come to the Buddha for help!”
“After all, even Buddhism can’t bear the disappearance of the Asura family and the Garuda family at the same time…”
The four-digit number of natural gods and Buddhas is the foundation of the gods.
It is no problem to lose hundreds or thousands of them.
But once you lose more than 10,000 names, even for Buddhism, it will hurt your muscles and bones.
King Ashura gambled that it was impossible for Buddhism to let this kind of thing happen.
He couldn’t possibly have expected that everyone in “Arcadia” would come to intervene in this matter, right?
In other words, even if it was expected, King Asura probably wouldn’t care about this mere four-digit community.
And this is the opportunity for Su Mo and others.
Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Canary quickly formulated a strategy.
“We split into two groups.”
“Gold-winged rocs can’t last too long, and someone must go to help them, even if it can be relieved for a few minutes.”
“Here, you, Xiaoming, will be in charge. You don’t want to kill the enemy, but try to buy time!”
“As for Su Mo and Leticia, the two of you are responsible for going to the residence of the Asura clan and rescuing the imprisoned princess!”
“Once the Peng Demon King is rescued, come and join us immediately.”
To prevent fighting, it is impossible to control violence with violence.
My main god is Kaguya
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