Su Mo didn’t have any concerns about the other two.
he said bluntly.
“Prince Ashura is a pervert who likes young girls, and he was beheaded by me just now.”
This is not wrong.
After all, little Jialing was only ten years old.
It’s really not normal to have this kind of thinking about a ten-year-old child.
After hearing what Su Mo said.
Canary felt a headache and covered her forehead.
He didn’t blame him, but spoke instead.
“That… There is a similar guy in our community. Although he has opened a harem for young girls, he hasn’t really done anything bad.”
“So, if we meet at that time, please let him go.”
She felt that she should remind Croya Baron, the perverted god of death.
If you accidentally let the two meet.
If Su Mo chopped it down.
Even if it’s a canary, it’s hard to say anything.
and many more!
If you don’t remind me, let that guy be chopped up, maybe it’s not bad.
It’s also good for him to restrain his perverted breath.
Chapter 362 The Significance of Restraining Jiate to Attack the Feather of Life
At this time, there is still the mood to make this joke. Arriving does not mean that Canary has a well-thought-out plan.
On the contrary, she is actually a little panicked now.
Facing King Asura, who was obviously angry.
Even she didn’t know how to solve it.
You know, her previous plan was entirely based on the fact that King Asura would not make a move.
After all, as a three-digit main god.
If you take the initiative to attack a four-figure junior, it would be a shame.
As long as he hesitates about it.
Canary has a way to bring the Dapeng Garuda family to a place where King Asura can’t make a move in just a few seconds.
But now.
King Asura, whose son had been killed, attacked in anger, completely disregarding his own face.At a time like this, even she couldn’t think of a good solution.
“If only that perverted Grim Reaper was here…”
Canary couldn’t help but think so.
If Chloe Baron is here.
As a god who has mastered the realm of life and death, he can directly take the Golden-winged Roc family to carry out space transfer.
In that case, even if King Asura wanted to stop it, it would be too late.
But right now, that guy has accepted the entrustment to deal with another demon king who has a realm-type gift guy.
Right now, it’s impossible to come here.
“Tsk, do you want to bite the bullet?”
Canary hesitated.
The nature of the gift of the Catalog of Life.
No matter what kind of opponent you face, you can guarantee at least one in ten thousand chance of winning.
If there are other allies here, it may not be impossible to touch King Asura.
The ally of “Arcadia”, the community “Slamandra”, has one of the solar sovereignty divided into twenty-five parts.
If it relies on the sovereignty of the sun called “Chenlong”.
If the spiritual status of Takaaki Kasukabe is doubled.
With his strength, at least in a short period of time, he can engage in offensive and defensive battles with King Asura.
No matter how bad it is, you can also use the simulated star creation map “Void Star? Tai Sui” to seal King Asura.
But now…
Most importantly, Croa Baron, the god of death who can summon allies, is not here.
This battle was not initiated to fight against the Demon King.
Even as the leader of the alliance, they did not have the position to call allies for this.
Insufficient combat power is a flaw.
It is a weakness that is difficult to overcome in this kind of situation that is not a gift game.
Just when she thought so.
Canary suddenly noticed a problem.
“Wait! After you killed Prince Asura, how did you get out so quickly?”
She was puzzled by this.
Before, although Su Mo and Leticia completed the task faster than she expected.
However, Canary thought that it was only because Su Mo and Leticia didn’t disturb Ashura too much.
That’s why I was able to come back so quickly.
But now, they actually got rid of Prince Ashura.
This kind of thing is absolutely impossible not to be discovered.
In other words, the three of them could retreat so quickly even though they caused a huge commotion?
Realizing this, Canary couldn’t help turning her gaze to Su Mo.
As far as she knew, Leticia couldn’t do this.
The only possibility is that Su Mo’s fighting power is stronger than she imagined.
if it is like this.
That leaves a lot of room for maneuver.
Hear Canary Questions.
Leticia on the side shook her head.
“Strictly speaking, we didn’t get out of the whole body.”
hear this.
Canary’s expression changed, and she looked at the two worriedly,
“Are you injured?”
“No, not at all.” Leticia shook her head and added.
“I mean, we weren’t retreating before.”
“It was Su Mo who killed it alone.”
Hearing this, Canary was taken aback.
“A person… killed?” She couldn’t help but asked in confirmation.
“There are hundreds of Asuras in the base camp, are you sure you killed them?”
this kind of thing.
Even Takaaki Kasukabe, the leader of the community, would definitely not be able to do it!
Not to mention how difficult it is for one person to fight against hundreds of gods.
Just looking at the time, it’s too late.
Can kill through a small army composed of hundreds of gods in such a short period of time?
This combat power is a bit too exaggerated.
Leticia nodded seriously.
“According to my observation, Su Mo’s combat power is much stronger than our expected highest level!”
For the presence of three digits or less.
It is also a way to judge the combat power based on the spiritual power.
According to the huge spiritual power that Su Mo showed yesterday.
Canary guessed that his combat power might reach the same level as Kasukabe Takaaki’s.
After all, Su Mo should not have much combat experience.
Even if the spirit power is stronger, the combat power is not necessarily stronger.
But now, since Leticia said so.
That means—
My main god is Kaguya
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