“Is the combat power beyond Xiaoming’s level… worthy of being a candidate for the savior.”
Canary was shocked.
However, because he had seen Su Mo’s gift, he was not too surprised.
For the existence of the unfinished spiritual status in the domain of full authority.
It is possible for the combat power to exceed common sense.
“If it’s too much for Xiaoming to face King Ashura…”
Canary pondered for a few seconds before looking at Su Mo.
“If you two go together, is it possible to draw with King Asura?”
She asked Su Mo out.
After all, only Su Mo can fully know Su Mo’s combat effectiveness.
With the wisdom shown by Su Mo.
Canary didn’t think he would be brave.
And Canary also has her own plans.
“If we can draw or remain undefeated, we can take advantage of our advantage and propose to use the gift game to decide the outcome.”
“At that time, the initiative will be on our side.” Canary said confidently.
As the strategist of “Arcadia”, bestowing games is her area of ​​expertise.
As long as King Asura started the gift game.
No matter how harsh the conditions are.
No matter how great the disparity in strength is.
…seeking flowers 0…
She has the confidence to flop in one fell swoop.
hear this.
Leticia didn’t have any special reaction.
But Xiao Jialing exploded.
“What do you mean?”
The little girl spread out her golden wings and stood directly in front of Su Mo.
Like an old hen guarding her chicks.
Little Jialing stared angrily at Canary in front of him.
It was as if he was looking at some heinous villain.
“Let Su Mo, a four-digit figure, challenge the main god of the three-digit level?”
“You bad woman, what kind of plans are you planning? Are you planning to take this opportunity to send Su Mo to his death?”
Little Jialing’s eyes were full of anger.
At first, she thought Canary was her own.
However, after hearing her outrageous proposal.
She immediately realized that the woman in front of her had a big problem.
Let four digits fight against three digits, this kind of thing that only comes to mind when the brain is broken, shouldn’t be said at all.
But Canary in front of him not only said it.
He also blatantly wanted Su Mo to die.
She couldn’t help it.
“Even if Su Mo is very powerful, the ordinary Asura is no match for him at all.”
“However, the existence of four-digit numbers and three-digit numbers is completely different, and there is a natural moat between them.”
“Facing the Lord God in the Almighty Domain, whether there is one or two four-digit numbers, it doesn’t make any difference.”
“It is absolutely impossible for them to draw with King Asura!”
As she spoke, she glared at Canary angrily.
“Even if you are partners in the same community, I will never allow you to let him die!”
With that said, she turned to look at Su Mo.
“Don’t listen to what this bad woman says!”
“Moreover, there is no need to stay with the community that made such a bad decision. Why don’t you come to our “Seven Heavens Saints” and have my face, and the brothers will definitely respect you. ”
“At least, I won’t lie to you to die like them!”
The words of indignation were halfway through.
It turned into solicitation.
Canary couldn’t help being a little speechless.
——Do you know the gold content of the savior’s spirit?
However, Xiao Jialing’s words are indeed correct according to common sense.
In addition, she is also kind.
Canary would not have a bad impression of her because of this.
on the contrary……
Looking at the little Jialing who was so anxious and wanted to protect Su Mo.
Canary couldn’t help showing a playful smile.
“Ahhh… speaking for my family Su Mo so quickly, it seems that it is really easy to increase the favorability of a hero saving the beauty!”
“However, if you want to stay with Su Mo, you don’t have to ask my Su Mo to leave the community.”
“Peng Demon King, you can also come to our “Arcadia”! ”
While teasing and laughing.
Canary turned her offensive and wanted to recruit Demon King Peng instead.
For this,
Peng Mowang first showed a heart-beating expression for a moment.
Then wake up immediately.
“Shut up! Even if you say that, I will never believe you, a bad woman!”
“You, a community that sends people to death, don’t wait!”
It seems that Canary has been determined to be a villain. Four.
Chapter 363 Su Mo’s mistake devours the evil god of the sun and the moon
on the battlefield. The furious King Asura unleashed unrivaled pressure.
After learning the news of his son’s death, the hostages he captured also ran away.
King Ashura immediately understood that it was the Golden-winged Roc clan on the opposite side who did it.
――Who the hell dares to do such a thing?
There is no need to speak out about such a question.
No matter who it is, just let the other party’s family be completely wiped out.
Otherwise, there is no way to vent the anger in his heart.
The huge palm patted over like covering the sky and blocking out the sun.
Palm Buddha Kingdom is a very famous supernatural power of Buddhism.
King Ashura’s mastery is not outstanding.
However, if this is the case, one palm is enough to cause a world upside down.
I said it before.
The top four figures are qualified to deal with the three figures in a short period of time.
However, if it is just an ordinary four-digit number.
The existence of the three-digit level only needs one hand, and it will be able to suppress it easily.
And now…
King Asura stretched out such a hand.
Huge palms rolled up the storm.
In the eyes of bystanders, it is only a palm the size of a hundred meters.
From the perspective of the people below covered by the palm of this hand, it looks like a world.
There is no escape, no escape.
Just like the monkey in the palm of Tathagata, no matter how you jump, as long as there is no realm-type gift that can be transferred in space.
It is absolutely impossible to jump out of this earth-shattering palm.
14 Even Takaaki Kasukabe was a bit overwhelmed.
After repeated battles, the spiritual powers he had stored were exhausted.
This is the same for other Golden-winged Rocs.
My main god is Kaguya
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