But even so, she is nothing more than an existence that will be pushed down by Reimu, Sanae and others in a straight line.
Considering her strength, it was bestowed by the military god Yasaka Kanako.
Overall, her strength is only at the level of a higher-level beast.
Yakumo Zi and others who are at the same level as the gods are still one level behind.
He mistakenly thought Su Mo’s Yang Yan was just a Reimu with the power of a divine beast, and didn’t think Su Mo would be Yakumo Zi’s opponent.
So, she strongly discouraged.
“The power of the purple old woman’s realm is also very troublesome power. It is difficult for a strong person of the same level to catch her’-.”
“Plus, that guy is very narrow-minded, and he will definitely come back with revenge!”
“So, even if you want to take revenge on her, calm down first!”
Out of concern for Su Mo’s safety.
Lingmeng didn’t want to see Su Mo hit the stone with an egg.
It’s okay to provoke other big monsters, Lingmeng’s strength is enough to protect Su Mo.
Only Yakumo Zi is too troublesome.
That strange and unpredictable realm power, and a very vengeful character.
Even if Lingmeng protects Su Mo personally, it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will go wrong.
And heard Lingmeng’s words of concern.
While being moved, Su Mo also found it a little funny.
In the heavens and myriad worlds, there are indeed opponents that he cannot defeat even now.
However, Yakumo Zi is definitely not in this list.
Su Mo didn’t intend to make Lingmeng worry about him, so he directly liberated part of his spirit power.
The majestic spirit power overwhelms the world like raging waves.
In the world of Hakoniwa with strict rules, aura is pure aura, and it has absolutely no effect on hurting others.
However, in the world of Gensokyo where concepts are interdependent, the unparalleled momentum is enough to shake the planet.
Su Mo did not liberate the too powerful spirit.
It just liberated the most basic spirituality related to the godslayer.
None of the key spirits such as Bahram and Ahura were liberated.
However, even so.
This momentum far exceeds the scale of the planet, but it still creates unimaginable coercion.
There was a sound like glass breaking.
The surrounding space was overwhelmed by Su Mo’s aura in just an instant, and was on the verge of being broken.
“what is this?!”
The red and white witch stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the scene that seemed to be the end of the world in front of her.
In Gensokyo, Reimu’s strength is no less than that of a god.
Usually lazy and never practiced, she can be invincible in Gensokyo only with the power of Hakurei Miko.
It was the first time for Reimu, who had a full understanding of the enormous power she possessed, to feel this feeling.
Just the momentum made her unable to breathe at all.
The whole person is like duckweed floating in the raging waves of the flood, without the slightest strength to struggle.
At this moment, she finally understood——
What is involuntary, what is absolutely irresistible Tianwei.
That is definitely not a force that life in the planet can resist.
Let alone Yakumo Zi.
Lingmeng even felt that if this aura really fully unfolded.
It is even enough to directly burst the entire barrier of Gensokyo.
This level of power is simply too terrifying, too incredible.
The scale of its existence is even far above the land and planet under its feet.
Even with Lingmeng’s strength, after feeling the glorious heavenly power, he couldn’t help but realize his own insignificance.
Just when Lingmeng was shocked by this abyss-like majestic momentum, she was a little shivering.
A warm hand rested on her shoulder.
The invincible, unstoppable, and irreversible might of the heavens melted instantly.
Although the power is still terrible.
But it can no longer affect Reimu’s consciousness.
As if…had recognized her as a friendly army.
Lingmeng turned her head and looked at Su Mo who was holding her shoulder.
“.-How?” Su Mo asked her.
“With this, can you deal with Yakumo Zi?”
Hearing this, Lingmeng swallowed with difficulty, and nodded to Su Mo.
“Yes, as long as Yakumo Zi doesn’t escape!”
Reimu was sure, just based on the aura just now, it can be judged that Su Mo has the strength to destroy Gensokyo in an instant, or even destroy the entire planet.
Therefore, all her previous assertions were overturned.
With Su Mo’s current strength, there is really no need to worry about Yakumo Zi’s counterattack.
The strength that surpasses the planet, even if you look through all the history of this world, you can’t find a second one.
Yakumo Zi is definitely not Su Mo’s opponent.
However, even if this is confirmed, there is no guarantee that she will be caught.
Monsters born in the realm can create gaps in the gaps between spaces.
And through the gap, to travel through space.
If Yakumo Zi wants to escape wholeheartedly, it is not impossible to escape to the moon or even above Venus.
To ensure that she can be caught, it is necessary to show the power to interfere with the space.
Hearing this, Su Mo smiled slightly.The super power of gravity manipulation directly causes space-time distortion, distorting and tearing space.
A subspace like (the Nuohao) gap is absolutely unable to withstand such a distortion, and it will collapse in an instant.
At the same time, the shrinking technique that directly compresses the space to the level of the horizon also ensures that no one can escape from Su Mo’s sight.
“With this, can it stop Yakumo Zi from escaping?”
Reimu nodded again.
Even mastering the power of space, she couldn’t find a reason for Yakumo Zi to escape.
“Then add this to this.”
Su Mo smiled.
“If you do both, can you guarantee that I will catch Yakumo Zi?”
Reimu nodded silently, she was so shocked that she could hardly speak.
Not to mention Yakumo Zi, with this level of power, even if Su Mo wanted to catch Yue Yemi on the moon, he would just do it casually.
After realizing this, Lingmeng looked at Su Mo in front of him in a daze, and asked You.
“So… Su Mo, what kind of power have you awakened?”
What kind of power is it that can make an ordinary person become an existence above the scale of the planet?
She is curious.
And doubts about Lingmeng.
“There are too many types of power that I have awakened, and it is difficult to describe them in detail.”
Su Mo had no intention of hiding it from Lingmeng.
However, these powers cannot be introduced in a short while.
Therefore, he spoke in a slightly general way.
“In short, the me now is enough to turn everything around!”.
Chapter 395 No one understands Su Mo’s pet contract better than me
Hearing Su Mo’s speech, Reimu Hakuli could only nod silently. If it is the power shown just now, it is indeed enough to reverse everything.
Although at this time, Su Mo had completely withdrawn his momentum.
But recalling the previous feelings, Reimu was still a little dizzy.
After all, the experience just now was beyond her expectations.
At this moment, Su Mo asked suddenly.
“Lingmeng, if it were you, how would you deal with the person who cheated you?”
My main god is Kaguya
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