For a moment, Reimu didn’t react.
Replied like a direct conditioned reflex.
“Of course an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye!”
“Trick me and want to run away? That’s completely ignoring my Reimu!”
Reimu is not a stingy person.
Ordinary little things, generally too lazy to care about.
But in the same way, she who was brought up by Yakumo Zi is by no means a tolerant character.
Hakurei Miko’s revenge never takes place overnight, and usually kills her enemies on the same day.
It is also because of this, except for the big monster.
Those weaker little monsters, or ordinary monsters, except for idiots like Cirno, basically ran away when they saw her.
Tit for tat is Reimu’s way of doing things.
So, after Su Mo asked, she subconsciously answered like this.
After answering…
Lingmeng remembered something.
–Oops! The purple old lady is going to be finished!
If you think about it with your feet, you can tell that Su Mo asked this question because of that guy Yakumozi.
And if according to their own answers.
Su Mo’s revenge will not be easy.
For a moment, Reimu panicked.
If Yakumo Zi is gone, what will Gensokyo do? Who will feed her in the future?
and many more!
It seems that 093 has been taken care of by Su Mo.
Which means…don’t worry about food?
Oh! That’s all right!
Thinking of this, Lingmeng’s expression suddenly calmed down.
And Su Mo’s side.
“A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye…”
He pondered for two seconds and understood what Reimu meant.
His fate was suddenly changed by Yakumo Zi, and he came to Gensokyo with a powerless body.
This drastic change of fate has a taste of powerlessness.
Yakumo Zi must be allowed to taste it for himself.
Killing people and punishing their hearts—this is the kingly way of revenge.
“Reimu, I understand!”
Su Mo nodded.
The corners of Lingmeng’s eyes twitched, and she really wanted to ask – what do you understand, this matter has nothing to do with her!
She really didn’t instigate Su Mo to deal with Yakumo Zi!
Although her relationship with Yakumo Zi and Su Mo can be regarded as close.
However, considering that Su Mo is the victim.
Opening your mouth at this time may be suspected of being biased.
She had no choice but to keep her mouth shut and wait for Su Mo to decide for herself.
This is, Su Mo, who had already made up his mind, threw the door key to Lingmeng.
“I’ll go out for a few days, so you can stay at my house!”
Reimu nodded obediently.
She knew that Su Mo was going to find Yakumo Zi.
Lingmeng, who understood Su Mo’s current strength, was not worried about Su Mo.
Instead, she was praying for Zi Yakumo in her heart.
I hope Yakumo Zi didn’t offend Su Mo too much back then.
Otherwise, even she couldn’t keep this guy.

Step out of the house.
(beae) The “shrinking” technique to reach the EX dimension jump level.
With one simple step, Su Mo can cover tens of kilometers.
Soon, he came to the location near Yakumozi’s lair that Lingmeng had said.
In the world of Gensokyo, where concepts are interdependent and interfere with each other.
The ability to manipulate gravity can exert the power to interfere with space.
And under Su Mo’s manipulation.
The space in front of him was directly torn open dozens of cracks.
Tens of seconds later, Su Mo discovered a space passage leading to the gap.
No further observation required.
Seeing the wicked, countless moving eyes in the gap, Su Mo confirmed that this was the passage leading to Yakumozi’s lair.
――The Lost House.

In the lost house.
Today’s Yakumo Zi is hibernating.
Many monsters have the habit of hibernating, and so does she.
However, it’s not so much that she has to do this, it’s better to say that she just likes to be so lazy.
Push all affairs to his shikigami Yakumolan.
Yakumo Zi herself hibernates intermittently for a while.
In her sleep, she could see what happened to Meili and Lianzi.
Yakumo Zi was a little anxious about the fact that the two had made no progress in the past six months.
In her opinion, she has transferred Su Mo, a rival in love, to Gensokyo.
Mei Li has not made any progress yet, she is simply useless.
Sometimes, she would feel a little hateful.
However, alas.
Although Meili is equivalent to Yakumo Zi’s half-body existence.
The way of thinking and personality of the two are completely different.
Even Zi Yakumo couldn’t interfere with Meili’s thoughts and actions.
Therefore, she could only look at Meili who was full of guilt, running around with Lianzi again and again, looking for clues about Su Mo.
Watching Lianzi grow up day after day, she kept talking about Su Mo and never forgot it.
Seeing this scene, Yakumo Zi would sigh every time, and was in a bad mood when dreaming.
So, every time I wake up.
Yakumo Zi would spy on Su Mo for a long time.
Seeing this guy who wins love with a knife, and who clings to Lianzi in front of him, now he will never see Lianzi’s face.
Yakumo Zi felt balanced in her heart.
——If I didn’t get it, don’t even think about it.
The sage youkai with a bad personality thinks so.
And in today’s dream.
Mei Li still followed Lian Zi, searching for valid information in Su Mo’s room.
On Su Mo’s simple bedroom desk, there is a very beautiful photo.
Under the deep starry sky, Su Mo and Yu Zuojian Lianzi were sitting by the campfire, arguing vigorously.
Although it seems that there is not much feeling of sweetness.
But anyone who sees this photo will realize that the two people in the photo must be a couple.
That kind of harmonious atmosphere cannot be faked.
In fact, this photo was taken on the very day they established their relationship.
At the time, they were observing supernova explosions in the field.
And the photographer.
It was Mei Li who did not enter the shot.
At that time, Meili only wanted to shoot Lianzi alone.
My main god is Kaguya
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