Obviously, for him, no matter how many secrets are hidden behind Maxwell’s demons.
Failure is failure.
With his pride, he doesn’t bother to cover up with reasons.
Hear him.
Canary shook her head slowly.
“No, what I want to say is that you have indeed failed in the mission to defeat this demon king.”
There is no doubt about it.
After hearing her words, Death God Croya and Ritian Lion fell silent.
At this time, Canary’s voice changed.
“However, even if the crusade against the Demon King fails, you have protected the client very well.”
“If you want to feel sorry for yourself and feel that you will lose face in front of newcomers, then you don’t have to.”
“Actually, after receiving the information at first, Su Mo has already asserted that you two “senior” will not fall into a hard fight because of a mere five-figure demon king. ”
“Although I don’t know why Su Mo has a good impression of you, the fact is that the newcomers still have expectations for you two “seniors”. ”
“So, quickly take back this loser’s face!”
“As a senior who is expected by newcomers, it’s not a big problem to lose once in a while. If you fall into depression and can’t get out because of this, it will be too embarrassing!”
“Do you want to live up to the newcomers’ expectations?!” Canary questioned imposingly.
Although there is suspicion of using the aggressive method, this trick is indeed effective.
Ritian Lion stood up immediately.
“You’re right, now is not the time to be disappointed.”
“It’s just a failure. If you admit defeat with your heart, then it’s a real defeat.”
The huge golden-haired lion shook his head in shame.
“I didn’t expect that one day I would be taught by you, Canary.”
The golden pupils of the huge golden-haired lion gradually glowed with brilliance.
Obviously, Canary’s words were very effective and cheered him up a lot.
And the other side.
Croya also turned over with a “whoosh”.
“Hey, hey, hey! Canary, is what you said just now, the eighth woman, true?!”
“That rookie Yingjie, who defeated the three-digit demon king, actually said that he trusts, looks forward to, and worships me, and is my fanatic fan?!”
Hearing what he said, let alone Canary.
Even Jack the Pumpkin Head and Vera were speechless.
This is too much oil and vinegar.
So much so that they want to complain, but they don’t know where to start.
“Shut up! You’re thinking about farting!”
For him, the canary isNothing good to say.
“Although Su Mo trusts your ability more, it’s only because he doesn’t know your perverted nature.”
“I think, Croya, you should keep your mouth shut and keep quiet, so that you can get the newcomers’ respect for a longer period of time.”
“Otherwise, the more you speak, the faster the false halo will be shattered.”
“Soon, Su Mo will treat you like weeds and trash!”
“That’s right, just like me!”
Canary lifted her head proudly, not stinging with sarcasm.
Kloa, who had long been used to such sharp words from her, felt at ease.
He was very skillful and got the news he wanted from Canary’s abuse.
Then, he was immediately moved so that his eyes lit up.
“Canary, put aside your irreverent attitude.”
“According to what you mean, the newcomers really didn’t look down on us seniors, but respected us very much?!”
Croix immediately became agitated.
It is different from Ritian Lion.
He has no skin and no face, and he is not ashamed of his failure.
As long as the newcomers don’t look at him with contempt, Croya is satisfied enough.
Therefore, hearing Canary say that Su Mo recognized his strength.
His heart was immediately filled with emotion.
A realm of space jumps.
Croya, who was moved, jumped directly in front of Su Mo and patted him on the shoulder.
“No need to say anything!”
“We are all brothers, and we are so compatible. In order to thank you for your trust, no matter what, I have to prepare a welcome gift for you!”
The god of death in the tuxedo patted his chest swearingly.
He looked like he already regarded Su Mo as a good brother.
The friendship between men is generally relatively simple to establish.
After hearing the words.
Su Mo ignored his thoughts and nodded.
“Then thank you very much!”
Anyway, if there is a gift, don’t take it for nothing.
Seeing the exchange between the two, Canary couldn’t help but pull Su Mo to her side.
“Su Mo, don’t have too much contact with this perverted god of death.”
“This guy is a well-known pervert in our community. Don’t be fooled by him!” She couldn’t help admonishing Su Mo.
Hearing this, Croya was a little dissatisfied.
“What is perversion? I’m just a gentleman.”
“Isn’t it normal to have gentlemanly feelings for a cute little girl?!”
While asserting his rationality, he touched his chin.
“Besides, I don’t know why, but I always feel that the newcomers are very similar to me!”
It had to be said that he was not wrong about his feeling in this regard.
Like Croya, Su Mo has a wide range of XP.
“Don’t talk about such impossible things.”
Hear Croya’s words.
Leticia couldn’t help but stepped forward, standing between Su Mo and Croya.
She looked at her fellow Death Companion with reproachful eyes.
“Our community can no longer bear the second abnormality, so you should restrain yourself a little bit, Croya.”
“You are hopeless, but don’t affect Su Mo.”
The pure vampire girl protected Su Mo behind her with the posture of not letting the bad students interfere with the good students’ studies.
…seeking flowers 0…
“I said… the reaction of the two of you is too exaggerated!”
Seeing Canary and Leticia, both stood in front of him.
Even if he was as perverted as Croya, he couldn’t help but feel a little hurt.
“I’m not a pathogen that infects the abnormal breath, your reaction is too much!”
He issued a complaint of dissatisfaction.
And heard this.
“Hey, isn’t it?”
Leticia was surprised.
“Obviously, he’s lying.”
Canary made up her mind.
Croya’s protest was directly suppressed.
The farce here ended with Croya being suppressed.
On the other side, after seeing the interaction of everyone.
The naturally dumb child-faced monster finally confirmed that this Su Mo who smashed his head was really the young Yingjie that Croya had been mentioning before.
So, she immediately approached Su Mo.
“That, Your Excellency Su Mo…”
Showing a pitiful expression like a little hamster.
Vera held onto the corner of Su Mo’s clothes and begged tearfully.
My main god is Kaguya
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