“Can you help me with that pervert?”
Hearing this request, Su Mo was silent for a moment, then glanced at Croya beside him, and asked.
“Which pervert are you talking about…?”
Leticia on the side couldn’t help laughing out loud.
Vera couldn’t help being taken aback.
It took a few seconds before he understood what Su Mo meant.
“No, it’s not this pervert!” She shook her head at Croya and said.
“I’m talking about another one, and his name is—”
Vera hadn’t finished speaking.
Su Mo noticed the fluctuation of the space realm not far from him.
The next moment.
“It’s me, Maxwell’s demon!”
The demon king who controls the realm of cold and heat appears with frost and fire.
Frost and flames destroyed the hall again in an instant.
The polite-looking Maxwell demon in a suit makes an impressive appearance.
“Vera, my lovely bride! I’m here to fetch you again!”
A self-absorbed voice sounded.
Maxwell’s demon, appearing with a voice like singing opera.
Then, look to the side of the big demon Cangyan with a childlike face.
“It’s so uncute! Even I might get angry if I reject it so many times.! ”
Saying so, the water vapor filling the entire hall gradually dissipated.
“My lovely bride, it’s time for you not to act like a baby, and walk into the wedding hall with me—”
A frenzied voice sounded.
Maxwell’s Demon is prepared the same as before.
Use words to force Vera to agree to his request.
However, after the thick fog cleared, what he saw directly interrupted his words.
Because of the impact of ice and fire.
Cang Yan’s big demon couldn’t stand steadily, and accidentally fell into Su Mo’s arms.
And what Maxwell saw was Vera hugging Su Mo pitifully, maintaining her center of gravity.
It’s all glued together.
Visible to the naked eye, Maxwell’s demon’s face instantly turned green, and his anger rose sharply.
“Damn it, where did the bastard come from!”
“How dare you touch the bride who only belongs to me? Have you thought about how to die?!”
Maxwell’s demon issued a must-kill statement to the mediocre human boy in front of him. Four.
Chapter 407 The Demon King’s Gift Game
The sudden arrival of Maxwell’s demon was indeed beyond everyone’s expectations. Even Croya, who has been fighting against him for the past few days, and Ritian Lion.
None of them expected that Maxwell’s demon would come over at this time.
However, no one of them was injured after all the battles.
After the initial cold and hot wind blows.
The fog had just cleared.
They heard, Maxwell’s devil’s proclamation to kill.
If it was under other circumstances, hearing a demon king dare to threaten to kill his companions.
The group of them will definitely be very angry, especially Leticia, who values ​​her companions, will definitely cut off the threat directly.
But at this moment.
Seeing Maxwell’s demon provoking Su Mo.
Let alone anger, the expressions on their faces were almost 10% full of pity, except for 10% doubt.
――Is this guy okay with his head?
Everyone couldn’t help but think so.
A mere four-digit demon actually challenged the young Yingjie who had defeated the three-digit demon king.
How many lives do you have?
Wait, this guy seems to be immortal?
That’s fine.
And in the center of the hall. “Zero Nine Three.”
See the perverted stalker Maxwell appear out of nowhere.
Feeling a strong sense of nausea, Vera hid behind Su Mo like a conditioned reflex.
Like a newborn chick, she shivered and hid her body with Su Mo’s back.
Then, he complained to Su Mo.
“Lord Su Mo, this is the man!”
Looking at Vera, I don’t even want to look at Maxwell’s demon.
Obviously, she has formed a psychological shadow.
Seeing her snuggling behind Su Mo, Maxwell’s demon became even more angry.
“Vera, you are my bride! Don’t get close to other men!”
It’s just that he yelled angrily.
Vera became more and more frightened.
The more he couldn’t help getting closer to Su Mo.
Su Mo could even clearly feel the softness of his back.
And after witnessing this scene.
Maxwell’s face had turned green to black.
Then, he concentrated all his anger on Su Mo in front of Vera.
“Sure enough, it was you who controlled my bride, right?”
“To actually take action against someone else’s bride, there must be a limit to shamelessness!”
Su Mo couldn’t help being stunned at the speed of his beating.
And, look at the real anger in Maxwell’s demonic eyes.
Su Mo could tell that this guy wasn’t throwing the blame just now.
Maxwell’s demon really felt that Vera’s actions were the result of Su Mo’s deliberate control.
After realizing this, Su Mo couldn’t help sighing.
“I can’t say how perverted you are, but you are the most disgusting one I’ve ever seen in terms of the degree of mental delusion alone!”
“Yeah! That’s it!”
Vera behind him nodded desperately.
Looking at Su Mo’s eyes, as if looking at some confidant.
And seeing that they have such a common language.
Maxwell’s demon, who didn’t have much reason in the first place, exploded in an instant.
“Bastard! Kill you, kill you, kill you now!”
With a murderous look on his face and extremely unstable spirit, he immediately disappeared in place.
Then, even without the fluctuation of the realm, Su Mo could probably guess that Demon King Maxwell would jump directly in front of him.
In less than a blink of an eye, the demon king who mastered the realm of cold and heat descended directly in front of Su Mo.
Demon King Maxwell, who masters both hot and cold poles at the same time, has the power to instantly destroy a city.
After the spiritual power has been improved, his destructive power is also stronger than before.
Extremely cold and extremely hot, majestic energy poured directly towards Su Mo.
And in the face of this, it can be said that it is almost an endless torrent of magic power.
Su Mo was unmoved, but slowly raised his right hand.
When Maxwell’s demon successfully jumped in front of Su Mo.
Su Mo’s palm was aligned with Maxwell’s body.
“How about trying this?”
My main god is Kaguya
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