With an experimental mentality, Su Mo exploded with spell power.
A silver sword light appeared in his palm like a storm.
The silver magic sword turned into a storm of blades.
Before the Maxwell demon had time to resist, it swallowed him directly.
Silver’s magic sword has not been chanted.
Su Mo also failed to exert his true restraint ability.
He simply borrowed this power, the inherent sharp attribute.
Still, that alone is apparently enough.
“Ah ah ah! ”
There was only time to let out a short cry of pain, and the body of Maxwell’s demon was directly torn apart by the silver blade storm in an instant.
However, it was the same as Su Mo expected.
Although this blow killed Maxwell’s demon, it didn’t kill it.
Possessing an immortal god, his flesh and blood were immediately reborn.
Within seconds, he was fully alive.
“Damn, who the hell are you?!”
In just an instant, before he even had time to react, he was beheaded by Su Mo once.
Even a mentally abnormal existence like Maxwell’s demon can’t help but feel scared.
He looked at Su Mo with apprehension, and jumped to a place far away from Su Mo.
“I’m just an ordinary human passing by.”
Su Mo looked at the Maxwell demon in front of him with interest.
“Why, don’t you continue to attack?”
“If you don’t come close to me, how do you plan to get Vera from me?”
The most important point of fighting is to attack the enemy and save them.
With Maxwell’s obsession with Vera, Su Mo was not worried that the other party would run away.
However, Su Mo obviously didn’t realize one thing.
That is, with his current reputation, even a paranoid like Demon King Maxwell would have heard of it.
Notice Su Mo’s unusual combat power.
Then scan for a week.
After seeing the characteristic vampire girls Leticia, Canary and others.
The eyes of Maxwell’s demon suddenly wavered.
“Could it be that the rumors are true, you are the guy who defeated the three-digit demon king?!”
Be aware of this possibility.
The Maxwell demon couldn’t help but took a step back.
The shadow of a famous tree.
No matter how confident he is in playing with his gifts…
Facing such a legendary figure, he was still a little timid.
“If you’re talking about recent events, it’s me.”
Su Mo nodded slightly, not intending to conceal his identity.
After hearing him admit his identity.
The expression of Maxwell’s demon suddenly became even uglier.
“Damn it! I knew that even if I used force, I should have taken Vera away!” He immediately cursed angrily.
In fact, these words are nothing more than bravado.
In the past few days, although Croya and Ritian Lion failed, they did not succeed in crusade against the Demon King.
However, Maxwell’s demon never had a chance to get close to Vera either.
Under the guardianship of the two, Maxwell’s demon has no ability to take Vera away.
It’s not that I don’t want to do it, but that I can’t.
Now, after Su Mo’s arrival, hope is even slimmer.
Even if you have a gift game that you will never lose.
The Maxwell demon was still deadlocked, looking at Su Mo in front of him, his expression changed rapidly, obviously thinking about the pros and cons.
“Why, why are you standing still?” Su Mo seemed to see through the hesitation of Maxwell’s demon, and asked him.
“Could it be that you plan to give up?”
“Or, is your feeling for Vera just that?”
He tried to use the aggressive method to induce Maxwell in front of him to make him attack again.
However, Maxwell’s demon is no fool either.
“Such a clumsy aggressive method, do you think I will be fooled?”
After a sneer, he prepared to avoid the limelight and wait and see for a while.
If it was an ordinary Yingjie who came, he wouldn’t have to be as afraid as he is now.
Perhaps, the young Yingjie who crossed the gap between the four-digit and three-digit numbers made him unable to treat it carelessly.
After realizing that he could not take advantage of Su Mo’s hands.
Lord Maxwell weighed it up and decided to retreat for now.
Just when he started to shrink back.
When he was going to let Vera go temporarily and wanted to wait for Su 0.4 Mo to leave before launching an attack.
Seeing his plan, Su Mo shook his head in trouble.
For Demon King Maxwell, who controls the power of the realm, if he really wants to run, even Su Mo has no good way to stop him.
But fortunately.
Su Mo has a move that can make Maxwell’s demon absolutely unable to escape.
“I didn’t intend to use this trick…”
Su Mo sighed slightly.
Under everyone’s gaze, he turned around and took the Cangyan demon Vera into his arms.
The demon with a childlike face was a little puzzled.
Then, in the face of Maxwell’s demons.
In the case of the devil’s reaction.
Su Mo directly blocked Vera’s petite lips.
It only took five seconds for Vera’s expression to go from astonishment, to bewilderment, to a little confusion.
And Maxwell the Devil.
It only took him a second to reach the state of hysteria.
After noticing his blood-red eyes, he had completely locked on to the killing intent.
Su Mo smiled slightly, and his goal was achieved.
Chapter 408 The Poet’s Power Rewrites the Rules
Maxwell’s obsession with Vera is completely pathological. Before, he could still maintain his sanity.
That’s purely because, in his opinion, all Vera’s refusals were just out of shyness.
For Maxwell’s demons who live entirely in their own world.
Even if he failed to get Vera for a while, it was only a temporary thing.
He firmly believed that Vera liked him and would definitely become his bride.
Therefore, despite being repelled by Croya and Ritian Lion several times before.
The Maxwell demon was in no hurry either.
For him, being rejected is just a daily routine.
Seeing the scene in front of him, he really couldn’t hold back anymore.
The girl he was destined to be, the only bride he loved, had her first kiss taken away by this hateful man right in front of him.
Not only that, Vera didn’t even show an attitude of rejection.
As long as it is male, wantIt must be difficult to accept this result.
“Damn it!!”
The Maxwell demon went berserk within a second.
“How dare you! How dare you take away the purity that originally belonged to me!”
It’s like returning from hell.
My main god is Kaguya
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