Maxwell’s whole body exuded a terrifying black air.
The eyes looking at Su Mo were stained with scarlet madness.
“Kill you!”
“No matter who you are, I will definitely kill you!!”
A tidal wave of killing intent flooded in.
Vera, who was only slightly affected by the surrounding area, couldn’t help shivering.
But for Su Mo, this level of killing intent is just a breeze.
Compared with killing intent, he is more concerned about the actual actions of Maxwell’s demon.
The biting coolness robbed the temperature of the air.
The heat in the nearby atmosphere was directly deprived of it in one breath.
This is extremely cold enough to liquefy air, or even turn it into a solid.
Considering that the second type of perpetual motion mechanism does not violate the law of mass-energy conservation. 14;
The heat that was taken away from the surroundings was obviously gathered in the body by Maxwell’s demon.
“This is to accumulate energy… ready to explode?”
Su Mo couldn’t help frowning.
If Maxwell’s demon is really going to do it.
Su Mo himself would not be injured.
Canary is weaker than those present, but there is no need to worry if Leticia is by her side.
The key issue is that this is the Capital of Flames.
The wife of the leader of “Salamandra” has just confirmed that she is pregnant.
Although speaking of today’s “Salamandra”, it is not difficult to defend against this level of explosion.
But caught off guard, no one knows if it will affect her.
It seems that we have to change the battlefield.
Thinking of this, Su Mo held Vera’s wrist with one hand.
In the next moment, the gift of realm unfolded.
The figures of Su Mo and Vera disappeared directly in place.
“Don’t try to escape!”
The Maxwell demon, who hated Su Mo to the bone, immediately chased after him.
He has followed Vera all the year round and has rich experience in tracking the fluctuations in the realm.
Soon, he noticed the whereabouts of Su Mo and Vera.
The realm of cold and heat was activated, and his figure disappeared.
And in the hall that has been completely destroyed.
Everyone in “Arcadia” looked at the empty space in front of them, and looked at each other in blank dismay.
Not long after, everyone heard a loud bang.
Presumably, Maxwell’s demon caught up with Su Mo and blew himself up on the spot.
Hearing this voice, Leticia suddenly realized.
“The reason why Su Mo asked Vera to take him away is to avoid affecting Madam’s side!”
She, who is dull, only now thinks of this.
Kasukabe Takaaki and Hiten Shishi were also aware of Su Mo’s plan.
Both of them couldn’t help but developed a considerable affection for Su Mo’s carefulness.
They all subconsciously thought that it was Vera who had activated the power of the realm gift just now and led Su Mo to make a space transition.
However, the expressions of Canary and Death God Croya are slightly different from the others.
Carefully recall the scene just now.
Canary asked Croja with some doubts.
“Hey, pervert! Su Mo and Vera left just now, who is using the power of the realm?”
Canary itself does not have the gift of realm.
But she will read the words.
Just now, Su Mo managed to anger Maxwell’s demon.
However, the innocent Vera was also dizzy from being kissed, and she didn’t recover for a while.
Under such circumstances, it was hard to imagine that she could cooperate with Su Mo so quickly and transfer the two of them directly.
Compared to Vera taking Su Mo away.
She was more inclined to say that Su Mo took Vera away on his own initiative.
However, the possibility of this is also very small.
Although Su Mo has mastered the realm type (‘, this book;, organized by [Fl’ip.;p;!ed],, rationale (:more,’more’? New Book Link “Series 1:?3″”431 ,7″74;7:”8.”) The gift was also used when facing King Asura.
But that’s just the realm of the passive defense type.
It cannot be used for space jumping.
Canary was sure that there was no similar ability on Su Mo’s gift card a few days ago.
It can’t be… Su Mo got the correction of Hakoniwa’s spiritual status again, so the newly awakened power, right?
Ha ha!
how can that be?
——Canary immediately shook her head in a funny way—
Although it is true that Su Mo is a young hero, he is not the illegitimate son of Little Garden.
How is it possible that after the initial observation, Hakoniwa’s spirit corrections continued.
In that case, it would be too BUG.
However, thinking of Su Mo’s first spiritual awakening, a lot of gifts appeared on the gift card.
Canary felt a little unconfident.
Hear Canary’s question.
The god of death, Croya, made a complaint first.
“Pervert is superfluous! Please call me a gentleman!”
Then, he looked at her puzzled.
“Of course it is the power of the realm used by Su Mo… What’s the matter, didn’t you know before?” For him who didn’t know the specific gift of Su Mo.
It is not surprising that a young Yingjie who can defeat three-digit demon kings has mastered the power of a certain realm.
Therefore, Croya couldn’t feel the shock and astonishment in Canary’s heart at all.
Even if you have guesses.
But Canary couldn’t help but widen her eyes.
Su Mo has mastered the power of realm? When did this happen!
During the journey, they were always together.
Su Mo shouldThere is no chance to go out and win the gift of the realm type.
That is to say… It really was the spiritual correction from Hakoba that gave Su Mo new power?
and many more!
This thing can also be paid in installments, can you give it one at a time? !
Canary, who felt that her common sense had collapsed, immediately ordered Croa.
“Take us to Su Mo’s side!”
“I’d like to see what kind of power that guy got.”
In the past, she was full of interest in Maxwell’s Linge.
But now.
Compared with Maxwell’s devil’s spirit, she cared more about the power Su Mo gained again.
“no problem!”
Croya immediately opened her arms.
A huge realm gate unfolded from behind him.
Although it is a bit confusing for Canary.
However, it would not be difficult for him if he just went to Su Mo’s side.
As a god who controls the realm of life and death.
His control over the power of the realm is far above Maxwell’s demon.
Not only can it make space transitions at will.
It can also open the realm gate.
Have others do the space transfer as well.
The locations of Su Mo and Maxwell’s demons could be distinguished from the explosion just now.
So don’t bother trying to figure out the location.
After a while.
My main god is Kaguya
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