The storyteller, who raised his hands in surrender with French etiquette, had no intention of hiding anything.
He spoke very cooperatively.
“Excuse me, what kind of information would you like to know, Your Excellency Su Mo?”
“Although I have just joined it not long ago, as a military adviser, I know a lot of information.”
Since he chose to surrender, he naturally wouldn’t hide it.
Not to mention, he himself has no sense of loyalty to the Demon King Alliance.
I just want to use this alliance of demon kings to make trouble.
(. This book is organized by: [? Fl.ip,ped] (;: more new books contact 1;343..17!’7:4″78) Seeing his cooperative attitude, Su Mo nodded.
“The news I want to know is… all!”
“I want to know the purpose of the establishment of the Demon King Alliance, its members, and your future plans and plans…”
It was Su Mo who had the advantage.
Naturally, he would not choose a few questions to ask, but asked for all of them.
After hearing this.
The storyteller spoke in no surprise.
“The official name of our Demon King Alliance is Ouroboros. It has just been established not long ago, and there are not many members.”
“Apart from my side, there are only a few demon kings who are peripheral members.”
“Actually, originally, the organization wanted me to investigate Maxwell’s demon and pull him in, but you also know…”
Having said that, he spread his hands.
Maxwell’s demons were beaten to dust.
Su Mo has usurped even his spiritual status, so it is obviously impossible to join the Demon King Alliance.
“At present, I am the most important person in the Demon King Alliance, but I am just a glove. Our recent plan is related to the third type of permanent mechanism. This technology seems to be realized by humans in the near future, and then a new human will be born to finally try. Refining.”
“I don’t know the details. In short, the information from the Heavenly Army shows that Absolute Evil Aziz Dakaha’s spiritual power is constantly expanding. The previous seal may not be effective for a long time. gone.”
There was no hesitation or concealment.
StorytellerSoon, everything about the Demon King Alliance was revealed.
Organization name, members, current plans, information at hand.
Everything was explained clearly and very cooperatively.
Probably because of the fact that the Demon King Alliance has just been established.
Even if there is no concealment, there is really no information that is too fresh.
They were all things that Su Mo knew more or less before.
It’s just more detailed here.
Keep these details in mind.
Su Mo grasped the point and asked.
“You just said that the organization…should be referring to the existence that founded the Devil King Alliance “Ouroboros”, right? ”
“Which group of gods funded the establishment of this Demon King Alliance?”
It doesn’t take much thinking.
Those who have the background to establish such a 0.4 organization must be one of the best large organizations in Hakoniwa.
The strongest organizations in Hakoniwa are basically god groups.
Therefore, this organization must have been established by the gods.
However, Su Mo was not sure which group of gods was behind the scenes.
The two most powerful groups of gods in Hakoniwa.
Naturally belong to Buddhism and Christianity.
According to the original inference, the possibility of Christianity is very high.
After all, his god is the worst weakened by the paradox of omnipotence.
Although Su Mo already had a guess in his mind, he still had to verify it with the intelligence.
Hearing Su Mo ask this question.
The storyteller’s expression was a little surprised, as if he didn’t expect Su Mo to realize that it was the gods’ problem so soon.
However, without hesitation, he immediately gave an answer that surprised Su Mo slightly.
“Most of them are!”
As if to emphasize the generality, he repeated it again.
“Almost half of the gods have secretly participated in the establishment of the Demon King Alliance!”
“Including Buddhism and Christianity!”
Hear this answer.
Su Mo couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.
“It’s not a single group of gods, but a consensus within the group of gods, no wonder…”
Chapter 418 Then there is only one answer
In the original book, there is not much explanation about the sponsors behind the Demon King Alliance. But I also know that an organization that can create even the spirituality of the savior “Karji” must be extraordinary.
Su Mo originally thought that it was mainly the Christianity who planned behind it.
You can hear the meaning of the scholar.
There are more gods involved than imagined.
A little surprised, Su Mo immediately remembered something.
In the original book, when “absolute evil” Azi Dakaha reappeared.
White Yaksha was going to die with this final trial of humanity.
In the end, it was stopped by Monkey King.
According to Sun Wukong.
At that time, the gods and Buddhas of the upper Hakoniwa were ready to consider giving up the current human history.
I want to abandon the old Hakoniwa and build a new Hakoniwa.
Clearly, a decision of this level cannot be made overnight.
Among the gods, there must have been a considerable degree of consensus.
In this way, it was possible to make the decision to abandon Hakoniu so quickly.
In this case, it is not surprising that the group of gods prepared for this matter in advance and funded the establishment of the Demon King Alliance.
After realizing this.
A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Su Mo’s mouth.
Run away when things screw up.
The gods of the past have fought so far, and they have completely decayed.
The storyteller in front of him continued to tell all the things he knew.
“The one who contacted me was mainly the Christian Hell Angel Uriel. There were not many people from other god groups. I suspect that even among those god groups, there are only a very small number of people who know the existence of the 14 Demon King Alliance.”
He voiced his conjecture.
“should be.”
Su Mo also nodded.
Among other things, Di Shitian certainly didn’t know that Buddhism was behind the funding for the construction of the Demon King Alliance.
Otherwise, with his temper, he would never tolerate this.
After all, he is the type who abandons his body as a demon king and converts to Buddhism to become a good god.
If all Buddhists keep the devil king, it is tantamount to tarnishing his belief and consciousness.
However, perhaps because of this, Indra was not informed of the relevant information.
After all, no matter how lofty his status in Buddhism is.
But they also came from surrender and rebellion, so they are not considered direct descendants.
Being warned by Buddhism is also a matter of course.
“Then the group of gods behind you, have you revealed their purpose?” Su Mo continued to ask.
The sudden establishment of the Demon King Alliance naturally wanted to do something that the orthodox vest could not do.
The attack on Arcadia was one of them.
However, Su Mo was very concerned about why everyone in “Arcadia” was attacked.
Canary and Kasukabe Takaaki, although their personalities are not perfect.
But they can also be called noble character.
There is nothing out of the ordinary in what they have done.
In the original book, for Hakoniwa, they are a community of heroes who repelled the final trial of mankind for the second time, which greatly lengthened the time limit for the wind of decadence to come.
Generally speaking, the gods should thank them.
No matter how you look at it, it didn’t hinder the interests of the gods.
In any case, it is not possible to be attacked by the gods and directly destroy the entire community, right?
My main god is Kaguya
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