Questions about Su Mo.
The storyteller just shook his head.
“You think too highly of me at this point. To them, I’m just a pawn to perform a mission. How could they tell me their real purpose?”
Don’t think that the gods are using him, so they will treat him well.
Now that the Demon King is basically only kittens and puppies left.
The group of gods is in a state of suspicion and contempt for the demon king they have recruited.
not goodListen, just treat these people like dogs.
Naturally, he will not tell the dog what he really thinks.
Even managers like storytellers are not actually trusted.
Of course, he himself is not too concerned about the purpose of the group of gods.
The storyteller himself just wanted to use the power of the gods to make a big fuss.
It’s hard to say that Azi Dakaha’s affairs were not without his handwriting.
He, who used public funds to chase stars, must have done something to the seal that bound Aziz Dakaha.
“Is that so…”
Su Mo nodded.
He didn’t doubt the storyteller’s words.
“Arcadia” itself has a good relationship with many gods of the gods.
Although it is a personal relationship, it will not affect the decision-making at the god group level.
However, the major groups of gods can reach a consensus to deal with “Arcadia” at the same time.
It must be because the gods knew some information related to “Arcadia”.
That’s why they desperately want to destroy “Arcadia”.
“It looks like I have to ask Canary and Takaaki Kasukabe…”
Su Mo’s eyes flashed, thinking in his heart.
He didn’t think that everyone in “Arcadia” would be completely ignorant.
Especially canaries.
It is hard to imagine that this female fox would be attacked without her knowing.
You must know that even if Canary wanders outside of Little Garden, it can still trigger a historical transition period, and it is almost possible to return to Little Garden to complete its revenge.
It is impossible for her like this to be unprepared for the interference from the gods.
Probably the most, because they didn’t expect Shenqun to act like this.
Send the devil to attack them!
When I buried this thought in my heart.
The storyteller has already told all the information he knows.
“That’s all I know.”
The storyteller looked up at Su Mo.
“Excuse me, Your Majesty, can this information be exchanged for my life?”
He really didn’t want to die.
However, rather than being afraid of death, it is better to say that he just does not want to die now.
“Absolute Evil” Azi Dakaha’s seal has been loosened.
That Majesty is about to return to the world, and will inevitably conflict with the young Yingjie in front of him.
this battle.
Whether it was Absolute Evil’s victory or Su Mo’s victory, it was enough to make him feel excited, and it was a sight he had dreamed of.
It would be a pity to die here before the raging waves of the times came.
Hearing his words, Su Mo shook his head slowly.
“Most of your information is information that I have known before.”
“Unfortunately, not enough.”
This is a lie.
Su Mo knew most of the news before, and this was indeed the truth.
However, it is a lie that the intelligence value is not enough.
In fact, just knowing that behind the Demon King Alliance is not a single group of gods, but the product of the tacit consent of many groups of gods.
This is enough to help Su Mo infer many things.
The preciousness of this information is indeed worth the life of the storyteller.
However, the current dominance is in Su Mo’s hands.
He said no, of course he couldn’t,
“Then… do you have anything else to ask?”
If Su Mo really wanted to kill himself, he should have done it right away.
And he didn’t do it directly.
Explain that you should still have residual value.
The storyteller who realized this immediately asked questions.
Su Mo also replied without hesitation.
“You participated in Leticia’s Demon King game, right?”
“Tell me about the location of her spiritual body and news about her sister!”
The current Leticia, although she is also a good combat power in the four digits.
But in fact, most of her spiritual status is stuck in her original devil game.
At the beginning, when Canary recruited Leticia, she just used a tricky method to suspend the game of the devil indefinitely, and did not crack Leticia’s game.
Therefore, Leticia’s current strength is less than half of the original.
If Leticia can be completely liberated.
Not only can 110 make this serious and rigid girl her own.
It can also greatly enhance Leticia’s strength, allowing her to return to a four-digit first-class level.
For Su Mo, this is a matter of killing two birds with one stone, so naturally he will not miss it.
other than that.
Su Mo was also very concerned about Leticia’s younger sister.
Not only because, this is where Leticia’s heart knot lies.
It is also because the younger sister, who bears all the curses of the vampire clan, has a spiritual level that can even rival hundreds of millions of gods and demons.
The description in the original work has at least reached a three-digit spiritual level.
If there is a chance, pull this sister-in-law into the team.
It is also an excellent help for fighting against the gods in the future.
At least, the current Su Mo is not arrogant enough to think that he alone can defeat all the gods in the entire Little Garden.
I heard Su Mo ask this.
The storyteller’s expression froze.
“How do you know?”
Even Leticia herself doesn’t necessarily remember what happened to her.
How did Su Mo know that he had meddled with Leticia?
and many more!
Thinking that Su Mo and Leticia seem to have a good relationship.
The storyteller’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he immediately began to speak.
“Your Majesty Su Mo, the civil strife of the vampire clan has nothing to do with me. The matter of Lady Leticia’s fall into the devil king just happened at the right time.”
He was afraid that Su Mo would take this incident on himself.
In that case, no amount of information can stop it.
Hear his flustered voice.
Su Mo glanced at him.
“Of course I know you’re not involved.”
The storyteller breathed a sigh of relief.
At this time, Su Mo’s next sentence came.
“Otherwise, you will not be allowed to live until now.”
Immediately, his back was drenched with cold sweat, and his heart was full of rejoicing.
Fortunately, at that time, I just couldn’t stand it, and didn’t do too many unnecessary things.
Chapter 419 Ending the New Companion
Back then, when Leticia turned into a demon king, there was indeed a storyteller’s help. However, to a certain extent, the storyteller helped Leticia.
My main god is Kaguya
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