After cracking the Demon King game. Leticia’s originally sealed spirit body also returned to her body.
Now, her strength has returned to its heyday, reaching a four-digit first-class level.
After adapting to the new spirit form.
She was trying to change her shape.
From the state of a young girl, it changes back to the previous girl form.
At this time, Su Mo stretched out his hand and stopped her.
“Just like this one now, it looks a little cuter.”
Leticia looked at Su Mo in surprise.
After tapping her lips, she tilted her little head.
How could Su Mo bear this kind of slander.
After clearing his throat, he immediately corrected it.
“certainly not!”
“I just have an extra crush on young girls!”
“Isn’t this still Lolicon?”
Leticia thought in her heart.
However, she didn’t bother too much.
“If it is the master’s order, then I will continue to maintain this posture!”
A brisk smile appeared on his face, after seeing Su Mo’s love for his state. Leticia decided to fix her current posture in the future.
Anyway, for vampires, switching ages is not difficult.
Compared to Su Mo’s kindness in saving her.
Turning into a young girl to please him is not something worthy of resistance to Leticia. 14;
Seeing that Leticia is not going to change her posture.
Su Mo nodded in satisfaction.
Ke Yukeluo’s setting is really good.
“Speaking of which, your sister is trapped in a seal because of the vampire’s curse.”
“Although I have found a way to lift the seal, if I don’t solve the problem of the vampire curse, pulling her out rashly will turn her into a monster… So for the time being, you and her won’t be able to meet.”
After solving the Leticia Demon King game, Su Mo brought up the topic of his sister-in-law Lamia.
Leticia’s fall into the Demon King event.
It was sung as an interesting story by the poets of Hakoniwa at that time.
In the process of singing.
“The Impaler”, “Killer”, “Bloodthirsty Monster”…
All kinds of weird legends and curses have fallen on vampires.
There is still a limit to what ordinary people can sing.
The poet himself is the type who can chant the false as true. Therefore, the lethality is extraordinarily huge.
At this time, if all the notoriety is pushed to Leticia.
Leticia, the fallen demon king, will inevitably bear all the curses.
The rest of the vampire family would most likely be able to get a respite.
If you continue to build achievements, there is still hope for a turnaround.
Lamia, Leticia’s younger sister, grieves over her sister’s tragic experience.
I don’t want to push the curse on my dear sister.
She knew very well that the reason for Leticia’s fall was because of her love for her family.
Thus, Lamia alone bears all the curses of thousands of worlds.
These cursed spirits together are enough to rival hundreds of millions of gods and demons.
Able to push Lamia into triple digits.
However, at the same time.
A curse is a curse after all.
If Lamia’s seal is really unsealed.
Although she will become a three-digit number, she will also become a monster who loses her mind and is captured by wild instinct.
This was a scene neither Su Mo nor Leticia wanted to see.
So, after a sigh.
Leticia (young) nodded to Su Mo.
“I understand, Lamia definitely wouldn’t want to meet me with that gesture.”
“I hope one day… I can find a way to break the curse.”
Mentioned the tragic experience of his sister.
Leticia’s mood inevitably fell.
Seeing her like this, Su Mo touched her head and led her for a while.

Leticia is a warrior on the go, not a sentimental princess.
Therefore, it didn’t take long for her to regain her emotions.
After giving Su Mo a grateful look.
Su Mo took Leticia’s little hand.
Then, a realm door was opened.
The two stepped into it and returned to Arcadia’s residence.
Canary and the others, who knew what Su Mo had done, congratulated Leticia.
Can break free from the fate of the Demon King.
It’s unquestionably a good thing for her.
As a partner, everyone is also happy to see their success.
After celebrating for a while.
Su Mo found that someone seemed to be absent.
Looking around, he remembered something.
“By the way, where’s that fellow Croya? Did you go to make a new commission?”
Su Mo was still thinking just now, why something went wrong this time.
At first glance, it turned out that the perverted Grim Reaper who liked to join in the fun was missing.
Today, in the Arcadia garrison, the main members and logistics members are all there.
The newly joined Vera and Jack the Pumpkin Head also happily mingle with the little foxes.
Only Croya is not here.
This makes him a little strange.
Hearing Su Mo’s inquiryafter asking.
Canary also shook her head.
“I don’t even know where that pervert went!”
“Speaking of which, before he left, he seemed to say that he wanted to bring you a satisfying gift, Su Mo, but he chose to keep it a secret, and I didn’t ask much about it.”
Hearing this, Su Mo nodded to express his understanding.
Yesterday, when he was still in the city of brilliant flames, when he first met Croya.
Because Canary said that Su Mo had a good opinion of Croya.
This perverted Grim Reaper has a very good sense for Su Mo.
At that time, he said that he would give him a good gift to repay Su Mo’s trust in him.
At that time, Su Mo did agree.
He also thought that Croya would take out some gift he held as a gift.
But now it seems that this is not the case.
It must be unusual for him, a four-digit god, to go out and pick something in person.
To be honest, Su Mo was a little interested.
Croya left early in the morning after Su Mo and Leticia went out.
However, when Su Mo and Leticia came back for a long time, Croya still disappeared.
Until the evening of this day.
When the sun is starting to turn red.
The shadow of this guy just appeared.
The Grim Reaper in the tuxedo had a cheerful and proud smile on his face, and tap danced from the entrance of the station to the lobby.
My main god is Kaguya
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