“Thump, thump, thump! My uncle makes his debut!”
It seemed that he was worried that no one would notice him.
He cheered loudly.
Then, in the middle of the hall, the focus of everyone’s sights stood in a dancing posture.
Although he had become a companion, Vera was still a little afraid of Croya, a pervert, and immediately hid behind Su Mo.
Canary beside him could not help but support his forehead.
“You stupid fool, what tricks are you doing?!”
She took a look at (this book;! By【Fl’,i:.p?pe.d】:! Arrange? 74!?78?!), it can be seen that Croya must have gone out to cause trouble.
I just don’t know what’s going on.
“Hahaha! I don’t care as much as you, you eighth woman!”
Croix let out a hearty laugh.
After ignoring Canary, he fixed his piercing eyes on Su Mo.
“My good brother, this time I brought you a superb gift!”
“I believe that as long as you are a man, there is no way to refuse!”
“Only this kind of gift can witness our friendship!” heard him say so.
Not to mention Su Mo, even Canary was a little curious.
“Crow 110, you don’t know how to break the law, do you? We are class rulers, we can’t do things like abduction!”
Before that, Canary first laid a defensive needle.
on this…
“Of course not, who do you think I am?”
Kloa puffed out her chest proudly.
“I swear by the pride of the gods!”
See his expression.
I wanted to complain that you have a canary who is proud of the hammer, but I couldn’t help but hold back and choose to believe him for the time being.
Croa then opened her arms.
In front of him, a realm gate opened.
From the Realm Gate, a huge gift box as tall as half a person was summoned, and a beautiful ribbon was wrapped on the top of the gift box.
“Huh? What is this?”
Looking at the huge box of about one meter, Canary was a little puzzled.
There was a sudden movement inside the huge box.
“This is…prey? Could it be some kind of animal with delicious meat?”
Leticia couldn’t help but conjecture.
After hearing her say this sentence.
The huge box was silent for two seconds.
Then immediately shake wildly again.
“This performance… can understand human speech, that is to say, is it intellectual…”
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, probably guessing something.
Su Mo simply stepped forward and removed the ribbon from the box.
Then, open the huge box.
All the cardboard around it fell to the ground.
The objects in the box appear in everyone’s eyes.
It was a young girl who seemed to be only ten years old.
A cute little girl with blue hair and a pair of blue rabbit ears on top of her head.
All in all, she is a very cute baby-toothed rabbit-eared girl.
This little girl with rabbit ears is pitifully crouching with her head in her arms.
After her timid gaze met Su Mo’s, she immediately wailed.
“Please don’t eat others! They are not tasty at all!”.
Chapter 424: Problem Child White Yasha Moon God Child Black Rabbit Sauce
The little girl with rabbit ears looked at Su Mo with tears in her eyes. A pair of rabbit ears hang down softly.
The sitting posture of the duck is very cute.
And the blue ribbon wrapped around her body made her look like a well-prepared gift.
I have to say that this little rabbit is so cute that it is a bit foul.
Su Mo, Canary and the others looked at each other.
Immediately cast his sights on Croya, the culprit.
The Grim Reaper, who was wearing a black suit and top hat, didn’t notice their gaze.
Croya just shook his head dissatisfiedly at the little rabbit in front of him, and reprimanded him.
“Hey! It’s not the line that should be said at this time!”
“Didn’t we make an agreement before?”
“At this time, what you should say is – please enjoy me well – that’s right!”
The perverted Grim Reaper shamelessly made a speech.
hear this.
“Woo woo woo…”
The little girl with rabbit ears couldn’t help but let out a scream of fear.
“peopleHome is really not good! ”
“My father said I was thin, and my mother also said that I didn’t have much meat, and I heard that rabbit meat is actually sour, so please don’t eat it!”
The little girl shivered.
Seeing her frightened expression, Su Mo felt that he should say something to comfort her.
Improve your favorability.
“do not worry.”
Su Mo showed a very gentle smile, squatted down, and touched the head of the little girl with rabbit ears.
“Hmmm… G?”
Feel the warm touch on the top of the head, and see Su Mo’s very trustworthy smile.
A ray of hope suddenly appeared in the eyes of the little girl with rabbit ears.
“Excuse me, when you say don’t worry…do you mean that you won’t really eat them?” She asked tentatively.
In Little Garden, all kinds of animals can learn the art of transforming into humans.
Therefore, what appears to be human beings may actually be tigers and elephants from somewhere.
Animals themselves have a predatory relationship, which will not be eliminated even if they are transformed into human form.
Therefore, although there are not many incidents of cannibalism.
Incidents of orc predation do happen from time to time.
Among them, the weak rabbit is easy to be targeted because it is on the predation list of many beasts.
That’s why she was so wary of what she said before.
But looking at Su Mo’s appearance, not only is he good-looking, but he also has such a gentle smile.
Such a handsome big brother must not be a villain who eats rabbit meat, right?
A little girl with rabbit ears who thinks so.
Immediately got Su Mo’s answer.
“Do not!”
Su Mo shook his head.
Feeling the little rabbit trembling under his palm, he couldn’t help but continue talking.
“When I say don’t worry, I mean don’t worry that the rabbit meat will be sour. This matter is actually a rumor’-”
“Actually—rabbit meat is delicious, and spicy rabbit head is also a very famous delicacy.”
Seeing the pitiful look of the little girl with rabbit ears.
Su Mo couldn’t help having bad thoughts and wanted to bully him.
After hearing what Su Mo said.
The little rabbit froze immediately.
My main god is Kaguya
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