Judging from Su Mo’s actions over the years.
Obviously, he has no intention of using the human species to compete for the star cup.
On the contrary “110”.
In these years, Su Mo has been helping the human species in all aspects without asking for anything in return.
This kind of behavior moved them very much, and they also became curious.
Master Su Mo, what kind of concept is the god who grasps it?
Just like Artoxiu is the god of war, Kainas is the god of nature, and Okan is the god of forging.
Su Mo should also have a concept, right?
Riku guessed in his heart that it might be a human god or something.
But he wasn’t sure.
Jibril was even more curious.
So far, the power and power that Su Mo has shown is too complicated.
Even she couldn’t figure out what kind of god Su Mo was.
Contract, defense, cutting, magic…
Each of the concepts presented by Su Mo can create a not-so-weak god-species if taken individually.
But he has mastered dozens of similar concepts.
This has always puzzled her.
In the game life world.
By killing gods, the gods can absorb the energy when the marrow breaks to strengthen themselves.
However, this method of strengthening can only make one’s own strength stronger.
The concept of not letting the gods directly devour the loser.
Even for Artosh, the god of war who killed countless gods, he only grasped one simple concept.
It is really unheard of for Su Mo to master the concept of pluralism.
Under everyone’s curious eyes.
Su Mo just replied very indifferently.
“When did you have the illusion that I am a god?”
Hearing this, everyone was stunned.
Jibril looked at Su Mo with question marks all over her head.
“Could it be that you want to say that you are not a god?”
What a liar!
She never forgot that when she first met Su Mo, Su Mo had just attacked a dragon spirit.
WorldHowever, the only one who can defeat the dragon spirit species so lightly is the spirit species.
Not to mention the power that Su Mo used later.
Obviously, it is the power of the concept that only belongs to the gods.
“This is impossible!”
Jibril couldn’t accept it.
On Riku’s side, it’s better to accept it.
Anyway, they don’t know much about powers like magic.
I don’t know the difference between the power of the gods and miracles such as magic.
On the contrary, after hearing what Su Mo said.
Instead, Riku nodded knowingly.
“If this is the case, it can explain why Master Su Mo didn’t show his strength at first.”
If from the very beginning, Su Mo was a god-species.
Then people would subconsciously think, why didn’t Su Mo use his power a few years ago?
Do not misunderstand……
People who respect Su Mo very much will never complain about this.
They are just naive and puzzled by this phenomenon.
After all, everyone saw how Su Mo worked so hard to help the human tribe develop before this.
If Su Mo really had the power of the gods from the beginning.
In the beginning, it shouldn’t be so hard.
No one thought that Su Mo’s previous hard work was just for show.
Not only because of their absolute trust in Su Mo, but also because of another point – human beings are not worth being deceived.
For the human species who cannot perceive magic, even if they are brainwashed and hypnotized.
There are infinitely better ways to control them.
There is no need to really help them, to lead humanity to this point.
If Su Mo had always been a god-species, there was no way to explain this matter.
But if Su Mo is not a god-species.
Everything has the answer.
“Speaking of which, Master Su Mo seems to have said at the very beginning that your power is a type of sudden awakening.”
Thinking of this, Riku scratched his head in embarrassment.
“Before, I thought you just didn’t want to talk about it.”
“But looking at it now, you seem to have denied the possibility of the gods from the very beginning.”
The god species is the concept of having self-will.
Naturally, it was a god-like species from the very beginning, and there was no such thing as awakening.
Looking at it this way, Su Mo denied this conjecture at the very beginning.
It’s just that he himself has never understood it.
Now, Riku finally confirmed one thing, that is, Su Mo is really not a god species.
But since this is the case.
Another point is very interesting.
Among them, the one who cared the most was naturally Jibril.
Although what Riku said makes sense.
But it cannot explain a very important phenomenon.
That is–
“If you are not a god, why can you still use the power of a god?” Jibril asked very puzzled.
She will never admit the power obtained from the essence.
That is clearly the sign of the gods.
All these years, God of War Artoxiu has indeed never made a move, but she will not mistake the powerful aura that belongs to the god species.
Riku was also quite curious about this question…
Although I don’t know what the power of the gods is.
But he himself, in just over two months, can directly become stronger to the current level.
This exaggerated change is difficult to explain for non-deity species.
See everyone’s curious eyes.
Su Mo just asked back with some amusement.
“Who said that human beings cannot master the power of the gods?”
Although it is something in another world.
But there is no doubt that the godslayer is the existence of human beings who control the power of gods.
He is obviously the holder of the godhead and can control the power of the gods, but he is not the god himself.
This phenomenon, even in Hakoniwa World, is a very unique existence.
Of course, it is difficult to explain this concept in the world of Game Life.
After all, there is no Pandora Dark Ritual in this world that can give birth to a godslayer.
Su Mo didn’t get his current power by beheading the gods.
So, after a little thought.
Su Mo said.
“Don’t think too much, I am a real human being, there is no doubt about it.”
“Also, don’t underestimate human beings too much!”
When he said this, Su Mo’s expression was a little helpless.
Although it is said that human beings do not do well in many worlds because of their weak strength.
However, the importance of the human race has never been low.
Even in the Little Garden world where Shura gods and Buddhas gather.
My main god is Kaguya
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