The gods may underestimate individual human beings, but they will never underestimate human history.
Like the game life world, there are really very few worlds where human beings are so underground that they are even inferior to domestic animals.
Hear him say that.
Riku smiled wryly without words.
With the status of the human species on the verge of extinction, if it weren’t for Su Mo, wouldn’t it be natural for them to be underestimated?
After all, this is a weak ethnic group that will not attract the attention of other races when it becomes extinct!
Jibril also had the same thought about this. 0.4;
“Although Mr. Su Mo values ​​these humans very much!”
“But no matter how you think about it, human beings other than the master are not important, right?”
She didn’t mean any malice, she just looked around as if stating the facts, and then said.
“Even today’s human beings will be completely wiped out if they encounter a blood-destroyed individual of a dirty beast, right?”
Don’t underestimate humans…
Jibril couldn’t understand this.
“If SuIt is not surprising that the human beings before Master Mo bestowed power were wiped out by the aftermath of the war. ”
Riku spread his hands and echoed Jibril’s thoughts.
Everyone else was silent.
Without embellishment, the status of the human species is what it is.
However, in the face of people who think so.
Su Mo didn’t choose to explain or encourage.
He just asked everyone softly.
“The spirit species itself represents the rules of the world, and it is a race born in response to prayers.”
“Then I would like to ask all of you…in the beginning, when none of the other fifteen races were born.”
“The so-called god species was born because of whose prayer?”.
Chapter 433 Endless Questions
At the end of this war. The surviving gods basically command their own creations—that is, their dependents.
So people subconsciously think.
The gods are all gods of a special race.
Just as God of War is regarded as the main god of the Flügel, Senshin is regarded as the main god of the Elves.
The concepts they grasp are one thing.
Their identities are another matter.
That is why.
It was Riku before who subconsciously guessed that Su Mo might be the god of humans or something.
It’s not based on strength, it’s a reflex based on identity.
After hearing Su Mo’s question.
Riku subconsciously wanted to answer.
Aren’t the gods born because they are worshiped by the dependents they created?
And just thought of this.
Riku suddenly realized that this argument was completely untenable.
Although it is true that the gods are worshiped by their own family members.
But the order is reversed.
It is not because of being worshiped by the family that the gods can be born.
It was the gods who created the dependents, and then accepted the worship of the dependents.
The birth of the god species was before those dependents were created.
Think here.
Riku also had a slightly surprised expression on his face.
Even Jibril realized the meaning of Su Mo’s words.
She frowned slightly and muttered in confusion.
“That’s right, if all ethnic groups are created by the gods, how did the first gods come into being?”
“I remember, master, you said at 14 that the gods are born in response to prayers, right?”
In the game life world.
The source of the concept mastered by the gods is not mythology, but the world itself.
Therefore, as many concepts as there are in the world, there are as many species of gods as possible.
It’s just that, because they don’t have the essence, these gods don’t meet the activation conditions, so they can’t really appear in the world.
Only through wishes and prayers is it possible to obtain the essence and be born.
This point, after thinking about it, will be found to be very strange.
In today’s world, there are actually only fifteen races that are officially recognized.
Apart from these fifteen races, the other races, including humans, are nothing more than beasts.
If the gods of the fifteen races are removed.
It stands to reason that only the remaining fourteen intelligent races are intelligent and have the ability to pray for the appearance of the gods.
Then the birth of the god species seems to be only possible, and this (;:book”, by 【F, lipp::ed:】;? Organize?! (?. More new book contact 1;;343.!1: :77″?4″78″:) Fourteen intelligent races are related.
It is only possible because of the wishes of these intelligent races that were born.
However, there is one thing to pay attention to here.
That is, in this world, the remaining fourteen races are all creatures that do not exist without exception.
Of course, these races have strengths and talents far superior to humans.
However, they are all creations of the gods, beings that did not exist before that.
Then the problem comes.
When these races have not yet been created.
In this world, there are no so-called fourteen kinds of intelligent creatures.
How was the first spirit species born?
Before these races were created.
Whose wish did those gods respond to, and were they born?
You know, being able to make a wish is a proof of being a sentient creature.
According to common sense in the world today.
Except for the creations of the gods, no race can be said to have intelligence.
So in the beginning, the god species shouldn’t have been born.
“It is the gods who created the world and life, and then accepted human belief.”
“Or is it that human beliefs created the gods, and the subsequent gods?”
Su Mo read softly.
This is the biggest paradox in Hakoniwa World.
In the history of mankind and the history of mythology, which side is correct, and which one is the existence of attachment.
This paradox, even in the current Hakoniwa, shows no signs of being resolved.
However, the problems that cannot be solved in Hakoniwa World are not necessarily difficult problems in the world of Game Life.
“The answer to this question should not be difficult to guess.”
He looked at the two people in front of him.
“Could it be…”
Jibril’s expression froze for a moment, and she couldn’t believe her deduction.
Riku on the side has already confirmed his thoughts.
“If it is said that the gods really need to respond to wishes to be born.”
“Then according to the information you gave, Mr. Su Mo, we can only draw one conclusion——”
“That is, the original gods were actually summoned in response to the wishes of human beings.”
Although this may sound unbelievable, it is actually not difficult to guess.
Except for those god-made races.
In this world, the only species capable of intelligence has been human beings since ancient times.That is.
Humans are the first race to summon the Deity Species.
“It’s just that the gods born because of human beings’ prayers may not necessarily be on the side of human beings.”
“Plus, if you want to compete for the star cup, a weak physique like a human being is useless at all.”
“That’s why the summoned spirit species will each create their own dependents, and in the endless battles, they will finally become what they are today.”
My main god is Kaguya
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