However, the problem is.
“I don’t seem to have used the godhead of the Indian gods, have I?” Su Mo expressed his doubts.
The storyteller, who had no reaction at all to the tense atmosphere in front of him, smiled after hearing Su Mo’s question.
It was a very confident smile.
“I guessed this question from another detail.”
He said it very frankly.
Seeing his expression, Su Mo suddenly realized.
Despite what the storyteller said, this simulated star map is a certificate that can prove its worth.
But in fact, it is absolutely not the case!
How could it be possible for a man like him to just use what he stole from the group of gods as his own advancement?
Although the storyteller does not reject theft, he is usually not a righteous person with awe-inspiring righteousness.
But only by relying on the imprudent management of the group of gods, and stealing things.
No matter how precious it is, it cannot reflect its own value.
Even if it can be manifested.
At most, it is to reflect his value as a thief and a 25-year-old boy.
This is contrary to the purpose of the storyteller.
His real investment certificate is not actually a simulated star creation chart, but to reflect his own value with the help of the simulated star creation chart!
For example, analyze the nature of Su Mo’s power from the details that even Canary didn’t explore, or deliberately didn’t explore!
“For the world, the battle between Majesty Su Mo and the fallen King Asura is the most talked about topic.”
The storyteller’s elated KanHe talked eloquently.
“The power of the falling sun and the falling moon, the solution to the puzzle of the spirit, the use of the sun’s gold-winged flames, the reappearance of the sword of Bahram, and the superposition of the Christian special attack on gods.”
“All kinds of extraordinary levels of power are gathered in one body, allowing you to defeat a three-digit level demon king with a four-digit body without any injuries.”
“.-This deed is now being circulated in the entire Little Garden and even in the heavens.”
Having said that, he paused slightly, and his tone became complacent.
“But what they didn’t expect was that compared to the power you used to deal with King Asura later, the power you used when you first rescued the princess of the Garuda family was even more shocking.”
“Because the Asura clan stationed at that time and the reason why the Prince Asura was completely wiped out, even the gods didn’t pay much attention to this battle. After all, they are peerless heroes who can defeat three-digit demon kings. How can they deal with a mere group of Asuras?” Isn’t it easy to catch?”
What he said is also the mind of most gods.
This is also something that is easy to foresee.
Compared with when he rescued the Peng Demon King, the group of Asuras he was facing was naturally the Asura King who had fallen into the Demon King, who could force Su Mo’s full strength.
Therefore, when the first battlefield of the Asura clan’s base camp was discovered, the garrison personnel were basically wiped out.
Although the gods were surprised by Su Mo’s speed, they were not surprised.
Naturally, it didn’t take much effort to investigate what happened.
“However, I am different from Shenqun. From the very beginning, I didn’t feel that you used all your strength.”
The storyteller (Deqian Zhao) who had seen the scene of Su Mo’s battle and was deeply impressed by it said enthusiastically.
“If you don’t use your full strength against the Asura King, there may not be much difference between the Asura King and the Asura Clan. Therefore, when you deal with the two, you may subconsciously use different the power of.”
One is single and the other is group.
For a type like the Garuda Roc who has honed a gift to the extreme, it may be a little different. No matter what enemy it deals with, it will be a “solar gold-winged flame”.
However, for Su Mo, who has an astonishing variety of powers, this is definitely not the case.
The storyteller, who thought that he might be able to get information here, used a very precious gift to find traces of power from the ruins of the completely destroyed Hell Dao battlefield.
And it was this trace that made him affirm the thoughts in his heart.
The storyteller took a deep breath and said very firmly.
“I found it on the battlefield, the trace of the final trial of mankind!”
“Although it is the final trial of human beings who have already been defeated, it no longer has the nature of destroying the world. However, the appearance of Fenrir, the god-slaying wolf, is definitely something that can surprise all the gods!”.
Chapter 550 Archangel Uriel
The ultimate trial of mankind is an element destined to destroy human history. If human beings fail to overcome this difficult problem before the realization comes.
Let faith be cast aside, fear forgotten, research cut off.
The formless and formless Demon King——The Wind of Decadence descended with the strongest posture, and directly blew Hakoniwa away.
And the coming of the wind of decadence also means that the current human history has reached a dead end and is doomed to perish.
And if, in any case, the destruction of human history cannot be prevented.
Even if it rebuilds Hakoniwa, it still fails.
Well, it’s not just the Hakoniwa world created by God.
The infinitely diverse and parallel intersecting worlds connected by Hakoniwa’s hub will also fall into destruction.
The gods who observe and depend on each other with human history will naturally die.
This is a worldwide crisis that can plunge the infinitely diverse world into doomsday.
In fact, since the birth of human history, there have been quite a few final trials of human beings.
That is to say, in the 20th and 21st centuries, after human beings have made great progress in science, they gradually overcome various natural disasters.
This has led to the fact that the frequency of human beings’ final trials is getting lower and lower.
And before the completion of human history until the twenty-first century.
Natural disasters such as wind, rain, thunder, and lightning will actually become difficult problems that human beings may not be able to overcome and can cut off human civilization.
For example, the gift Su Mo possesses is the prototype of the Death Eye – the owner of Balor’s Dead Eye, the evil eye giant Balor.
He is the final trial of humanity belonging to Celtic mythology.
After being knocked down, he died.
Only the gift of Balor’s Dead Eye is left in the “Dragon Griffin Lion” alliance.
Thinking of this, Su Mo felt that he might be able to get this gift to strengthen his own level of the Devil’s Eye of Immortality.
But now is not the time to talk about it.
Like Balor’s Dead Eye, Fenrir, the God-killing Fang Wolf, was also one of the final trials that ravaged mankind back then.
It was also attacked in the same way.
At that time, when Su Mo rescued Xiao Jialing, he summoned several divine beasts.
The Wolf of Ragnarok is among them.
Thinking about it now, the eyes of Leticia at that time seemed to be really shocked.
Probably not only shocked by Su Mo’s strength, but also shocked by Su Mo’s ability to summon the gift of the final human trial!
Even if this human final trial is the type that has already retired.
But it was surprising enough.
However, compared to Fenrir, who has already retired from the Hakoniwa stage, even if he is resurrected again, he does not have the nature of the final trial of human beings, Su Mo’s record of beheading three-digit demon kings with four-digit strength is too outstanding.
It made Canary forget that crop.
As for the little Jialing who also saw that scene?
She is still a child under ten years old.
“At first, I speculated that you have the ability to obtain the opponent’s godhead from the hands of the living gods.” The storyteller analyzed.
“However, after seeing Fenrir, the fang-killing wolf, I denied this conjecture.”
“This humanThe final trial never appeared after being crusaded. It is impossible for anyone to get his power! ”
To put it simply, even if the storyteller guessed the power and nature of the godslayer, he would immediately deny the guess.
After all, ordinary gods (beae) are not bad, and they do have a chance to gain the opponent’s power.
But a deity like Fenrir, who would never appear at all, could not use this method to obtain its power.
“And you can turn this impossible thing into a possibility, which I haven’t figured out until now.”
The storyteller spoke very frankly.
So far, he has not guessed the nature of Su Mo’s power.
After all, no matter how big his brain is, he would never have thought of it.
The power in Su Mo’s hands was not obtained from the gods of Hako Garden.
Instead, Su Mo, who shared the world of the godslayer, got it directly from the gods of the gods.
However, this is not important to him.
“The important thing is that you can control the divinity of other gods, and achieve a level of realism equivalent to that of a candidate for a god.” “(more new; book.”link”, Department 1?34.3’17;7478′:)
“Looking at the power you have used, there are Celtic gods, cross gods, Zoroastrian gods, and Norse gods, so it is very likely that there is no limit to your power to obtain godhood.”
“If this is the case, then even if it is a simulated star creation map that can only be used by the core gods of the Indian gods, you are very likely to be able to use it. This is my inference.”
“But now it seems that I did not guess wrong.”
After putting out all his guesses.
The storyteller knelt on one knee and saluted very respectfully, touching his gift card with both hands.
Su Mo took the gift card, and what was stored in it was the simulated star creation map “Avatara”.
There is no rush to incorporate the simulated star creation map into himself.
My main god is Kaguya
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