“Beautiful reasoning, good vote.”
He applauds the storyteller’s speculation.
Then, he nodded seriously.
“You are qualified!”
“Yes! My lord!”
Hearing these words of affirmation, the storyteller finally showed a ecstatic expression.
These words are settled.
The master-slave relationship between the two parties has been determined.
In other words, Su Momian accepts himself! .
Chapter 551 The Strange Movement of Christianity
Su Mo naturally had his own considerations for accepting the storyteller as his subordinate. To deal with the gods, the strength and spirituality shared by other worlds are naturally the biggest reliance.
This is also the right way to deal with the enemy.
However, in order to be safe, in addition to the majestic righteous way, deceitful ways are also very necessary…
Although the Arcadia Alliance is powerful, its actions are often under the watchful eyes of Shenqun.
To guide the situation, – Raiders is a must.
And the storyteller happened to have this level of quality.
With his character of fearing that the world will not be chaotic, it is also the most suitable to use against the gods.
Thinking of this, Su Mo’s eyes flashed.
“I haven’t asked your name before?” He asked curiously.
For a long time, the storyteller has called himself by his code name, and the carpenter is also a title given by others, but he has never heard of him saying his real name.
Hearing Su Mo’s question, the storyteller naturally couldn’t answer.
“The name is completely unnecessary to me. I have already lost my spiritual status, leaving only a shadow.”
“However, if His Royal Highness Su Mo insists on asking, please call me Green!”
The storyteller himself has the same origin as Canary.
Both were born in the ranch of the dystopian demon king, so he holds the gift called “NoFormer”, so he was able to survive the collapse of the spirit.
NoFormer – someone who can’t be anyone.
For him who has lost his spiritual power, a name is unnecessary.
If anything is closest to the essence of his past, Green is a very suitable name.
“In the late Renaissance, the collection of fairy tales compiled by the Brothers Grimm…”
Hearing the name, Su Mo smiled slightly.
Obviously understood what the storyteller meant.
It was indeed an appropriate name for him who still commands the monsters in fairy tales and is the leader of the fantasy grimoire group.
This can be regarded as confessing to oneself.
Glancing at the gift card of the storyteller Green, Su Mo was still not in a hurry to recover the simulated star map “Avatara” to himself.
Instead, he asked.
“Although the gods are not defenseless against the simulated star creation map, they are not without means of inspection.”
“If you give this thing to me, how long can you keep it a secret?” Hearing this, the storyteller pondered for a few seconds before shaking his head.
“At present, the group of gods is more optimistic about the current history of mankind, but they are not in a hurry to create a savior to transcend eschatology.”
“However, if the demon king breaks through the seal a month later, I probably won’t be able to hide it.”
When drowsiness comes, you will want a pillow.
Even the gods, if they don’t have a sense of urgency, they won’t do things too quickly based on their time concept.
In today’s Hakoniwa, the years are quiet and beautiful.
The dystopian devil has long since disappeared, and a new devil has yet to be born.
Even though the Demon King Alliance was established in advance and they had the idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace, the gods did not think that the end would come soon.
Under such circumstances, they will naturally not be in a hurry to create aHeroes of the Sun.
The control over storytellers is relatively loose.
Once the “absolutely evil” demon king, Azi Dakaha, descends.
This final trial of mankind will inevitably wake up the decayed group of gods and make them re-emphasize the matter of crossing the doomsday wheel.
At that time, the simulated star creation map “Avatara” will become the focus of attention of the gods.
The fact that the storyteller stole it cannot be concealed.
“One month…”
After Su Mo pondered for a moment, he didn’t choose to get the simulated star creation map directly.
Instead, he directly returned the gift card to Green as it was.
“Your Majesty Su Momian… you are?”
The storyteller guessed Su Mo’s plan, but he was still surprised and speechless.
This is a simulated star creation map, a core secret treasure that only has one for each group of gods!
The most important thing is that Su Mo in front of him must have a way to manipulate it. For Su Mo, the value of simulating the Star Creation Map is not discounted at all.
Under such circumstances, I am afraid that even the double digits in the full power field will find it difficult to refuse this temptation.
But Su Mo didn’t intend to get it at all? !
“Anyway, it’s useless for me to hold it for the time being, it’s better to put it with you first, lest you be discovered by “Ouroboros”. ”
Seeing Green’s surprised expression, Su Mo replied calmly.
…seeking flowers 0…
The simulated star map “Avatara” needs the godhead at the core of Indian mythology to drive it.
Godheads such as Rama and Axe Rama can be used,
Although it is not difficult for Su Mo to achieve this, it is still not necessary now.
Instead of eating ashes in your own hands, it’s better to keep it in Green’s hands first.
Green’s position as a military adviser in the Demon King Alliance “Ouroboros” is still very important, and he cannot be suspected by the gods.
“Besides, since you have decided to dedicate it to me, it will be mine sooner or later. What does it matter who owns it now?”
He said it very openly.
In fact, the reason why he made such a decision is not only because Green’s position is indeed important.
It is also because, knowing the original work, he understands that this simulated star creation map has been in Ouroboros two hundred years later, and has not been recovered by the gods.

So there is no need to worry about fetching water from the bamboo basket in vain.
I don’t understand the storyteller Su Mo relies on.
After hearing Su Mo’s words, his gaze became wild again.
“What a boldness this is! As expected of Su Momian!”
Even things like the simulated star map can be handed over to me who just accepted it with such confidence.
This kind of trust and heroism is a world of difference compared to Shenqun!
So, despite being moved, he didn’t refuse.
“Since you said so, let me keep it for you for the time being!”
If Su Mo had any favorability system, he would definitely be able to see the scene where the storyteller’s loyalty reached ninety-nine.
After deciding on the disposal of the simulated star map.
Su Mo remembered what Bai Yasha said before, and asked the storyteller in front of him.
“By the way, have you noticed any movement from the Christian side these days?”
Although I don’t think it will be a big deal.
But with the current degree of corruption of the gods, nothing is easy to guarantee.
After hearing Su Mo’s inquiry.
The storyteller pondered for a while, then shook his head.
“There doesn’t seem to be any special instructions from the Christian side.” Having said that, he suddenly raised his head as if remembering something.
“But if I have to say it, Archangel Uriel once asked me about your spiritual status, but he didn’t say the purpose.” Four.
Chapter 552: The Gift of the Son of God’s Birth Ceremony
“Archangel Uriel?”
Hearing the name from the storyteller, Su Mo paused. Before, after dealing with Demon Lord Maxwell, when Green was asked to tell all the information about the Demon King Alliance Ouroboros.
Green once mentioned that the angel in the group of gods who is in charge of connecting with him is mainly Uriel, the flame of hell.
In the magic formula of God’s Right in the forbidden world.
Uriel was classified as the wind ahead.
Belongs to wind property.
My main god is Kaguya
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