For the attack on Uriel. Although Su Mo and Canary both guessed a little bit, they all deduced it from Uriel’s words and weird attitude.
There are really no other clues.
So, after hearing that Di Shitian seemed to have discovered something, the two immediately looked over with concern.
Di Shitian also had no intention of showing off.
“I suspect that Uriel came here on purpose to be attacked by you.” He said in a deep voice.
Although it was just a guess, but listening to his tone, he was extremely certain.
Hearing this, both Canary and Su Mo’s hearts sank. Apparently, they hadn’t thought of this.
Leticia and Croya on the side felt very incredible.
“Deliberately being attacked by the master?”
Leticia subconsciously shook her head.
“How is this possible? Christian suicide is a felony! What’s more, Uriel is still a three-digit imperial angel. Is there anything worthy of this existence’s life?”
Not to mention that the Crusaders wouldn’t do that.
Even if it did, it wouldn’t explain anything at all.
It’s too strange to pay a three-digit existence just to die.
Even Uriel can be reborn with the help of faith.
But the new angel summoned from the planetary chronicle, although the name and godhead are the same, is not the same person as before.
The replacement of the god species is not a real rebirth after death.
Otherwise, the existence of candidates for gods would be meaningless.
But what does Arcadia have that is worth paying such a price for a three-digit existence?
Indra did not respond directly to this question.
Instead, he cast his eyes deeply on Su Mo.
“Since they were attacked on purpose, it was naturally because they felt that they could find out some information in this way.”
“About this point, Su Mo, you should know it yourself?” He asked back.
Hearing Di Shitian’s rhetorical question, Su Mo couldn’t help but startled.
Immediately asked with some surprise.
“As expected of the head of the twelve heavenly protectors, have you already discovered part of the nature of my spirit?”-?
Although it didn’t take long to know about the godslayer’s spiritual status, the storyteller had seen through it after all.
But Su Mo didn’t expect that Di Shitian, who had only met once, would have such insight.
Hearing what the two said, Canary, Croya and the others looked confused.
Clearly had no idea what they were talking about.Su Mo didn’t plan to hide it from his companions, so he didn’t need to say anything when he didn’t mention it specifically.
Now that Arcadia has been involved, there is no need to hide it.
“There’s no need to worry about them. The people here are all our own people. This level of information can still be said.” Su Mo said very calmly.
“That’s good.”
Di Shitian nodded, he was already quite curious about this matter.
Since Su Mo had no intention of hiding anything at this moment, he naturally couldn’t vomit.
However, before he spoke.
A timid, crisp and immature young girl’s voice sounded.
The little black rabbit raised his hand and said very embarrassedly.
“Su, Lord Su Mo, and Lord Di Shitian, I don’t seem to belong to the “Arcadia” community. ”
Although I really want to be the “one of my own” in Su Mo’s mouth.
But the black rabbit is also a very measured child.
After noticing that they were talking about the secrets of the spirit, they prepared to take the initiative to leave.
Hear the voice of the black rabbit.
Only then did Di Shitian notice the figure hiding beside Leticia.
“Moon Rabbit? Or the God Son of the Moon Rabbit Clan?”
After realizing the godhead of the black rabbit and the gift of the godhead bestowed by him, Di Shitian immediately understood the identity of the black rabbit.
“I remember that the birth festival of the Moon Rabbit Clan is just around the corner, and you’re not in the Moon Shadow Capital to prepare?” Di Shitian asked curiously.
The Moon Rabbit Clan is the dependents protected by Di Shitian. In other words, Di Shitian is the main god that the Moon Rabbit Clan believes in.
However, because of the past, the guilty Di Shitian rarely met with the Moon Rabbit Clan.
It’s rare to see a child like Heitu this time, so he is naturally a little concerned.
“Uh, this…”
Hearing Di Shitian’s question, the little black rabbit immediately panicked.
Then she immediately looked at Su Mo pitifully, as if she wanted Su Mo to help her out.
Di Shitian was a little confused by the change in the expression of the little black rabbit.
what happened?
Isn’t he the main god of the Moon Rabbit Clan? Why did this child look at his reaction as if he saw some villain.
At this moment, Su Mo carried the little black rabbit behind him with some amusement, then rubbed her head, and then explained to Di Shitian.
“This child ran away from home and ran out to take risks, and we happened to meet him.”
“We have already contacted the Moon Rabbit Clan, and we will send her back before the birth festival, so there is no need to worry.”
Hearing Su Mo’s words, Di Shitian couldn’t help laughing.
Unexpectedly, the rabbit who looks so timid would dare to run away from home.
No wonder he looked worried, probably because he was afraid of being punished by himself.
This rabbit may not know that Ti Shicai doesn’t care about these cumbersome rules.
With Su Mo taking care of him, he was not worried about the safety of Moon God Son.
“.-About the matter of Lingge, do you need to let her stay by the side?” Di Shitian looked at Su Mo and asked.
The secrecy of the spirit is very important in Xiaotian. Although Heitu is young, he is a member of other communities after all, so he naturally has concerns.
Su Mo shook his head indifferently, held the little black rabbit’s hand, and said.
“There is no need to worry, this child is also one of our own and can be trusted.”
Hearing this, Hei Tu’s eyes widened, and he felt a warm current surge in his heart.
“Su, Master Su Mo!”
For the innocent and pure Moon Rabbit family, there is no doubt that more rewards should be given for such trust.
So for a while, her intimacy with Su Mo reached its peak in one breath.
Di Shitian also nodded, he also has 100% confidence in the character of the Moon Rabbit Clan.
“Then I’ll say it.”
“After you defeated King Asura, I found that the spiritual status recovered by the center of King Asura Hakoba was partially vacant, and the godhead and spiritual status of other ordinary Asuras were missing.”
(Get Qian Zhao) “Considering the powers of other gods you have, many of them are gifts that have not been handed down outside. After the two phenomena are combined, I have doubts.”
Having said that, Di Shitian looked at Su Mo and said seriously.
“Could it be that all the powers of the gods you hold were usurped from the gods you crusaded?”
Before Su Mo could answer, he continued.
“Originally, I was just skeptical, but I wasn’t sure, so I kept this news secret.”
“But now, since Uriel has been attacked by you, it is estimated that this matter can no longer be hidden.”
“At least, the Christianity must have known about your spiritual nature by now, and confirmed the fact that you can usurp the power of the gods.”
“While they don’t know why, they would rather spend so much money to confirm this.”
“But what we can know is that the fact that you can usurp the godhead and become a candidate for the gods must be very important to Christianity.”.
Chapter 565: Dystopian Demon Lord God Is Dead
After the release of the emperor. Except for Su Mo, Canary and Vera, everyone present was shocked by this information.
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to speak for a long time.
Su Mo and Canary were not surprised because they already knew the nature of the “God Slayer” spirit.
Vera wasn’t surprised, it was simply because this natural dumb demon didn’t understand at all.
However, among the others, even the youngest black rabbit couldn’t help but gasp after hearing Di Shitian’s words.
“That is, Lord Su Mo can gain the power of the gods by killing the gods.”
“Not only can you gain power, but you can also get the corresponding godhead and become a candidate for a god?”
After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, a pair of soft rabbit ears froze, and the black rabbit said blankly.
What a terrible gift!
Not only to kill the gods, but also to put the vest of the gods on yourself, and even be able to incarnate as a candidate for the corresponding god.
Not only can it usurp the power of the god species, but it can also usurp its identity.
This kind of godslayer is even more terrifying than the “godslayer” that is recorded in the final trial of human beings.
My main god is Kaguya
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