Although the final trial of human beings can obliterate the gods and myths.
But it is also impossible to use the power of the gods for their own use.
But Su Mo can easily do this.
For a long time, the gods have been feeding on human beliefs and taking the chronology of the planet as the basis of existence.
Su Mo is probably the first one who can use the power of the gods as food to continuously increase his own power.
It is conceivable that if Su Mo really lets go and kills the gods.
If there were no other restrictions, wouldn’t he be able to slaughter a group of gods by himself, and accumulate all the power of the group of gods in himself? !
If it can reach this point.
I’m afraid even the threat of the final trial of human beings can’t compare to him!
After realizing this, Hei Tu couldn’t help but squeezed Su Mo’s hand tightly, and then said with a worried face.
“No wonder the Church of the Cross took action against Master Su Mo. Are they afraid that Master Su Mo will become the enemy of all gods?”
There was concern in her tone.
If Su Mo was only against the Christianity, he would only be more dangerous in the future because of Hakoniwa’s rules.
Due to the nature of Su Molingge, it is very likely that he will be the enemy of all gods.
Under the long history of Hakoniwa today.
Almost none of them can be enemies of all the gods and survive.
Whether it is Shiraiyasha or Algar, Lingge has been reduced to not being too much of a threat.
The reason why the Queen of Halloween can be an exception is simply because she is not stupid enough to declare war on the three thousand gods and Buddhas like Bai Yasha and Alger.
Thinking of this, Hei Tu couldn’t help but get nervous.
Although she is also a member of the group of gods, she doesn’t want anything to happen to Su Mo.
After hearing the worry of the black rabbit.
Canary, who knew the gods very well, shook her head.
“It shouldn’t be like this. With the current corruption (beae) and arrogance of the group of gods, even if Su Mo’s spiritual status is very specific to the gods, they will never think that a mere four-digit number can threaten the existence of the group of gods.”
Among other things, the “sun wheel gold-winged flame” of the golden-winged roc family is also an extraordinary gift to gods and dragons.
No, it has never been targeted?
Even if Su Mo Lingge is very unfavorable to the gods, in the eyes of the gods, let alone a mere four-digit figure.
Even three-digit godslayers, they didn’t pay attention to them at all.
Even if Su Mo can defeat a three-digit level demon king.
But so what?
Is it possible that he can still defeat the million gods?
The long and stable time has already wiped out the sense of crisis in the group of gods, not to mention that Su Mo is really not a big threat now.
Although the gift of the godslayer has different characteristics, many groups of gods have similar existences.
Although Su Mo’s situation is strange, it is not a big threat.
“Hey! It’s true, but Canary, don’t scold me too!”
After hearing Canary’s words, Di Shitian nodded in agreement with her point of view.
Then he smiled wryly and touched his nose.
He himself has a deep understanding of the corruption of the gods, so there is not much room for refutation.
And Canary’s point of view is indeed the same as that held by the God Group.
After all, even the least corrupted himself among the gods.
He also didn’t think Su Mo’s spiritual power would be too much trouble.
Otherwise, it wouldn’t help Su Mo to hide it.
“Compared to his characteristics as a godslayer, Bahram was able to fight all the gods and Buddhas alone without being defeated. Compared with this level of threat, the threat that Su Mo presents now is only a possibility, and it should not be defeated. Too much emphasis.”
Di Shitian explained in this way.
Of course, if the gods knew that Di Shitian had entrusted Su Mo with Bahram’s spirit, they would still have a headache.
But the Christians who don’t know this should not come to obliterate Su Mo because of the characteristics of “God Slayer”.
“Compared to the nature of usurping the power of the gods shown by Su Mo, I suspect that Christianity is more (? This book is edited by [Fli,”p’!p’!e?!d.”]:whole::management;(; ;More “. How new. Book?! Contact? 1!:3.43?? 17,7,? 478.:) The worry is that Su Mo can become a candidate for any godhead.”
The emperor released his conjecture.
There are not a few godslayers in mythology.
But Su Mo is the only one who can replace the personality of the Deity species by killing the gods.
Therefore, Di Shitian reasonably suspected that this should be what the Christians were afraid of.
“The reason why Uriel was sent here and you took the initiative to kill him should be an experiment conducted by the Christianity to verify your spiritual status.”
Having said that, he added.
“The Christian religion should have the power to confirm candidates for the gods, so it cannot be hidden.”
Hearing this, everyone’s hearts sank.
Leticia frowned, still a little puzzled.
“It’s just a candidate for the gods, and it shouldn’t cause the Christianity to go to war.”
“After all, the angels of the Christianity, except for Uriel, who was just killed, are basically full. Why would they worry about a candidate for a god, and why would they hire an archangel for this?”
mentioned before.
For the group of gods whose corresponding gods already exist in Hakoniwa, the status of a candidate for a god is meaningless.
After all, there is already a genuine version here, alternateOr this kind of piracy will not be recognized by Hakoniwa.
And for the gods whose gods are not in Hakoniwa.
If a corresponding candidate can be found, Shenqun should be even more happy.
After all, this can fill the gods with fresh blood.
There are so many Christian beliefs, so even the dead gods will be summoned again, and they have always been at full capacity.
Such a group of gods should not go to war for Su Mo.
Hear Leticia’s words.
Canary on the side opened her mouth faintly.
“The only possibility is that Christianity itself is not full.”
“In their group of gods, there is indeed a vacancy that will be replaced by a candidate for the gods, but they don’t want this position to be taken by anyone.”
“That’s why there is zero tolerance for anyone who has the possibility of inheriting this position.”
In the case of polytheism, the position of a mere god has little effect.
But for monotheism, some key positions are absolutely irreplaceable and must not be obtained by outsiders.
In Christianity, there are only two such core positions.
Hear the strings and know the elegance.
Hearing what Canary said, Di Shitian also had a horrifying guess in his heart.
The old-fashioned Leticia still didn’t understand.
“No, the Christianity is indeed full! Over the years, the Son of God has suppressed the gods as a domain of full authority. Although the other angels have been less active, we have all faced each other when facing the dystopian demon king.”
Leticia has been active in Hakoniwa for a long time, and the angels of the Christianity did not live in seclusion before.
So for these angels, she has the impression that she has either seen or heard about each other’s activities.
Therefore, she was very puzzled by Canary’s deduction.
“If I have to say, there is a Christian deity whose deeds I have never heard of, the only thing left is—”
She frowned and recalled for a long time before she remembered the most important pillar, which she seemed to have never seen before.
But halfway through the conversation, she got stuck.
Even she now knows what Canary means.
Suppressing the turmoil in her heart, Leticia raised her head and looked at Canary, Su Mo, and Di Shitian.
Several people nodded in tacit agreement and did not continue the discussion.
This topic is too dangerous.
Chapter 566: Preferential Treatment for Candidates for the Original Canon of the Gods
If you want to ask, who is the most important existence of Christianity. Perhaps many people will answer – Son of God.
After all, when Christianity recruits believers, the most important thing is the New Testament.
As the largest branch, Christianity itself worships the Son of God, not God himself.
Moreover, because of being targeted by the Hakoniwa Center, the most powerful Christian in the Hakoniwa world is also the Son of God who has reached the realm of full power.
As the strongest in fact.
The Son of God naturally became the head of the gods in the essence of Christianity.
However, if you want to ask who is the cornerstone of Christianity.
Then think of nothing but God Himself…
After all, even the Son of God can only share the glory of God with the help of the Trinity theory.
Without God, Christianity would not exist at all – at the very foundation of the faith.
And since the existence of the Son of God is certain.
My main god is Kaguya
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