If Canary’s judgment is true.
Isn’t there only one left for the vacancy that Christianity lacks?
The few people who knew it were aware of something, but they didn’t speak.
For the existence of the Plenipotentiary Domain, even if it only mentions this secret, it is very likely to be discovered.
So, after a while of silence.
Su Mo was very natural and started another topic.
“By the way, Di Shitian, you just mentioned the fight against the dystopian demon king. According to you, the Christianity at that time was not monolithic?”
Di Shitian was a little puzzled, wondering why Su Mo would mention this.
However, since he was changing the subject, he naturally had no reason not to answer.
“About the fight against the dystopian demon king, you may ask Canary and Kasukabe Takaaki better than you can ask me.”
Di Shitian smiled, and then said.
“However, I do know more about the group of gods.”
“When the anti-utopian devil ravaged Hakoniwa West, many gods were indeed confused by him and sided with the anti-utopian devil. The Christianity was no exception at the beginning.”
For the final trial of the most vicious and powerful human being in the world, Di Shitian obviously still had a fresh memory.
From the perspective of future generations, it may be felt that the gods and the dystopian devil are mixed together, which is a very incredible and depraved behavior.
But at the time, the Dystopian Demon Lord was actually quite a favorite among the gods.
Using breed improvement, humans are domesticated like animals and brainwashed with religion after birth.
The product obtained in this way is the human beings under the rule of the dystopian demon king.
However, it may not be appropriate to call it a human being.
Rather, these people are domestic animals that do not “think”.
Humans can be easily domesticated by providing shelter and food, just like raising pigs.
Humans are raised like mere sacks of meat.
And the product obtained is what the gods need, the meager faith.
For modern humans, such a life may be tantamount to hell.
But for the gods, there are many existences who believe that this is the attitude that humans and gods should have.
Humans don’t need to do any activities, they just need to offer their faith like a god.
Therefore, the society they initially built was also called Utopia by some gods.
In this situation, the gods are happy to see their success.
quite a lotThe gods have teamed up with the dystopian lord.
The dystopian demon king was also able to occupy a quarter of Hakoniwa’s land in a very short period of time.
Turn the western part of Hakoniwa into his own pasture.
And as has always advocated the Christianity of treating human beings as lambs and the Lord as the Shepherd.
Naturally, he is born to have a good impression of the behavior of the dystopian demon king.
At the very beginning, a cooperation was reached with the dystopian demon king.
“It’s just that later, under Canary’s lobbying and other gods gradually discovered the dangers of the dystopian demon king.”
“There seems to be a dispute within the Christianity, and gradually changed their opinions, and finally chose to abandon the dark and turn to the light, and break away from the dystopian demon king.”
Obviously, although Di Shitian was aware of the change in the attitude of Christianity.
But don’t know the real reason inside.
However, for Su Mo, this was enough.
“I remember that in order to eliminate the possibility of the emergence of the dystopian devil from the root, Canary used the sovereignty of the sun to guide the historical transition period of the Black Death.”
Having said that, Su Mo looked at Canary and Croya beside him.
“The appearance of the Black Death greatly reduced the faith of the church and aroused the trend of thought of the Renaissance. The Christian belief system temporarily sank and was replaced by the rise of rationalism. The industrial revolution and technological development were the products of rationalism. ”
“In the nineteenth century, rationalism was gradually replaced by existentialism, and Nietzsche, as an important figure in existentialism, chanted the slogan of earth-shattering.”
– God is dead.
…seeking flowers 0…
Although Su Mo didn’t say it explicitly, everyone who was a little more knowledgeable knew this famous saying.
And according to Su Mo’s inference.
It is precisely because of the disappearance of the dystopian demon king that human thoughts have evolved to this point.
Everything that happened in Little Garden did not change in isolation, but interlinked with each other.
Therefore, the current reaction of Christianity is not without warning.
After listening to Su Mo’s words, Canary rubbed her head.
“So, the root cause of the attack of the Christianity can still involve me?”
If it hadn’t created a Renaissance wave, maybe it wouldn’t be like this now.
But in order to deal with the dystopian demon king, there is no other way.
There is no room for regret at all.
“It seems that the troubles of Christianity are not over yet.”

With such a sigh, Canary shook her head.
Uriel’s attack this time can only be regarded as a foretaste.
The purpose of Christianity is simply to confirm the characteristics of Su Mo’s “Godslayer” spiritual status.
It is now confirmed.
There will inevitably be further moves by Christianity.
Being targeted by the most powerful religion in Hakoniwa, even Canary can’t help but feel a little insecure.
At this moment, Su Mo’s voice sounded, giving everyone a shot in the arm.
“There is no need to worry, even if it is Christianity, it is difficult to be my opponent when the full power field cannot end.”
“Besides, we won’t sit still. It won’t be long before my spiritual power will go one step further. At that time, even if I face multiple almighty domains, I will never lose.”
Su Mo didn’t panic about the threat of Christianity.
After all, from the very beginning, he regarded all god groups as imaginary enemies.
It was just a Christianity, and it was not a big trouble compared to the millions of gods he was going to deal with.
After hearing Su Mo’s words, everyone in Arcadia felt relieved.
Di Shitian touched his chin and said.
“Based on your four-digit breakthrough level, the next step will be three digits.”
“Sure enough, you are ready to take this step!”
He who entrusted the Bahramlinger to Su Mo was not surprised that Su Mo had the ability to become a triple digit.
Rather, Su Mo could actually become a three-digit number at any time.
Di Shitian was a little curious because he didn’t know which god Su Mo planned to complete the spiritual status of which god. Four.
Chapter 567: Qijiela Monster in the Fog Space
It couldn’t be easier for Su Mo, who holds the Bahram Linger, to step into three digits as Bahram. It’s just that he hasn’t been doing it all along.
Therefore, Di Shitian guessed that Su Mo had other goals.
After all, Su Mo has such a long list of candidates for the gods.
It’s okay to have other options.
Anyway, for Di Shi, the entrustment of Bahram’s spirituality to Su Mo was just to implement the mission entrusted to him by the Zoroastrian Patriarch.
As for what Su Mo, who received this gift, planned to do, that was his own business.
“However, to be promoted to a three-digit number means that you will abandon your identity as a human being.” Di Shitian warned meaningfully.
“If you really choose to do this, then maybe I can persuade the Buddhist sect to mediate one or two conflicts between you and the Christianity.”
If Su Mo is still human.
With the nature he manifests.
If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find his bias as a candidate for the original human side.
If so, let alone Christianity.
Even the Buddhist sect, and even all the gods in Hakoniwa World, it is impossible to lend a helping hand to a human-side original candidate “187”.
But if Su Mo intends to abandon his human identity.
Then it must be impossible to become a candidate for the original human side.
In this situation.
The gods are still happy to help a candidate for the original scriptures on the god side.
At least, Di Shitian is confident that he can use this to convince the Buddha.
Hearing what he said, Su Mo smiled.
“Then, thank you for your help.”
Becoming a three-digit number will inevitably abandon the identity of a human being—this is common sense in Hakoniwa.
My main god is Kaguya
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