Four digits, in Hakoniwa, it is called the Demonic Realm of the Outsider.
It means the realm that humans cannot reach,
But in fact, there are not many human beings who have reached four digits.
It’s just that those who reach the four-digit level are not pure human beings.
The demigod heroes in mythology have the blood of gods.
Kasukabe Takaaki, a hero who has been rare in recent years, also uses the animal factors of other species to exert this level of combat power.
In Hakoniwa’s rules.
Except for a few bugs in the future protagonist group, pure human beings can only reach five figures.
If you want to reach four digits, you must be a mixed race with some human factors.
And once it reaches three digits, it will inevitably be denied all human factors.
Even a demigod hero like Heracross.
It is only in the four digits that you can have the human factor.
When his spiritual capacity reaches three digits, he will become one of the twelve main gods of Olympus according to the myth.
That is pure god!
Therefore, there is no problem with Di Shitian’s idea in Hakoniwa World alone.
However, he obviously didn’t know that Su Mo himself was a bug.
Su Mo itself is a mysterious phenomenon in which all Su Mo’s power and existence are coupled together.
Therefore, even if Su Mo completed the demon god ceremony with one of his identities, he became an omnipotent domain and abandoned his human identity.
However, as long as one of the other Su Mo has human factors.
Su Mo can show the characteristics of human beings.
It is even said that only one of the other Su Mos is a pure human being.
Su Mo can directly show the characteristics of a purebred human being.
Su Mo, who shares all the powers of the world, does not mix the nature of all the powers together in the form of his existence.
It is a quantum superposition state with multiple properties at the same time.
The incredible phenomenon of being a purebred god and a purebred human being can appear in Su Mo at the same time without any contradiction.
So, even if it becomes a three-digit number.
Su Mo can also retain the identity of a purebred human without hindrance.
I thought this feature might not make much sense.
But now it seems.
It seems that this can be used to prostitute the aid of the gods.
Thinking of this, Su Mo and Di Shitian continued to communicate for a while.
After roughly confirming the handling process of this incident, Di Shitian led the heavenly army to leave, and prepared to report the incident to the group of gods.
After Di Shitian left, Bai Yasha, who noticed the fluctuation here, was belated.
She was not unaware of the previous conflict.
However, from Bai Yasha’s point of view, Su Mo, an ordinary enemy, can be dealt with. This time, he was probably attacked by a demon king from somewhere.
After all, she didn’t have a sky army alarm device, and she didn’t know that this time it was a three-digit existence that came to attack regardless of the rules.
Until later, Uriel set off the inheritance of destroying the world.
Shiroyasha was shocked by this.
Immediately rushed over.
“The Christianity dared to openly attack the rulers of the stratum, does this put us in the eyes!”
After knowing the facts.
Shiraiyasha immediately exploded with anger.
Like Arcadia, she is a class ruler.
For her who loves the order of Hakoniwa, the incident of the group of gods attacking the ruler of the stratum is simply unforgivable.
“Let us accept the constraints of the group of gods, but they themselves do such things that violate the rules. Does the Christianity think that things can pass so easily!”
In order to protect Little Garden, Bai Yasha would rather compromise with the gods, put on a collar, and be degraded from the protoss to the level of a mere god.
But if the group of gods does one thing in person, one thing behind the other.
If he blatantly violated the order of Little Garden.
Then what’s the point of her forbearance?
“Canary, don’t worry, we will definitely go to the Christian Church for this matter, and let them give an explanation!”
“Otherwise, we don’t mind letting them recall how terrifying the White Night Demon King is!”
Shiraiyasha showed her tiny canine teeth, and her eyes were full of deep anger.
Although she is a pervert, she also knows that once the bottom line is broken, there will be countless times.
If she just sits idly by, then the Hakoniwa she loves may be trampled clean by the gods.
So on this point, Shiroyasha’s position is even firmer than everyone in Arcadia.
After hearing her words, Canary blinked and smiled like a mother fox.
“No problem! I will contact all the stratum rulers in the West, South, and North districts to express their protest to the gods…”
Originally, most of Hakoniwa’s stratum rulers were allies of the “Arcadia” community.
This time it involves the safety of the stratum ruler itself, and other communities will naturally advance and retreat together.
If all the class rulers unite and threaten the gods to give an answer.
Even if it is Christianity, it will be too much.
Under Canary’s plan, he had already figured out how to take advantage of this matter to bite the Christianity hard.
To this, Bai Yasha naturally readily agreed.
Lessons without pain are meaningless.
This time, she will let the cross-border Christianity taste the pain.
After discussing with Bai Yasha.
Canary quickly contacted the stratum ruler of Hakoniwa West District – Laplace Demon.
Then, with the help of this demon, spread the news to all the rulers of the hierarchy.
Under her plan, all stratum rulers agreed with her strategy and protested against the upper gods together.
And after discussing business matters.
Looking at the resident that had been completely destroyed, Canary looked at everyone and made a proposal.
“The tragedy of the destruction of the resident is the best evidence against the behavior of the Christians, so it is best not to rebuild directly for the time being.”
“Just in time, other alliance communities invited us to live in the past,During this time, let’s travel to our allies! ”
Saying so, she looked at Su Mo and Hei Tu with a smile.
“Su Mo is not very familiar with our allies in Arcadia, this time we just got to know each other.”
“Besides, the Moon Rabbit Clan’s Son of God Birth Festival is coming up in less than a month. Let’s set up the last stop in the Moon Shadow Capital, just in time to send the little black rabbit back. What do you all think?”
Obviously the station was destroyed.
Canary’s arrangement is as if travel is needed in the first place.
And all aspects were considered, even Su Mo couldn’t find any reason to refuse.
“I’m fine here.” He nodded.
Originally, he planned to go to other allies in 0.4.
Whether it is Algar, who is monitored by the “Perseus” community, or the dead eye of Balor stored in the “Dragon Griffin Lion”.
For Su Mo, it was an inevitable gift.
Right now, it is inevitable to confront Christianity.
Before a head-on confrontation, it is still necessary to improve one’s own strength as much as possible.
“People have no opinion.”
The little black rabbit on the side nodded happily.
It is also a very happy thing for her to be able to go out and meet other legendary communities.
Not to mention, Su Mo and the others will send themselves back to Arcadia in the end.
Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Su Mo.
“If Master Su Mo is here, Mom will definitely not punish him!”
Think about your own thoughts like this.
The little black rabbit’s tail wagged happily.
Others also agreed with Canary’s proposal.
And before departure.
With a thought, Su Mo closed his eyes.
Came to the misty space again.
Chapter 568 God’s Candidate for Indiscriminate Disaster
In the foggy space. Before Su Mo from Hakoba World arrived, there were already four of them here.
My main god is Kaguya
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