Su Mo from Tiga World is discussing something with Su Mo from Xingyue World.
Su Mo from the Forbidden World and the Godslayer World listened from the sidelines.
“This crusade against the monster Qijiela, I thought Dagu could do it alone, but I almost overturned!” Su Mo from Tiga World shook his head and said regretfully.
“The power of pure Ultraman is still too idealistic.”
“Although it is indeed possible to get unimaginable bonuses when it is longed for by all human beings.”
“However, if it is denied and rejected by all human beings, its combat effectiveness will drop a lot!”
He was talking about the monster that Tiga World had just crusaded not long ago.
――The monster Zigera.
Even among all the monsters in the world of Ultraman Tiga, they belong to a unique special type.
This unique gear is not talking about Qijiela’s combat effectiveness.
In fact, the frontal combat power of this 14 monster is relatively average.
It also has the characteristic of falling into a deep sleep at night.
If you simply compare the combat effectiveness on paper.
Not to mention Ultraman Tiga held by Su Mo.
Even if it is Ultraman Guja transformed by Dagu, it is not difficult to defeat the opponent.
This monster is special.
Even in all Ultraman worlds, the reason why it is called special is——
This is a real monster that once destroyed human society.
old days…
The monster Qijiela once bloomed flowers, which made the human beings indulge in happy dreams.
Since then, there will be no more wars and no development in the ultra-ancient civilization.
Naturally, there are no more monsters.
In this peaceful to rotten illusion society, the protection of giants of light is no longer needed.
Therefore, the original Tiga left a stone statue, turned into light with his comrades in arms, and left the earth.
after this.
The human society abandoned by the giant of light ushered in an irresistible enemy.
――The ruler of darkness, Gatanjar.
The ultra-ancient civilization also perished.
Although the direct cause of demise is Gatanjeh.
However, it is undeniable.
The human society captured by Zijla’s pollen will naturally become extinct even if it does not face monsters like Gatanjae.
Precisely because this future was foreseen.
Dagu will choose to fight against the will of all mankind.
Even the human beings in the whole world do not support him.
He also wants to destroy this monster that can destroy human beings.
After all, he is both light and human.
Being able to make choices as a human being.
However, despite this determination.
Under Su Mo’s guidance, Dagu, who chose to fight at night, almost overturned.
In the battle, he had the upper hand.
However, as soon as the news spread that Ultraman Guja was trying to destroy Zijra.
Countless people rushed over in panic, praying, cursing, and ordering Ultraman Guja in front of them one after another, not wanting him to destroy their greatest happiness.
under the negation of people.
The previous scene of fighting against the Kirielods reappeared.
Dagu’s strength gradually began to fade.
He was almost stalked to death by Qijiela.
Of course, he was rescued by Su Mo in the end.
The monster Qijiela was also easily destroyed by Su Mo as Ultraman Tiga.
However, the problems exposed in this battle still made Su Mo very emotional.
“I know why the original Tiga Ultraman chose to abandon the super ancient civilization and left on his own.” Su Mo from Tiga World shook his head and said.
“Humanity will be destroyed by human beings. Anyone who realizes this will find it difficult to raise their fighting spirit.”
Of course, as a human being, Su Mo would not stand by like the original Ultraman Tiga.
when seeing almostWhen all human beings are addicted to Qijie Lahua, although he is also very emotional.
But it did not disappoint human society because of this.
He who has read the original works knows that although human society degenerates very fast.
However, if it is a critical moment, they can also show the dazzling light of hope that even Ultraman looks at.
This bright light of hope is the most dazzling crystallization of human civilization.
Back then, he had also become light.
Therefore, he still has confidence in human civilization.
And after hearing his introduction.
Su Mo of Xingyue World rubbed his chin and murmured.
“It sounds similar to the evil of human beings on my side. BeastⅢ—the beast of original sin who masters the principle of happiness, Kiara Saseiin. This is also one of the elements that human beings will self-destruct.”
The concept that humans will self-destruct is common in many worlds.
Whether it is the evil of humans in Xingyue World or the final trial of humans in Hakoniwa World, they all emphasize this point.
However, although most of them have doomsday elements.
But the weight of each world is also different.
For the world of Hakoniwa, it is necessary to have complete wisdom, martial arts and bravery in order to uncover the final trial of mankind.
But for Tiga Ultraman world, it is not so harsh.
You just need to defeat all the corresponding monsters.
“After defeating Qijiela, I guess Gatanjeh has already started to move.” Su Mo of Tiga World said with a relaxed face.
“After the crusade against this monster, I will be able to relax a lot.”
“The monsters that humans have to face after entering the interstellar era are enough for Dagu and Ultraman Dyna.”
He didn’t have a lot of work in 203, but he had already figured out how to fish after the final jihad.
Anyway, during the period of Dyna, the enemies he faced did not exceed the level of Gatanjae and Dimojae. Except for the final BOSS that may require him to take action, other monsters Dagu should be able to deal with it.
Hearing what he said, Su Mo in the Forbidden World couldn’t help showing envious eyes.
“You can catch fish on your side, but I’ve just started on my side.”
“After betraying the Roman Orthodox Church, I don’t think it will be long before the Fire of the Right will come to the door, and it will not be far from the appearance of other demon gods.”
Fortunately, his current strength is enough to protect himself.
I’m not really worried about the existence of the Demon God.
“However, after I in Hakoniwa World advance to the All-Round Domain, my side can be regarded as really stable.” He said so cautiously.
And said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.
Su Mo of the Forbidden World hadn’t finished speaking.
There was a wave of fluctuations in the foggy space.
Soon, Su Mo of the Little Garden World came out of the mist.
“Things in the all-round field are already fast, and I guess I will have been promoted next time I come here.”
Hearing Su Mo’s words from “Magic Forbidden”, he walked over and said to everyone.
“But before that, I encountered a little problem here, and I want to discuss it with you.”
Hearing this, all Su Mo became interested.
Chapter 569 Simulated Star Creation Map Avesta
Hakoniwa World, because of the particularity of the Hakoniwa Center’s observation spirit, and the reason for the world level itself. Now it is an extremely important world among the Su Mo people.
Not to mention, the opportunity to become a demon god happened to be in Hakoniwa World.
After reaching the omnipotent field, I want to go one step further.
Only Hakoniwa World has a greater chance.
Therefore, it is only natural that everyone is very concerned about the progress of this world.
Now, Su Mo from Hakoniwa World said that he had encountered a problem, and everyone else immediately became interested.
“What’s the trouble?” Su Mo of Xingyue World asked curiously.
“It’s the Devil King Alliance who is going to attack you Arcadia.”
“Or is it that the wind of decadence is coming?”
If it is a crisis of this level, it is indeed very troublesome.
My main god is Kaguya
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