Hear him.
Su Mo in Hakoniwa World waved his hands a little speechlessly.
“I’m talking about a small problem, it can’t be a big crisis like Decadent Wind!”
——Let faith be abandoned, fear be forgotten, and era be cut off.
If the wind of decadence, a tyrant wandering at the end of time, comes, it will not only symbolize the destruction of Little Garden.
You know, Hakoniwa is just a God-made calculation device used to advance human history.
If even Hakoniwa could not overcome the final trial of mankind, and was finally destroyed by the wind of decadence.
That also means that all other infinitely diverse worlds connected to Little Garden will lose the possibility of crossing the trial.
Sooner or later it will come to an end.
And except as an eschatological mechanism.
The characteristic of the wind of decadence that can devour the spiritual status is also very terrifying.
Even if Su Mo has a spiritual status related to perpetual motion machines, he never wants to confront this one at this time.
It’s still too early.
After complaining, Su Mo’s voice in Hakoniwa World changed.
“However, although the problem this time is not comparable to the crisis of the decadent wind, it is more troublesome than the pure Demon King Alliance.”-”
If the opponent is the Demon King Alliance, although on the surface it seems to be the enemy of all the gods.
But because on the bright side, the Demon King Alliance needs to hide itself,
On the contrary, there will be constraints, and the danger is not very great.
It is more troublesome to meet an enemy who can do everything wholeheartedly regardless of reputation.
Speaking of this, Su Mo didn’t hold back, and went out directly on the tray.
“Uriel attacked us in Arcadia today, and I seem to be targeted by the Christianity.”After a brief introduction, what happened today.
Su Mo from Hakoniwa World told others about his and Canary’s conjectures without reservation.
One person counts the short, many people count the long.
Even if they are the same person, but with all the efforts, they will definitely be able to think of more things.
And after listening to his introduction.
Su Mo in Tiga World looked very surprised.
“You mean, because of the changes in the Christianity itself, that’s why you care so much about being a candidate for any god?”
They didn’t know this information.
In the original book, there are very few descriptions of Christianity.
In addition to the fact that God is a three-digit number, it is often used to be persecuted to explain the characteristics of the Hakoniwa world.
God himself has no sense of existence in the Hakoniwa world.
And if it’s really what Su Mo guessed.
The foundation of Christian belief is that God is long gone.
Then Christianity itself cares about Su Mo’s spiritual nature, so there is a saying.
If Su Mo could become a candidate for other gods, or even directly complement the spiritual status of other gods, it would naturally have nothing to do with Christianity.
but if……
It is possible for Su Mo to obtain the godhead of God and become a candidate for God’s god.
For Christianity, it is a shocking thing.
Let alone.
As the foundation of Christian belief, whether such an important thing as God’s own spirituality can be handed over to an outsider to inherit.
Even if the Son of God has a big heart, the other angels don’t care.
However, the fact that God changed his term.
In itself, it means that the fact that the previous God fell will be made public.
For Christianity, this is something that subverts belief.
The biggest limitation of monotheism is here.
Since he is omniscient and omnipotent, why does God die?
If God can’t even save himself.
Does the final judgment recorded in the Bible still count?
If this doesn’t count, what’s the point of their continuous atonement.
If it gets out, I am afraid that the entire Christianity will fall into chaos.
“Tsk tsk, Christianity is really miserable. Not only was it targeted by Hakoniwa Center from the beginning, but even their gods have problems.”
“No wonder they ruled out Uriel to test you. If I were the Son of God, I wouldn’t be able to sleep even after knowing your spiritual nature.”
Su Mo from Tiga World shook his head amusedly.
If Su Mo’s conjecture in Hakoniwa World is true.
That Uriel’s attack is well explained.
Compared with the problem of shaking the foundation of belief, a mere reputation, a mere archangel is nothing at all.
In this case, the term “.-The Royal Son of Heaven.” is also easy to explain.
Heaven is God—God Yahweh.
The Imperial Son of Heaven is God’s successor, God’s divine candidate.
“If that’s the case, I’m afraid Uriel’s attack is just the beginning.” Su Mo of Godslayer World said after thinking about it.
The Christianity sent Uriel at the cost of a three-digit spiritual status. Now Su Mo must have confirmed the problem of Su Mo’s “Godslayer” spiritual status.
After confirming Su Mo’s threat to the Christian faith.
Christianity will inevitably take further measures.
Su Mo in Hakoniwa World will inevitably fall into a situation of direct confrontation with the Christianity.
With his current (good) strength.
In Christianity, he is not afraid of other existences except for the full power domain of the Son of God.
So, this situation is not desperate.
“Unfortunately, for us, this is completely an unwarranted disaster!”
He said helplessly.
If he really possesses the aptitude to be a God candidate for God, then the actions of Christianity are not wronged.
But in fact, other gods are better than dragons.
There is currently no way to obtain the Godhead of God alone.
After all, as the source of most godheads.
In the world of godslayers, God will never appear as a god of disobedience, and naturally he cannot kill to gain power.
In other worlds, there is basically no such omniscient and omnipotent god.
Naturally, there is no possibility of obtaining the opponent’s vest.
If this is the case, the reason for the Christianity to fear him is completely unjust.
Chapter 570
Hear Su Mo’s words from the Godslayer World. Su Mo of the Forbidden World shook his head.
“While it’s true that we don’t have access to God’s divinity, it probably doesn’t matter to Christianity whether we are capable of being candidates for God.”
“The important thing is that as long as we have the slightest possibility of overturning the Christian faith, they will not let us go.”
For big forces.
It does not matter whether a person has the mind to harm himself or not.
What matters is whether the other party has the strength and possibility to harm oneself.
And unfortunately.
Based on the information obtained by the Christians from Uriel, they are very likely to regard Su Mo as a threat.
“Although your record is astonishing, it’s just a three-digit victory. For the Christians who are flourishing in Little Garden, it’s not a big threat.”
“So, after waiting for this turmoil to pass, the Christianity is likely to attack you suddenly, and will cut off your threat no matter what.”
After pondering for a moment, he made his own inference.
Su Mo from Godslayer World also nodded in agreement after hearing this.
“That’s true. From Uriel’s attack this time, we can see that although the gods are already corrupt, the Christianity is still vigorous and powerful. 203 must not take it lightly.”
Although Uriel’s strength is not very good.
But his speed of action is still okay.Not even Su Mo (this book is written by!!【Flipp? e;? ?478) There are cases where the situation is clarified.
Directly bypassing Di Shitian and Bai Yasha, leading the 100,000 angel legion, appeared directly in front of the Arcadia headquarters without warning.
It can be said that it was a blitzkrieg plus a surprise attack.
Although he was defeated by Su Mo in the end, the opponent also got the data he wanted, so it was not a defeat.
My main god is Kaguya
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