“Master Su Mo intends to answer the call?”
Although I don’t know how Ishtar summoned Su Mo.
But such trivial things are meaningless to swordsmen.
The only thing Okita Souji cares about is his master’s decision.
“Well, let’s take a look.”
After thinking for a while, Su Mo nodded.
“Although that guy is an idiot, if she is in danger, she can’t just leave it alone.”
Anyway, Ishtar is now his own person, and there is no reason not to answer the call.
The era that Ishtar lives in now is still the age of the gods.
“Exactly, in order to help Little Garden deal with the cross, I need to add some powers recently.” Su Mo thought to himself.
The Age of Gods, as the name suggests, is the era when the gods are still active.
For ordinary human beings, it may be an era of crisis everywhere.
But for a godslayer, the age of the gods can be said to be full of powers and golden ages everywhere.
He didn’t have the power to time travel.
Now that Ishtar summoned him, the timing was just right.
Thinking of this, he smiled.
“I didn’t expect to slap my face so quickly when I just said that I couldn’t find any opportunity to gain strength here, but it’s better this way!”
If this was a slap in the face, he hoped it would be more violent.
“It’s been a long time since I saw that stupid goddess, and I want to see how she is doing now.”
This is true.
Although Ishtar was beaten up several times by Su Mo for being too arrogant.
However, before he left, when he signed the contract with Su Mo, he had to say that he was very cute.
Anyway, he has nothing else to do here, so it’s not a bad idea to take a trip to 203 in the Age of Gods.
With that in mind, Su Mo made a decision.
“Master! I want to go too!”
Okita Souji immediately raised his hand.
“There’s still a concubine!”
Qing Ji was not far behind.
Su Mo shook his head when he heard the two’s statements.
“No, you can only go alone this time. In addition to leaving one person to protect Sakura and the others, one person is also needed as a beacon to lead us back.”
Answering the call to go to the Age of Gods is easy.
But it is not so easy to come back from the Age of Gods.
Su Mo did not master the means of time travel.
The reason why he dared to answer the call was mainly because he had clearly disassembled the technique used by Ishtar and used it on Kiyohime and Okita Souji.
After finishing the work on his side, he only needs to let either Kiyohime or Okita Chief Director, like Ishtar, start the summoning ceremony through the contract.
Su Mo can follow this beacon and accurately return from the age of gods to modern times.
Although the contract with other people, such as Karen and Little Jack, can also guide time.
But without setting the clock in advance, the error will inevitably be large.
If you accidentally overdo it, you won’t be able to see each other for a few years.
It is necessary to coordinate on-site and set up another time axis.
Chapter 574: Gilgamesh, You Are Killing Yourself
Hearing what Su Mo said, Chief Director Okita showed a troubled look. She naturally seemed to be with Su Mo, but Qing Ji obviously would not back down.
But she is stupid, so she may not be able to win Qing Ji.
Just when she didn’t know how to persuade Qing Ji.
“My concubine understands, so this time I will let Okita accompany you!”
Qing Ji hesitated for a while, but unexpectedly, she withdrew from the fight.
“Huh? Why?”
Okita was very surprised. With Qing Ji’s style, wouldn’t she be the type to cling to Su Mo?
Kiyohime seemed to know that Okita would be curious, she shook her head and said.
“The concubine is also very unwilling, but after all, in the dangerous age of the gods, it is better for Master Su Mo to bring a guard than a maid… Although the concubine does not think that I will lose to you in the contest of force!”
Speaking of the latter, Qing Ji showed an unconvinced expression.
Seeing this scene, Souji Okita was relieved, it seemed that she was not sick.
Jealousy is often shown in the minutiae, which is Qing Ji’s consistent style.
And this reason alone is naturally not enough. With Qing Ji’s rationality, even if she knows the danger of the Age of Gods, she will think that her love is enough to burn down all obstacles.
The biggest reason why she gave up this opportunity to Souji Okita was actually another reason.
“Besides, Xiao Ying seems to have misunderstood the concubine a lot recently! If the concubine leaves with Master Su Mo this time, the child will definitely not talk to me anymore!”
Qing Ji looked unwilling.
Although the relationship with Su Mo has become increasingly close recently, she is still Sakura after all.Summoned servants.
In the beginning, she descended from the seat of heroes to help Sakura realize her wish.
She still cares about her former little Master.
During this period of time, Sakura has always suspected that Qing Ji, under the guise of teaching her the book of love, is actually deliberately approaching Su Mo for the purpose of overtaking on a curve.
Therefore, she decided to take this opportunity to persuade Sakura to accept the concept of marriage in their era.
In this way, Sakura will not be jealous of her in the future.
In fact, within a very short period of time, Qing Ji had already thought up her lines.
――”I’m not here to break you up, but to join you’-!”
Thinking of this, Qing Ji cheered herself up secretly.
This time, he must successfully persuade Xiao Ying, so that there will be no obstacles between himself and Lord Su Mo.
——Qing Ji-chan’s big victory!
Seeing Qing Ji covering her mouth and giggling, Su Mo guessed that she must be planning something.
Although with Qing Ji’s personality, she would never lie.
But there is no need to explore the girl’s secret.
So, Su Mo didn’t ask much.
It’s just that in Qing Ji’s body, the time has been adjusted by using the solar calendar.
And through the magic taught, the summoning ceremony was taught to Kiyohime.
“Every fixed interval, you use this ritual to summon me once, and when I finish my work, I will answer your call.”
After making preparations, he instructed Qing Ji.
“If there is any emergency, don’t worry about the interval, just contact me directly, and I will come back quickly.”
Since we are going to the Age of Gods, the protection work here must naturally be done well, and Su Mo has added a lot of defensive measures.
Seeing his movements, Qing Ji raised her head proudly.
“Lord Su Mo, please rest assured, I will definitely protect Sakura and the others! Moreover, with your protection, there are not many existences that can defeat this concubine!”
With Su Mo’s protection, she can trace back her blood at any time and become the oriental fairy dragon with Zhongling Yunxiu.
Let alone a magician in the modern society, even against a heroic spirit, as long as it is not the kind of top-level servant who is too outrageous, it is not a problem for Qing Ji to hit seven.
You know, the dragon species in the Xingyue world are existences that can rival the gods.
There is really no need to worry about her safety.
“Okay, then I will trouble you.”
Su Mo nodded.
If Qing Ji uses all her strength, there are indeed not many people who can deal with it.
In addition to Qing Ji, he also has other backups, and he is still at ease about the safety of Sakura and the others.
Not to mention, if it is time travel.
Maybe when Su Mo came back, Sakura would not have finished school yet!
After preparation.
Su Mo grabbed Director Okita, turned her body into a spirit body, and took it in through the contract.
Only then did Ishtar’s call be answered.
The figure disappeared directly into the vortex of time and space.

Before Su Mo noticed Ishtar’s call, a little bit earlier.
My main god is Kaguya
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