In fact, it didn’t take long.
Probably only five thousand years ago.
That is around 3100 BC.
At this time, human civilization was still in the barbaric age of the gods.
The existence of the gods is actually not the most active time at this time, and the Age of Gods has just kicked off.
Apart from the great wise and insightful people, I am afraid that at this moment, not many people would think that human beings will part ways with the gods.
After all, in this era, it is the most basic common sense to live in the world that human beings serve gods and gods bestow favors on human beings.
——Of course, this does not include a certain ancient oriental civilization.
At this time, in Mesopotamia, the ancient civilization that arose in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates—the Sumerian civilization had entered the city-state era.
As the capital of the Sumerian dynasty, Uruk naturally has its own patron saint of the city.
Whether it is the people under her shelter or her enemies, they will probably tremble when they hear this name.
This mistress of the sky, who acts recklessly everywhere relying on the favor of her father god, is the goddess who protects Uruk.
Correspondingly, the people of Uruk should also offer their faith to this goddess.
In fact, based on what Ishtar has done, even if she is not the patron saint of this city, it is estimated that she can (well done) gain enough awe.
But this kind of thing doesn’t matter.
At least for now, it’s just a trivial matter.
What matters is the dragon.
This proud mistress of the sky is now hiding in her altar, holding her witch with a grievance, and saying something angrily.
When talking about excitement, he even waved his fist, which seemed to be some harsh words.
You don’t need to think about it, you know that this lawless goddess has been bullied, and there is no way to get revenge.
So he could only hide in the room and vent his emotions to his witch.
“.-Ai Lei, that guy is an idiot! Idiot! Wait, you bastard, one day I will pay back all the humiliation I have suffered! Let you kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!”
The goddess with blond hair and red eyes spoke the lines of the defeated dog with an indignant expression on her face.
The witch on the side was comforting her own goddess with a helpless face.
Chapter 575 The crime of killing gods was expelled from the heavenly Ishtar
“Lord Ishtar, please calm down, maybe it’s just a misunderstanding.”
The head of the priests of Uruk, Siduri, who is in charge of serving Ishtar, comforted Ishtar while trying toFigure persuasion.
Immediately after hearing her words, however, Ishtar’s voice rose an octave.
“How could it be a misunderstanding! That guy made things difficult for me seven times, a full seven times! If I didn’t have so many artifacts on me, I almost wouldn’t be able to come back!”
“Ishtar Underworld”, this is a very important chapter in Sumerian mythology.
Not long ago, Ishtar fulfilled this myth and went to the underworld to find his sister Ereshkigal.
She originally planned to have a good relationship with the other party.
However, what Ishtar didn’t expect was that.
As soon as she arrived in the underworld, she was slapped by Ereshkigal.
If you want to go deep into the underworld, you must go through the seven doors.
And every time she passes through a door, she has to pay the price of a divine weapon on her body.
If you don’t have a divine weapon, you need to exchange it with half of your divinity.
You know, the underworld is Ereshkigal’s home field.
In this case, Ishtar, who had to enter the underworld, had no way to resist.
Fortunately, she has more artifacts.
In the end, I barely passed the seven-level 203 door.
Then…she saw a big skeleton shelf.
Without even seeing Ereshkigal’s face, the two had a quarrel, and soon a fight broke out.
Lost the help of the artifact, and was suppressed by the home court of the underworld.
Ishtar was directly hung up and beaten.
(!. This book is organized by?,【F.”l’ip, pe.:d”]; (more “? Many, new? Shulian” 1343:1!;77!47:’8) If not She ran fast, maybe she would stay in the underworld forever.
Therefore, after she got out of trouble, she hated her sister who didn’t practice martial arts.
Counting today, she dragged Siduri here and scolded Ereshkigal for three days and three nights.
Until now, she is still very indignant when she mentions what happened to her.
“Seven times is indeed a bit much.”
Hearing Ishtar’s words, Siduri nodded.
“I’ll just say yes? Even Siduri thinks so, obviously that guy is wrong!”
Hearing Siduri’s words, Ishtar immediately became excited as if he was affirmed.
“I didn’t say that.”
Siduri shook her head.
What happened to Ishtar, these days, she has heard the cocoons in her ears. As a believer in Ishtar, she will generally empathize with the injustices encountered by her main god, whether it is out of belief or to please her, and defend her. own people.
It’s just that Siduri is not the type to help relatives and not help, and Ishtar and Ereshkigal are not enemies.
Not to mention, as a mortal, he is not qualified to comment on the gods.
She just found something wrong from Ishtar’s words based on her own understanding of Ishtar.
“According to what you said, Lord Ishtar, you went to the underworld to visit Lord Ereshkigal, right?”
“Well, you can say that too!”
Ishtar’s tone hesitated, but he still nodded, looking suspicious.
Siduri noticed this, but said nothing, but continued to ask.
“If that’s the case, Ereshkigal-sama shouldn’t even have a conflict with you without seeing you, right?”
“The two adults don’t have any deep hatred. If you knew that you went there with good intentions, even if Lord Ereshkigal didn’t treat each other with courtesy, he probably wouldn’t directly embarrass you.”
Siduri pointed out the irrationality.
Ishtar immediately nodded like a rattle.
“That’s right! How can ordinary people reject the kindness of this goddess? That guy must have been in the underworld for a long time, and his mind is dark! That’s why he attacked this goddess!”
When she said this, she was still aggrieved.
Siduri thought otherwise.
“Could it be because when you first descended to the underworld, Lord Ishtar, you used your words carelessly and offended the other party?”
Based on her knowledge of Ishtar, the probability of such a thing happening is not small.
She knew the character of her own master god. Even in the God Realm, Ishtarke was a problem child who acted recklessly.
Although this guy has a good heart, he obviously doesn’t understand what normal communication is.
“How is it possible, Siduri, don’t defile people’s innocence out of thin air!”
Hearing this, Ishtar immediately widened his eyes in protest.
“This goddess is not an idiot, how could she offend others as soon as she opens her mouth!”
Siduri didn’t speak, just looked at her quietly.
——Don’t you have a clue in your heart? Haven’t you offended enough people?
This look made Ishtar a little guilty, and after she coughed, she decided to ignore the question.
“Anyway, I didn’t say anything bad this time! And, before going to the underworld, I made preparations in advance! There is absolutely no place to attack her!”
She said it swears.
Siduri was a little puzzled, could it be that it really wasn’t Ishtar’s problem this time?
But out of curiosity, she asked anyway.
“May I know, Master Ishtar, what topic are you preparing?”
Hearing this question, Ishtar immediately put his hands on his hips, looking a little smug.
Obviously, he is very confident in the topic he has carefully prepared.
“Since you want to know so much, I’ll tell you!”
“When I first arrived in the underworld, that guy asked me why I went to the underworld with the help of my family members. I showed a friendly attitude at that time and told her that the underworld is dark, humid, desolate and dilapidated. No meaning.”
“Originally, I said so much, and I planned to invite her to play on the ground, but I didn’t expect that I didn’t have time to finish my words., the guy gets mad, and that’s what you know! ”
Saying this, Ishtar frowned slightly, obviously he still didn’t understand why the other party turned his face suddenly.
Hearing Ishtar’s words, Siduri held his forehead weakly.
She just knew it was so!
Looking at Ishtar’s ignorant eyes, she sighed.
“Master Ishtar, if you hadn’t said that, even I would have thought that you had troubled Lord Ereshkigal in the past.”
My main god is Kaguya
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