Ishtar tilted his head suspiciously.
Just when they were about to ask why, a sudden burst of laughter interrupted their conversation.
“Hahaha! Hahaha! Goddess who was hanged and beaten by the goddess of the underworld, and then fled in embarrassment, you are so funny that this king finds it funny! Hahaha, you can actually make me laugh so hard that my stomach hurts. It is also a skill!”
Clutching his stomach and laughing wildly, the one who walked into the altar was none other than the oldest king of mankind——Gilgamesh.
His merciless mocking attitude made Ishtar, who had already had a feud with him, tremble with anger.
“I was bullied by the god of the underworld, and kicked out of the heaven by the father god. Now, you dare to provoke me… You are asking for death!”
She is angry! .
Chapter 576: Ishtar’s Lover’s Vision of the Future
Ishtar is really angry now!
After the Holy Grail War ended, she had to separate from Su Mo, and returned to the Age of Gods, she was always in a bad mood. Later, because of doing something wrong, he was taught by God the Father.
After going to the underworld, he clashed with Ereshkigal again.
Still being ridiculed by the bastard Gilgamesh.
Originally, she was not a patient temper.
Naturally, he will not give up easily now.
“Oh? Did you become angry from embarrassment?”
Gilgamesh on the other side isn’t any fuel-efficient… lights.
Seeing Ishtar’s murderous look, he has no fear.
Just when the two were about to fight.
Siduri, who was standing next to Ishtar, suddenly made a suspicious voice, interrupting the tense atmosphere at the scene.
“Master Ishtar, what did you just say? You were kicked out of the heaven by Lord An, the god of heaven?!”
Siduri was shocked.
Now is the age of the gods when the gods rule the world.
And Ishtar’s father, the god An, is the supreme god of the Sumerian pantheon today.
Being kicked out of the heaven by him, this kind of thing can’t be taken lightly.
You know, Ishtar has always been a beloved little princess in the heavens, and the god An also dotes on this daughter very much, and even gave Uruk, an important human capital, to Ishtar for protection.
Because of this, logically speaking, no matter how capricious Ishtar is, the old father should be tolerant of her.
What happened to throw her out of the heaven angrily?
“Could it be, did you make a big mistake?”
Siduri looked at the goddess she worshiped suspiciously.
Although she was a little rude, her first reaction was that Ishtar must have caused trouble.
However, even if this was the case, she couldn’t imagine what kind of mistake she made to make the god so hard-hearted and drive Ishtar out of the house.
In the past few days, Ishtar has never mentioned this matter.
Hearing Siduri’s question, Ishtar immediately became unhappy.
“Hey! Siduri, what do you mean? Is it my fault if something goes wrong?”
“Sorry, I was too hasty.”
Hearing Ishtar’s words, Siduri immediately bowed and apologized.
Although I know Ishtar’s character, as a believer, it is always bad to doubt your own god at the first time.
Just when Siduri began to reflect on herself, whether she was too disrespectful to the gods.
Aside, Gilgamesh’s voice sounded.
“Could it be that it wasn’t your fault? Openly killing Tammuz, the god of plants, and committing the crime of killing gods, is it very lenient just to drive them out of the house?”
Hearing this, Siduri had some doubts about life.
“Kill Tammuz, the god of plants?”
She immediately looked back at Ishtar, wanting to see if this was true.
Ishtar had no intention of hiding it, on the contrary, she said it viciously.
“Who made that guy so audacious that he actually wanted to propose to this goddess, and even tried to use tricks to deceive the Father God, so that the Father God gave him a marriage contract. It would be cheaper for such a disgusting thing to kill him!”
It is now a patrilineal clan.
Even in the Sumerian civilization, the control over children’s marriage was in the hands of their parents.
Therefore, Tammuz, the God of Plants, did a very sinister move. If he really persuaded the god An, even Ishtar would have no way to refuse the marriage contract.
In fact, Tammuz, the god of plants, almost succeeded.
By the time Ishtar knew about this, he had already persuaded the god An, and was almost ready to give a marriage contract.
Fortunately, Ishtar has a decisive character.
Seeing that there was no time to stop it, he did not try to persuade his father again.
Instead, it directly cut off the source of the problem and turned Tammuz, the god of plants, into a dead soul.
In this case, it is natural that a marriage contract cannot be bestowed.
And because of this, Ishtar was driven out of the heaven by the god An.
And actually.
Ishtar’s descent to the underworld is actually a task of bringing the god An.
In Sumerian mythology, the living and the dead have corresponding positions, and even gods cannot overstep.
But Tammuz, the god of plants, symbolizes the prosperity of the earth,
If he really died, Sumer might not be able to usher in
Therefore, in order to remedy this, but also to give her daughter a chance to return to the heaven.
The god An ordered Ishtar to go to the underworld, find the goddess of the underworld, and put Tamuz, the god of plants, back to life.
If this is done, she will be able to return to the heavenly realm.
And of course.
Ishtar, who quarreled with Ereshkigal, completely forgot about it.
Now, Tammuz, the god of plants, is estimated to be dead and can’t die anymore.
And Ishtar also lost the chance to return to the heaven.
This is why she has been staying at the altar to find Siduli to vent her emotions these few days, and the reason why she has not returned to the heaven.
After hearing what Ishtar said.
…seeking flowers 0…
Gilgamesh on the side nodded in surprise.
“Looking at it this way, that guy really doesn’t deserve to die.”
He very rarely agrees with Ishtar.
Although there is indeed a grievance between the two, they really look down on Tammuz as a villain.
And actually.
In order to combat the biggest crisis facing Uruk, Gilgamesh’s energy is basically focused on governing the country.
Therefore, even though he knew that Ishtar had arrived abnormally for a long time, he had no intention of coming over to say hello.
If it weren’t for his right-hand man, Siduri, who had been entangled by Ishtar for so long that he was too tight with no one available.
He would not come to trouble Ishtar at this critical moment.
However, after agreeing to a sentence, he reverted to his old ways and began to mock.
“However, for a willful and savage goddess like you, Tammuz is probably the only god who can bear your character?”
“As the goddess who protects love and fertility, getting married is also a fulfillment of a priestly duty, otherwise your father would not have agreed so easily.”
“Although I don’t know if Tammuz is too blind or stupid, but even so, he may be the only god who is stupid enough to accept your character and ignore the past.”
“Although it’s true to be a scumbag, if you kill the only scumbag who can accept you, won’t you be single for the rest of your life?”
He mocked Ishtar with a very hearty tone.
In fact, Ishtar will never lose to other goddesses in terms of beauty, but her personality does scare away most suitors, so that no one dares to express affection for her.
So in a sense, what Gilgamesh said is not wrong.
“Single for a lifetime, are you talking about yourself?” Ishtar asked with a sneer.
“I have Enkidu.” Gilgamesh replied very calmly.
“Even if he is dead, the fact that we are unparalleled partners cannot be denied.”
As long as the gender is not stuck, he is not single.
Hearing this, Ishtar crossed his chest and retorted unconvinced.
“Who said that no one wants me? I also have someone who can make a promise for a lifetime. It’s just that that guy is not in this era now!”
Thinking of the lips and teeth connecting with Su Mo before parting.
Ishtar couldn’t help but blushed. Four.
Chapter 577
As the goddess of love and fertility, finding a mate is a normal thing.
My main god is Kaguya
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