However, Ishtar’s character is very willful and arrogant, and he has never taken a fancy to anyone.
So, after hearing her words.
Gilgamesh naturally wouldn’t believe it.
However, he did not directly mock Ishtar this time.
He just showed pity on his face, shook his head deeply and sighed.
“Ishtar, I didn’t expect the gods to be insane. It’s just too pitiful.”
“what do you mean?”
Ishtar, who was thinking about Su Mo, immediately turned dark when he heard this.
“I was pitying you for having paranoia.”
Gilgamesh said nonchalantly.
Although Ishtar has an impulsive personality, he is easy to offend people.
But on this point, Gilgamesh does not give up much. Even in the state of the wise king, he is still a bad mouthed king.
Not to mention, he also has a deep understanding of Ishtar’s stubborn character.
So, after hearing Ishtar’s words “twenty three”, he almost laughed out loud.
“With you like this, you can still find someone to make a promise for life?” Gilgamesh put his hands on his hips, mockingly.
“Could it be that you were fooled by the goddess of the underworld and took what happened in your dream seriously?”
No plan to use clairvoyance.
There is no need to confirm such a funny thing at all, and Gilgamesh also knows that it must be false.
Therefore, he did not hesitate to laugh at Ishtar.
And Ishtar, who was not very broad-minded, naturally couldn’t bear this grievance.
“What is a dream? This goddess has signed an eternal contract with Su Mo, and they are really together!”
The goddess of Venus said through gritted teeth.
“Eternal contract?”
Hearing this, Gilgamesh was taken aback, but his expression became a little serious.
“What you said is true?”
He began to trust Ishtar a little.
What the goddess calls the eternal contract is essentially a contract technique shared by gods and gods.
Even among all the contracts for the protection of the gods, this is the one with the highest degree of trust and the most paid.
Therefore, it is often the gods who are married to each other that conclude this kind of contract.
Originally, he thought Ishtar was just talking nonsense.
But anyway, IshtarIt shouldn’t be a joke.
If that’s the case, is there really someone who can take a fancy to this guy? Moreover, Ishtar actually likes each other?
Gilgamesh felt a little skeptical about life.
Seeing his unbelievable expression, Ishtar felt extremely sour.
Is this the feeling of pretense?
In a high mood, she immediately put her hands on her hips triumphantly, and continued to show off.
“Of course it is true! And the lover I choose is not like that disgusting villain Tammuz.”
“My family, Su Mo, is not only powerful, even the father god An, but also good-looking, with the same beauty as this goddess, and was also captured by the charm of this goddess, and signed a permanent contract with me. ”
“So it’s not that no one wants me, but that my vision is too high, and you can’t even imagine the person you like!”
After showing off a whole lot so proudly.
Ishtar raised his chin proudly, with a proud expression.
But when she heard her words of showing off her lover, Gilgamesh, who had already believed in it, couldn’t help but frowned again.
The strength is even stronger than the leader of the group of gods, Tianshen An;
Even more handsome than Ishtar;
Also fell in love with Ishtar.
In these three aspects, if any one of the characteristics is singled out, Gilgamesh is willing to believe it.
After all, with Ishtar’s character, the person she fancy must have unique advantages.
However, if there is a person who has all the characteristics and is a perfect lover.
Gilgamesh was a little skeptical.
What kind of drama is this where the domineering CEO falls in love with me?
It looks fake!
How could there be such a perfect person in the world?
Thinking of this, Gilgamesh didn’t rush to mock the other party, but opened his clairvoyance.
Although I usually feel that there is no need to use this clairvoyance that sees through the future.
But now he is really curious.
After opening clairvoyance, Gilgamesh immediately saw the future.
Although he didn’t see Ishtar’s lover clearly, he saw something else.
Gilgamesh immediately held his breath.
“If this person is here, maybe…”
Thinking of Uruk who is now facing the danger of the “Three Goddess Alliance”, endless waves suddenly rose in his heart.
If this lord can help Uruk.
Perhaps there is no need to pay the price of destruction at all.
Thinking of this, Gilgamesh couldn’t help breathing quickly.
After hesitating for a moment, he immediately focused his attention on Ishtar’s lover—this figure who could only see a cloud of mist even in front of the clairvoyant who could see through all the future.
However, for some reason, it keeps failing.
Can’t see each other’s face at all.
Finally, after he mobilized all the magic power in his body and went all out.
Only then did he feel that the fog seemed to have weakened.
Without waiting for him to continue to exert strength.
The fog suddenly cleared away.
Surprised, Gilgamesh suddenly discovered that the man named Su Mo in his future vision seemed to be aware of his peeping.
He took a deep look at him.
Not only that, but the other party directly crossed the time axis, saw the scene around him from the phantom of the future vision, and even had a conversation with himself!
“Gilgamesh? Oh, that’s what happened!”
The other party nodded so clearly…
Then the figure disappeared immediately.
Gilgamesh stood there in a daze, his back soaked in cold sweat.
From the future vision, you can perceive your own peeping across the time axis, and you can directly counter it and see your own situation.
Who is that person named Su Mo? !
Ishtar said before that his lover is stronger than Tianshen An, but he still doesn’t believe it.
Now it seems that the opponent’s strength is far stronger than Tianshen An, even the goddess of life Tiamat is definitely not his opponent.
After thinking of this, he felt relieved.
After a long silence.
Gilgamesh had already made up his mind.
So, he opened his eyes and questioned Ishtar with a proud face.
“You said so much, why didn’t you meet the other person?”
“That guy is not here, how can I go to see him! He is in the time and space five thousand years later.” Ishtar replied with a look of regret.
“I believe it.”
Gilgamesh nodded solemnly.
Anyone can see that what he said is irony—who can believe this?
Although Gilgamesh pretended not to believe it.
But Siduri on the side really thought that her Lord God was lying.
After all, lovers after five thousand years are incomprehensible even to humans in the age of gods.
Therefore, Siduri sighed deeply, and admonished her Lord God.
“Lord Ishtar, it’s not shameful not to have a lover. You really don’t need to lie about this kind of thing. 0.4 Why are you doing this?”
If Gilgamesh looks down on him, then forget it.
Now he is actually suspected by his most trusted priest.
Ishtar was in a hurry immediately.
At this moment, Gilgamesh on the side took the opportunity to fire up.
“Yes, if that lord really exists, why didn’t you contact him? Could it be that you were worried about being dumped?”
My main god is Kaguya
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