With Ishtar’s IQ, he naturally didn’t understand why Gilgamesh’s tone suddenly became so respectful when he mentioned “that lord”.
She was suspected by both her rival and the trusted priest.In desperation, he summoned Su Mo directly on the basis of the contract.
“Let you see today, this goddess is not lying!”
The simple Ishtar shouted and activated his divine power.
“Su Mo, someone is bullying me, help me beat him up!”
After launching the contract, she didn’t know whether Su Mo would respond to the call, like a daughter crying to her father, she added this sentence along the contract.
Chapter 578: King’s Treasure, Human Wisdom Codex
The summoning ceremony spanned five thousand years, and even Ishtar was not sure if he could really summon Su Mo. After all, there are too many uncertain factors, and Su Mo may not respond to her.
Maybe he has something to do there too.
Before calling Su Mo, Ishtar thought nothing of it.
After calling, she began to think wildly, looking very disturbed, which was a bit different from her usual appearance.
Seeing the slightly nervous Ishtar, Siduri was dumbfounded.
She had never seen such a girlish expression on the face of this goddess.
Could it be that what Lord Ishtar said is true?
Did she really have someone who promised her life?
Is my goddess finally enlightened?
Although she is a priestess of Ishtar, she is nominally a servant of Ishtar.
But at this moment, Siduri’s eyes looked like a mother who saw her daughter finally grow up.
Not long after Ishtar’s call.
In front of the three of them, a huge vortex formed by magic power appeared.
This is the space-time channel.
“Su Mo is really coming over?!”
Ishtar suddenly beamed with joy, and unconsciously twitched his expression.
Originally thought that Su Mo would not be able to summon his predestined self until the Holy Grail War was held again.
Unexpectedly, it is also feasible to summon the other party from his own side.
Summoning people spanning five thousand years, this level of magic will inevitably consume a lot of magic power.
However, for the gods, it is still within the tolerance range.
Not to mention Su Mo.
With the third method, he is not afraid of energy consumption.
Therefore, after choosing to respond to the summoning, he just used mana to maintain the way of summoning.
Soon, the summoned exit was reached.
The time-space vortex shatters directly like glass. At the same time, a teenager in ordinary casual clothes stepped out.
“Is this the Age of Gods?”
Accompanied by his muttering, the people present reacted.
“Su Mo! You’re really here!”
Before Siduri and Gilgamesh had time to speak, the excited Ishtar jumped into Su Mo’s arms and hugged him directly.
“I thought you wouldn’t come. After all, it’s too early here. I didn’t expect you to answer the call.”
“Sure enough, you are still reluctant to part with this goddess!”
While hooking Su Mo’s neck with his arms happily, Ishtar looked like a child who got candy, with smiles on his brows and eyes.
Seeing Ishtar’s enthusiasm, Su Mo was a little uncomfortable at first.
After all, apart from the contract signed by Ishtar before his death, they had more of a bad relationship. Although they quarreled a lot, they never got along.
But after thinking about it, Ishtar seems to have such a straightforward character.
Now that the contract is concluded, she will treat Su Mo as her only lover.
With lovers, naturally, the closer the better.
So even though we haven’t seen each other for a long time, there is no estrangement at all.
Thinking of this, Su Mo smiled slightly, not contradicting Ishtar’s actions.
“I saw that you summoned in a hurry, and thought you were in some danger, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.”
After explaining this, he hugged Ishtar’s slender waist, and Su Mo looked around.
I quickly noticed that this was an altar, and immediately roughly guessed the current location.
After nodding to Siduri dressed as a priestess.
Su Mo shifted his gaze to the blond man with a simple gem headdress beside him.
“So, it was you who spied on me just now…Gilgamesh.”
Then, he said something that made Jin Shining freeze.
Before reaching the Age of Gods, Su Mo felt that he was being watched by another very weak force.
I didn’t care about it before, because with his strength, even if he is the god of destiny, it is difficult to see his appearance if his strength is not up to a certain level.
Not to mention other powers.
However, after being tempted many times, he raised a little curiosity, and according to the nature of that power, he directly cast a counter spell, and peeped at the other side in turn.
That’s what Gilgamesh looked like.
After arriving, it was discovered that, as expected, it must be because Ishtar mentioned himself that Gilgamesh was allowed to use the clairvoyant future vision.
Although Gilgamesh’s clairvoyance cannot see through Su Mo’s future.
But he must have foreseen something too.
In this case, he deliberately encouraged Ishtar to summon himself here, and it seemed that he had some plans.
And after hearing what Su Mo pointed out before.
It was different from the look he had when facing Ishtar.
Gilgamesh immediately bowed his head and apologized very sincerely.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to spy on Mr. Su Mo.”
Seeing him bowing his head in apology, Ishtar was a little surprised.
She knows the character of Gilgamesh.
According to this guy’s usual style, even if he was killed, he wouldn’t apologize like this, would he?
But Su Mo was not surprised.
“Being polite to others, you must ask for something. It seems that you have something you want to ask me for help!”
He directly pointed out Gilgamesh’s thoughts.
“Sure enough, I can’t hide it from you.”
Gilgamesh 203 NothingIt meant to cover up, and he didn’t think he could cover up a strong man who could transcend time and space.
Moreover, given the situation Uruk is facing, right now it is indeed necessary to have a strong man who can change the ending in order to avoid the destruction of Uruk.
Although he did not refuse, let the people of Uruk bear the glory of Uruk and fight until the last soldier.
However, since there is a turning point.
As a king, it is natural to seize this opportunity to prevent Uruk from falling into ruin.
Thinking of this, Gilgamesh looked at Su Mo in front of him and said sincerely.
“The alliance of the three goddesses threatens Uruk. If this is just a small matter, what is really scary is the return of the mother god of creation… that will be a disaster that will destroy the whole world.”
Facing Su Mo, who was able to transcend the limitations of time and space, Gilgamesh had no intention of hiding anything, and blurted out all the information he had detected.
And the reason why he is so sincere is naturally to fulfill his duty as a king.
“If this continues, no matter how many reinforcements arrive across the ages, they will not be able to change the fate of Uruk being destroyed.”
He said pointingly.
“So, I want to find a hope for Uruk, a hope that can escape the fate of destruction.”.
Chapter 579: Creation Mother Goddess Tiamat
In front of Su Mo, standing in front of Su Mo was the wise King Shan who had experienced the death of Enkidu and ended his journey of searching for the elixir of immortality. Although the arrogance of being the King of Heroes is still there.
However, for the sake of the people under his command, he is also willing to bow his head.
Therefore, after using clairvoyance to judge that Ishtar was telling the truth, he pretended not to believe it.
This is to allow Ishtar to summon the only strong man who can turn the situation around.
And the fact is exactly as he expected.
Su Mo answered the call.
From the previous temptations, after seeing that Su Mo’s power even exceeded the time limit, Gilgamesh didn’t have the slightest chance of luck.
Very frankly, I set out all my goals.
Su Mo doesn’t dislike this kind of honesty.
My main god is Kaguya
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