There is no need to arrange ordinary rooms to live in this level of residence.
As the head of the priests, Siduri is responsible for serving Ishtar and Sumo, and she herself lives in the temple.
Having abandoned Merlin, Anna, who had been following Su Mo in “Twenty Three”, was also assigned her own room in the temple.
The way of working and resting in the Age of Gods is still working at sunrise and resting at sunset.
So both Gilgamesh and everyone in Uruk have returned home to rest.
Su Mo and Ishtar naturally followed the custom and returned to the room specially prepared for Ishtar in the temple.
As a goddess who often descends, Ishtar often lives in the temple, so there are all kinds of daily necessities here.
After the two entered the bedroom together.
According to his original personality, Ishtar, who would definitely feel shy and uneasy, did not react at this time.
She leaned against the window, looking up at the sunset above her head, not knowing what she was thinking.
Since the failure of the mission, after meeting with Gilgamesh and the others.
Ishtar has always been so sullen.
This idiot who has always been an optimist seems to be thinking about life rarely.
For her, this should be a good thing.
Su Mo didn’t bother her either.
Instead, he walked slowly to Ishtar’s side, and looked up at the sky with her.
At this time, the sun had already set at the foot of the mountain.
But the remaining edge is still shining with brilliance, reflecting the clouds all red.
In the opposite position of the sun, the light of the moon is faintly visible.
Even the starry sky appeared faintly.
If a day is divided into day and night.
Then at this moment, it belongs to the time when day and night overlap.
The sun has not completely dispersed, and the night has quietly come.
Whether it is the sun attribute or the night attribute, they can get a certain degree of bonus at this moment.
And it won’t be long before night comes, and the attributes belonging to the underworld and darkness will become stronger.
What Su Mo was waiting for was exactly such an opportunity.
Before, both Gilgamesh and Merlin believed that because of Ishtar’s willfulness, it was impossible to instigate Ereshkigal with words alone.
In other words, the possibility is less than one percent.
However, Su Mo didn’t think so.
The reason why he thinks so is actually very simple.
There is actually another way to talk to Ai Lei without breaking into the depths of the underworld.
This approach comes from Ishtar itself.
Ishtar, the hostess of the sky, and Ereshkigal, the hostess of the underworld, are actually twin sisters.
Su Mo had discovered it when they met before.
Although the godheads of the two are different because of their powers.
But the divinity is almost identical, like isomers divided into yin and yang polar structures, the existence of the two is actually very similar.
It seems that because of this reason, the connection between the two is much deeper than that of ordinary sister gods.
At night, Alley can directly replace Ishtar’s consciousness.
Directly replaced with his own consciousness, leaving Ishtar feeling nothing, only thinking that he was asleep.
And once the other party chooses to do so.
Su Mo will then have the opportunity to talk to Ai Lei.
As long as he gets this opportunity, with Su Mo’s understanding of her character, it is not difficult to convince the innocent little angel Ai Lei.
That’s why Su Mo is so confident.
As for whether Ai Lei will come tonight.
There is no doubt about this.
No matter how fierce the quarrel is on the surface, the sisters still care about each other very much…
Today, I suddenly saw my sister brought a man back.
Allie will definitely come to test it out very curiously.
Therefore, I only need to wait until late at night when her consciousness comes.
It turns out.
Su Mo’s deduction is completely correct.
After a big fight with Ishtar during the day, Ereshkigal who returned to Hades became more and more angry.
She felt that she didn’t perform well during the previous quarrel. She obviously had a lot of sharp words, but she didn’t have time to say them at the time. Now when she recalled, she suddenly thought of a bunch of words.
After annoyed that my brain was not enough at that time.
She just remembered what Ishtar said before.
“That guy’s… lover?”
At this time, she recalled that there was indeed a very handsome man beside Ishtar.
That guy actually found a lover?
No wonder she rejected the marriage contract bestowed by the god An.
“No, wait! Why would anyone take a fancy to that idiot!”
Thinking of this, Allie couldn’t help being a little puzzled.
Don’t look at Ishtar’s beauty and power.
But because of her willful and reckless character, there are almost no gods who can accept her.
Even though she is the goddess of love, she is still single like Ereshkigal.
0.4 Ai Lei has never thought that this guy can find a lover, and he looks complacent.
Thinking of Ishtar’s character, Ai Lei couldn’t help but have a horrible feeling in her mind.capability.
“Could it be, that guy relied on the power of the goddess to snatch the beautiful young girl from somewhere!”
Thinking of this possibility, the kind-hearted woman couldn’t help feeling compassionate.
“It’s too much to kidnap a boy from a good family… His family must be very worried!”
With that in mind, Ereshkigal made a decision.
“I’ll use that idiot’s body to ask later, if she really snatched it, let the child go away secretly!”
Thinking this way, she projected her consciousness onto the ground when the day was about to leave.
Chapter 588: Sisters’ Misunderstanding
Holding the idea of ​​​​saving the beautiful boy with red face. Ereshkigal originally planned to replace Ishtar’s consciousness until nightfall, so he asked Su Mo for clarification.
However, at dusk, she suddenly remembered something.
Ishtar and that boy named Su Mo are lovers!
Ishtar itself is the god who protects love and fertility.
In this case, if it is at night, the two of them are very likely to do something they shouldn’t do.
And if he happened to replace Ishtar at this time, wouldn’t he be severely punished?
Thinking of this, her cheeks flushed immediately.
To avoid this from happening.
When the sun is setting, but not completely sinking.
She came to Ishtar’s body ahead of time.
This is the borderline between day and night.
Even if they are close.
It shouldn’t have started so early.
Because it is the boundary between day and night, although Ai Lei 14 can cast his consciousness on Ishtar at this time, it is not enough to replace her consciousness, and can only hide like a bystander.
But that’s enough.
After all, Allie’s purpose was just to confirm whether the things she was worried about had actually happened.
If the two have plans to do that kind of thing before their consciousness can completely replace Ishtar.
Allie planned to go back directly and let it go for the time being.
If you don’t have that kind of plan, it’s just right.
She can wait for this period of time to pass, and after the night officially falls, she can inquire about Su Mo’s situation.
She thought so.
Carefully put his consciousness into Ishtar.
And Ishtar, who was in a daze, naturally knew nothing about it.
Only Su Mo, who was at the side, noticed this burst of secret divine fluctuations.
After raising his eyebrows and looking over, Su Mo immediately noticed the change in Ishtar.
The black double ponytails based on adult Rin now glowed a faint golden color under the remaining sunlight, and the godhead gradually changed from the aura of the mistress of the sky, the god, and the goddess of harvest to the aura of the underworld, darkness, and death.
My main god is Kaguya
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