However, Ishtar’s godhood has not disappeared.
The two seem to coexist.
How is this going?
Not to mention Su Mo, who has already found something wrong.
Ai Lei, who successfully hid in Ishtar’s body, immediately connected to Ishtar’s own consciousness.
Following Ishtar’s line of sight, I found that Ishtar was looking up at the starry sky.
She breathed a sigh of relief.
“Fortunately, they don’t have that plan yet.”
At this time, she still can’t control Ishtar’s body.
If you see something you shouldn’t see, you can only cut off the ritual and go back to Hades.
Fortunately, the two seem to be very innocent, without that kind of atmosphere.
Allie also quieted down, ready to wait for a while.
You only need to wait for the time of this transition point between day and night to pass, and you can replace the consciousness of the idiot Ishtar.
At this time, Su Mo, who noticed the time, also saw her state.
Knowing that Ai Lei can’t fully show up at this moment.
Therefore, he was also very leisurely, waiting for this short period of time to pass.
In the room, two people, three consciousnesses.
Two of them were waiting for the night to fall.
Only Ishtar, who can barely be regarded as a real lover, has no idea that his lover and his sister are preparing to have a private meeting behind her back.
Hey, is it a bit…
The setting sun above Ishtar’s head seemed to be faintly green.
Fortunately, she did not find out.
Time passed by every minute and every second.
The two are waiting patiently.
Suddenly, an extremely soft voice sounded.
“Su Mo… I still can’t figure it out!”
Hearing this voice, both Su Mo and Ai Lei shivered.
——Hiss, who is it? !
There was no one else in the room, and they quickly locked on the speaker.
It was Ishtar.
Ishtar, who has always been arrogant and domineering, never admit defeat, has no intention of introspection.
At this moment, with an extremely aggrieved expression, he took Su Mo’s hand and complained to him unconsciously like a baby.
Under the light of the setting sun, the orange-red pupils were like broken mirrors in the water, shining with jagged water.
This expression of complaint and dissatisfaction in the grievance is commensurate with her godhead of beauty.
Even Su Mo couldn’t help feeling overwhelmed.
–how is this possible! How could this stupid goddess still be so cute? !
After a moment of doubt, Su Mo immediately confirmed the identity of the goddess in front of her based on the temperature of her palm.
It should be Ishtar without a doubt.
Although Ai Lei has a gentle personality, she is not familiar with Su Mo now, so she would not make such a move.
Only Ishtar, an idiot who signed the highest contract with himself, would subconsciously reveal such a cordial trust.
Like a cold cat who likes to show off its might.
No matter how arrogant he is to the outside world, when facing his own master, he will notMind offering your own belly.
See Ishtar like this.
After Su Mo came back to his senses, he held her hand and asked.
“What’s wrong? Where did you not figure it out?”
“I can’t figure it out anywhere!”
Ishtar leaned close to Su Mo, lowered his head and lightly hit Su Mo’s chest with his head, and said aggrievedly.
“Why, whether it’s Siduri or you, do you think I was wrong before?”
“Obviously what I said is the truth, that guy is just petty and angry.”
Ishtar couldn’t figure it out.
I thought about it all afternoon and didn’t understand it.
That’s why I’ve been depressed just now, staring at the sky in a daze.
Hearing what she said, Su Mo was puzzled.
“Siduri?” Ishtar immediately explained.
“The last time I was bullied by that guy, Siduri also said that I didn’t do it properly.”
She recounted to Su Mo the conversation between herself and Siduri before Su Mo’s arrival.
In fact, at that time, Ishtar planned to get to the bottom of it.
It’s just that he was interrupted by Gilgamesh later, and he never had this opportunity.
But this time, she who received the same evaluation from Su Mo’s side finally couldn’t hold back and asked him when no one was around.
“I also know that saying that to Ellie might make her unhappy, but I don’t mean to belittle her.”
“At the beginning, I wanted to say that the underworld is so desolate and not interesting, so I planned to invite her to hang out with me!”
Since the two of them were alone, Ishtar had no scruples and frankly expressed his feelings.
This is something that is difficult to say directly even to his own sister Eilei.
Chapter 589
Although there are reasons for his father’s order. But the reason why Ishtar was willing to lose the seven artifacts and also to see Ai Lei was of course not because of Tammuz, the guy she killed.
She just felt that it was unfair that her sister had been staying in the desolate underworld.
That’s why I went down to the depths of the underworld to talk to Ai Lei.
“Originally, I planned to take her to ask God the Father to change her position! I would definitely not be happy staying in that kind of place. I never thought she would treat me like that!”
When Ishtar said this, he couldn’t help but pouted.
From her point of view, what she said was indeed the truth.
The underworld is indeed a very desolate and dilapidated place, and she really has good intentions and wants to help her sister find a better place.
That’s why he went to the underworld to meet her.
She was thinking this way, but she didn’t expect that her good intentions would not be understood at all.
Twice in a row, Ishtar didn’t have time to mention his plan.
The two of them quarreled, and the other party didn’t appreciate it at all.
She would naturally feel very wronged.
After hearing Ishtar’s words, Allie in her body was stunned.
—— “How come, this idiot actually thinks so?”
She voluntarily stayed in the underworld, and she, who had never felt much kindness, felt complicated in her heart.
She always thought that Ishtar went to the underworld to mock her.
Of course, Ishtar’s behavior is indeed the same.
That’s why the two are incompatible with each other, and they quarrel as soon as they meet.
In this case, when Allie heard Ishtar’s true heartfelt feelings, she couldn’t believe it at first, and then realized that Ishtar didn’t know she was there, so there was no need to lie.
——”This idiot…does he really think of me as a sister?”
Allie’s mind was blurred.
At this time, she should have greatly increased her favorability for Ishtar.
However, I don’t know if it’s out of instinctive vigilance, or because I haven’t been in contact with people for a long time.
Even knowing this, Ishtar’s senses are a little better.
But there is still no way to fully give birth to a sense of intimacy.
She doesn’t know what’s going on with this vague barrier, but she can feel the existence of this distance.
Therefore, she was not too excited, but continued to listen to the conversation between the two quietly.
Su Mo was not surprised after hearing Ishtar’s words.
He had known for a long time that Ishtar was a tsundere, and he actually cared a lot about his sister Ai Lei.
However, seeing her aggrieved expression.
He didn’t agree with Ishtar, but shook his head.
“Although you think so in your heart, but if you don’t say it, it’s meaningless’-.”
“Actually, Ai Lei didn’t hear your invitation, but only heard you belittle the underworld she lives in.”
“Whoever hears this will not be too happy?”
What you think in your heart is one thing, but what you express is another.
My main god is Kaguya
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