Instead, I stared at Ishtar’s review of his homeland—(This book is organized by【!Fl?.i:p”‘ped】’. (More “more new book contact;’13? 74″7:”8′?)—that is, the belittlement of the underworld, thinking that this is a belittlement of oneself.
That’s why they quarrel with each other like hedgehogs every time.
In this regard, Ishtar made the same mistake.
She didn’t realize that the underworld is the only home that Ai Lei can have, so her imprudent words hurt Ai Lei’s self-esteem.
in this regard.
The behavior of the two goddesses is surprisingly similar.
It is precisely because of the misplacement of cognition between the two parties.
Hence the previous result.
Obviously, both parties have good intentions, but in the end they almost ended up not getting along with each other.
Thinking of this, after hearing Ishtar’s apology again.
Allie finally figured it out.
She was thinking of taking revenge on Ishtar before.
After hearing Ishtar’s apology, he began to reflect on himself, and decided to give Ishtar a step after the next meeting.
As Su Mo expected, the atmosphere has been heightened to the present.
The two sisters who understand each other’s psychology actually understand each other.
The two sides want to reconcile, and there is only one opportunity.
At this moment.
Su Mo took this opportunity.
Ishtar, who finally became frank, asked a bonus question.
――”You actually like your sister Ellie very much, don’t you?”
After hearing this question, Ai Lei’s heart moved.
At this time, the time for day and night handover has passed.
Although the control of this body still rests with Ishtar.
However, as long as Ai Lei is willing, she can replace Ishtar’s consciousness at any time.
However, at this time, she was naturally unwilling to do so.
Now that the atmosphere has changed, she has understood the thoughts of her worrying younger sister, and forgave her previous words.
Therefore, she also intends to be frank.
As long as Ishtar answers this question well.
No matter what advantages she said, Allie would accept it happily, and show her own consciousness, so as to reconcile with Ishtar.
So, she glanced at Su Mo gratefully.
Weaved the words for a while.
Just waiting for a simple answer from Ishtar, the two sisters can completely resolve the contradiction.
Chapter 591 Su Mo, a Pure and Reliable Boy from a Good Family
All is ready except for the opportunity. Although Su Mo hadn’t expected the coexistence of both consciousnesses before.
But he reacted quickly, using the situation to push the sisters to open up.
Now the tide has come.
Even the opportunity, Su Mo has already taken… Okay.
At this critical moment, even if a pig is tied over, it can’t stop the sisters from loving each other.
The development of things often has both inevitability and chance.
Su Mo has achieved the ultimate in inevitability.
Even without words, there is no gap between the hearts of the sisters.
But obviously, he missed chance.
I don’t know if it’s because the pseudo-servant created by Ishtar is based on the fact that he possessed Rin Tohsaka.
She seems to have synchronized a trait of Tohsaka Rin.
——The chain is dropped at a critical moment.
Originally, because of Su Mo, she had completely understood her sister Ai Lei.
After being asked by Su Mo.
She should have said something sincere.
But at this time.
It was rare for her to be frank for more than ten minutes, but she suddenly fell into shyness.
“Hi, like her? How is this possible!” Ishtar replied stiffly.
Although I know that I did something wrong, but the few times I met, I quarreled with each other every time.
To admit it so easily made her feel as if she was throwing in the towel.
After withdrawing from the previous state of doubting life.
Ishtar is no longer that frank and lovely girl.
Instead, she returned to her usual, unscrupulous goddess posture.
She in this posture is arrogantA type with fully enabled properties.
Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to admit this kind of intention.
Not even if it’s been said before.
Seeing her performance, Su Mo’s heart thumped, feeling something was wrong.
Allie didn’t feel anything.
After all, it can be seen from Ishtar’s expression that she is being stubborn.
As a big sister with a big heart.
After knowing Ishtar’s true intentions, she naturally wouldn’t blame him for such a trivial matter.
Ai Lei is so detached, and she still feels that her sister is so cute, which is quickly broken.
“That guy is stingy, likes to be jealous, and can’t talk, so I don’t like her!”
In order to suppress his shame, Ishtar tried hard to find reasons for his position.
“I went to see her with good intentions, but she bullied me. This old woman must be jealous of my youth and beauty, and even robbed me of many clothes…”
Like a machine gun, she crackled and found a lot of reasons.
Each of these reasons sounds unlikely, but women don’t care when it comes to digging up old scores.
After talking for a long time, she stopped.
made such an assertion.
“In short, even if I die, if I die in the underworld, I will never admit that she is my sister!”
The voice fell, resoundingly.
Su Mo covered his face speechlessly, feeling that all the situation he had planned had been fed to the dogs.
In Ishtar’s body, Ailei was already so angry that her liver hurt.
Now she already knows Ishtar’s duplicity.
But sometimes, even if you know the reason, there are things that cannot be forgiven.
Although this time Ishtar has learned to behave.
She knew that Ellie valued the underworld as her home.
So no longer belittle the underworld, and no longer say things that might really hurt Ai Lei.
However, she didn’t realize it.
Although my “old woman” words are not words of hatred for women, they are still lethal enough.
“This guy, this guy…”
Allie’s body trembled with anger.
“You don’t want to recognize my sister, and I don’t want to recognize your sister!”
She was so angry that she couldn’t restrain herself at all.
It was already night, so when she was excited, she directly replaced Ishtar’s consciousness and forced this guy to sleep.
Then he cursed fiercely.
“Ishtar, if you don’t cry when we meet next time, I’ll take your surname from now on!”
With his hands on his hips like this, he vented his anger in a vicious voice.
Ai Lei looked up at Su Mo who was a little surprised.
Only then did he realize that he had accidentally replaced Ishtar’s consciousness.
She hasn’t figured out how to communicate with Su Mo yet.
The shell was stuck for a while.
He stared blankly at Su Mo, not knowing what to say.
…seeking flowers 0…
My main god is Kaguya
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