Only at this time did she recall that the purpose of her trip seemed to be to save a boy from a good family?
Without waiting for her to clear her mind in a daze.
The actor Su Mo asked as if he had already reacted.
“Since you can share the same body with Ishtar, you should be her sister Ereshkigal, right?”
Originally, Ai Lei wondered how this could explain the current situation.
Should I pretend to be Ishtar to fool the past, or explain clearly?
Unexpectedly, Su Mo in front of him could already see it.
She was suddenly curious.
“How did you recognize me?”
Both are borrowing the body of the pseudo-servant, so there should be no difference in appearance between the two, right?
Su Mo smiled slightly and said.
… 0 …
“Ishtar is usually used to black hair and black eyes because of Rin.”
“But Ai Lei is different. You are the same blond hair and red pupils as the gods here.”
In Sumer, blond hair and red eyes were the symbol of the gods.
If it was Ishtar’s divine form, it would be the same blond hair and red pupils as Eilee in front of her.
It’s just that she is more used to Rin’s appearance in normal times.
You can’t guess the identity of Ai Lei just by looking at the hair color and eye color.
After understanding this, Ai Lei suddenly realized, but she still had curiosity in her eyes.
“Why do you call me Ai Lei… let’s forget about this question.”
She just wanted to say, isn’t this title too close @intimate for someone she just met twice?
But when he thought that he was Ishtar’s lover, that is, his brother-in-law, he was regarded as his own family, so he didn’t care anymore.
The girl’s mind is so strange. She said that she would not consider Ishtar as her younger sister, but admitted her brother-in-law’s family relationship.
After choosing not to care about this question, she thought of her reason for coming and asked a little.
“Your name is Su Mo, right? Where did Ishtar take you away? Why are you not afraid at all when you see a god?”
I thought this was a boy from a good family that Ishtar abducted from somewhere.
But judging by his attitude towards Ishtar and himself just now, he is by no means like an ordinary human being.
You must know that this is the age of the gods. Ordinary people generally worship the gods, and those who can communicate with each other on an equal footing are at least demigods like Gilgamesh. Four.
Chapter 592 The Seed of Pleasure Persecutes Ishtar’s Consensus
Hearing Ai Lei’s words, Su Mo couldn’t help feeling a little funny. “Should you be afraid when you see a god?”
“That’s true.”
“It’s just that you may be mistaken about who should be on the side of fear.”
If you count the Hakoniwa world, those innate gods, Buddhas, yakshas, ​​and angels, Su Mo has slaughtered more than 100,000 gods.
god slayer like him, even if a three-digit god stood in front of him, he would be terrified.
A mere five-figure deity seems to scare him?
To Su Mo, these words were ridiculously cute.
But to Ai Lei, she also felt that Su Mo’s words were too shocking.
Didn’t his words mean that the gods should be afraid when they see him?
For her, the words “twenty three” were too ridiculous.
“No wonder Ishtar likes you, your thinking is really special.” Allie could only say so tactfully.
But thinking about it is also true, the person who can become a lover with the fearless Ishtar must also be the same fearless person.
Thinking of this, she felt that her question had already been answered.
Such Su Mo must not be the target of being kidnapped by force.
Instead, it should be like-minded with Ishtar… Ah no, lovers who are happy with each other.
If that’s the case, there’s no need to let him go back.
Thinking of this, she knew something, and was going to go back to Hades directly.
At this moment, Su Mo stopped Ai Lei.
“Listen to what Alley just said, you should have heard what Ishtar said before, right?”
I heard Su Mo mention this.
Allie was angry.
If someone else mentioned this, she would definitely leave without saying a word, or beat him up.
Then he left a sentence of “what does it have to do with you” and ran away.
After all, she was angry because she was angry, and Su Mo’s mediation was not useless.
At least now, even though she was angry with Ishtar, she did agree with this sister in her heart.
Naturally, outsiders will not be allowed to discuss the relationship between their sisters, that is their private matter.
However, Su Mo’s status is special, so he really can’t be regarded as an outsider.
In terms of love, the reason why Ishtar can understand her is because of Su Mo’s help.
Yu Li, he is his brother-in-law.
Adding the two together, she actually had a pretty good impression of Su Mo.
Hearing him mention it now, she only frowned slightly.
“I did hear that, that’s right. What you want to say, don’t you want to persuade me not to care about that idiot’s words?”
Ellie’s attitude is very clear.
When Ishtar called her an “old woman”, she must have thought about it to the end.
Although the goddess of the underworld has a gentle personality, she is actually narrow-minded.
Knowing that Su Mo is Ishtar’s lover, she was worried that Su Mo would favor Ishtar, so she took a vaccination in advance, saying that it was impossible for her to ignore the previous suspicions.
At least let Ishtar kneel down and apologize to her.
Facing Ai Lei’s puzzled gaze, Su Mo shook his head.
“I won’t get involved in the problems between you sisters. Whether you care about it or not, it’s your freedom.”
Hearing this, Allie was a little strange.
“Then you ask this…”
“It’s for something else.”
Su Mo said it very frankly.
“The Alliance of Three Goddesses is going to attack Uruk. I have accepted the entrustment, and I am going to attack Tiamat, the mother god of creation, so I am going to disintegrate your Alliance of Three Goddesses first.”
Hearing this, Ellie’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“You’re not necessarily too honest, are you?”
How can anyone directly express all his goals on the tray!
And according to this statement, he should be the one he wants to deal with, how can he be so frank with the enemy!
I could see Ellie’s surprise.
Su Mo spread his hands.
“After all, you are my sister-in-law. There is no need to hide it among the family.”
Chewing this word, Ai Lei felt a warm current in her heart.
She didn’t know what a good day it was.
I actually harvested two family members, one is a disobedient sister, and the other is a brother-in-law who is too honest.
After the emotion passed, she couldn’t help but feel a little headache seeing Su Mo’s scheming look.
“It’s too naive for you to act like this. Even I may be your enemy! How can you tell the enemy such information!”
She clearly considered herself an enemy, but she seemed to be worried that Su Mo would not be able to protect herself, so she warned with such concern…
Seeing Ellie like this.
The simple and honest Su Mo shook his head.
“No, my purpose is to instigate you and make you abandon the dark and turn to the bright, so you are not considered an enemy, Ai Lei.”
“But we haven’t succeeded in instigating rebellion yet!”
Allie said speechlessly.
She seemed completely unaware that she had already considered the issue from Su Mo’s standpoint.
Even the word “we” has been said.
The “simple” Su Mo has already seen from her attitude that this goddess has been taken care of by herself.
So, he showed a somewhat embarrassed expression, and said softly.
“No, I have already thought of a countermeasure strategy that will definitely succeed, and you will definitely agree, Ai Lei.”
Hearing this, Allie was a little dumbfounded.
He felt that Su Mo’s behavior was more innocent than his sister Ishtar, and thought that he must take care of him in the future so that he would not suffer outside.
My main god is Kaguya
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