However, apart from being speechless, she was also very curious about Su Mo’s absolutely successful instigation strategy.
“What strategy makes you so confident that you actually say that I will definitely agree?”
Even though she asked, she didn’t think there would be a strategy like 0.4 in this world.
She is not as greedy as Ishtar, what can Su Mo impress herself?
Thinking so, she was quickly slapped in the face on the spot.
“The strategy is actually very simple. Aileen, don’t you really want to settle accounts with Ishtar?”
Allie nodded, she did accept this girlSister, but the account still has to be settled.
“In that case, let’s make a deal.”
All I saw was that Su Mo showed his white teeth and spoke a little shyly.
“You promised me to betray the Alliance of Three Goddesses, and I will give you a chance to bully Ishtar.”
“What did you say?”
Ereshkigal was dumbfounded on the spot, a little suspicious of life.
Chapter 593 Sevenfold Questions and Answers Comprehends Joyful Ai Lei
Ereshkigal looked at Su Mo with a white smile in front of him, and couldn’t believe his ears. What did she just hear?
This seemingly innocent brother-in-law has no intentions.
Actually want to betray his lover to achieve his goal?
For a moment, Ailei was shocked inexplicably, and she was dumbfounded.
On the other side, Su Mo seemed to think she didn’t hear clearly, and immediately explained.
“Tomorrow, I will take Ishtar to the Underworld to talk to you about the formal alliance. If you want to get revenge, that will be the best opportunity.”
“But in return, you need to agree to withdraw from the Three Goddess Alliance and join me.”
This time, she understood Su Mo’s words completely.
Allie was in a complicated mood for a while.
I thought Su Mo was a simple, unscheming type, and wanted to take care of him.
But looking at it now, the man in front of him is a fox at all, shouldn’t he be worried about that idiot Ishtar, to prevent this idiot sister from being eaten up?
Thinking of this, she paused and asked.
“Aren’t you afraid that I will tell Ishtar about this?”
She was a little curious about this. 14;
Once Ishtar knows that the other party is using her, he will definitely not let it go.
What kind of confidence did Su Mo in front of him have to make a deal with her sister?
As the person who adjusted the conflict between the sisters, he should know that the sisters did not have too deep a conflict, and Ailei would never keep it secret for Su Mo.
After asking this question, she immediately got an answer that was beyond her expectations.
“it does not matter.”
Su Mo’s calm expression made her very confused.
“There is nothing wrong with telling people. It’s okay to tell Ishtar, but it’s better to wait until our deal is completed before telling her, otherwise it won’t be interesting?”
Ailei’s head was full of question marks, feeling that she couldn’t keep up with Su Mo’s thinking.
What you should care about at this time is the question of “is it interesting?”
After being confused for a few seconds, she grasped the key point and asked.
“Aren’t you afraid that Ishtar will be angry?”
She knew Ishtar’s character, and she would make three points unreasonably, not to mention being tricked by people around her.
Hearing this question, Su Mo saw through her thoughts at a glance, and shook his head amusedly.
When he spoke again, it brought up other issues.
“When do you think Ishtar is the cutest?”
Ellie was a little puzzled when she asked this question.
Because of being called an old woman by Ishtar, now she feels that her younger sister is simply disgusting.
Where is it cute?
But since Su Mo asked that, she thought about it and answered seriously.
“Could it be… the time to act like a baby?”
She was referring to the coquettish gesture of Ishtar that she had seen before.
I have to say, frankly, Ishtar is still very cute.
Of course, it’s also very hateful when you are not frank.
Hearing Ai Lei’s answer, Su Mo nodded.
“Girls are indeed cute when they act like a baby, but in my opinion, this is only the third cutest thing about Ishtar.”
Hearing this, Ai Lei asked curiously as a suitable compliment.
“What about number one and number two?”
She really couldn’t think of any other cute things about Ishtar. Isn’t this guy just a brutal robber?
Su Mo didn’t hold back, and said immediately.
“When Ishtar was the second cutest, she was actually so smug that she deserved a beating.”
Although it is difficult for people who are too arrogant to get the favor of others.
But Ishtar’s arrogant appearance is really pleasing to the eye, this kind of thing probably depends on his face!
Hearing this, Allie pondered for a moment.
Thinking of Ishtar’s hands on his hips, laughing arrogantly, as long as this guy is not targeting himself, it is still quite interesting from the sidelines.
So she nodded.
“And the cutest thing about her is when she is most triumphant, she suddenly deflates.”
Su Mo finally expressed his thoughts.
“The more arrogant Ishtar is at ordinary times, the more she needs to be beaten, and the cuter she is when she is deflated, and the more gratifying she feels.”
“Think about it, she, who is usually so arrogant, suddenly becomes aggrieved. She is very angry, but she looks like you have nothing to do, isn’t it cute?”
Su Mo induced it on purpose.
Hearing his description, Ai Lei subconsciously imagined that the extremely arrogant Ishtar was wrapped in a sack by herself and then repaired.
Afterwards, she was full of anger, but she couldn’t find the murderer’s grievance and anger.
“Hiss! It’s really cute!”
Allie nodded sympathetically.
Thinking of Ishtar being repaired by herself, the corner of her mouth showed the same joyful smile as Su Mo.
Seeing her like this, Su Mo smiled slightly.
“It seems that we can become like-minded companions (to persecute Ishtar together).”
Alley, who was completely convinced, nodded.
Originally, she was worried that Su Mo might be using Ishtar in this way.
As an elder sister, I am still a little worried that my younger sister is not entrusted with human beings.
But after hearing such seemingly unreasonable words from Su Mo.
She finally understood what happiness is.
He finally understood what Su Mo was thinking.
Su Mo may indeed have the desire to turn himself into aown plan to instigate rebellion.
But compared to this, he actually cared more about taking this opportunity to bully Ishtar and let Ishtar show his cutest (destroyed) side.
Therefore, Su Mo did this because he didn’t like Ishtar.
And it was precisely because of liking that 203 bullied her.
And this point coincides with Ai Lei’s interests.
Ai Lei originally belonged to the second and fifth sons of the Three Goddess Alliance, so she wanted to betray her a long time ago.
And the chips offered by Su Mo made it impossible for her to refuse!
This is an opportunity to bully that idiot younger sister of mine, how can I not take that revenge?
So, she quickly made a decision.
“I agree with your proposal.” After saying that, she asked curiously.
“By the way, I heard people say that as a couple, shouldn’t you protect your lover from being bullied by the outside world?”
But why, Su Mo didn’t seem to care about this.
Hearing this, Su Mo shook his head.
“Of course I will protect Ishtar from outside bullying.”
“However, these words don’t seem to prohibit me from bullying her myself?”
“Besides, with Ishtar’s character of not going to Fang Jiewa for three days, even as a family member, you often have the urge to bully her, right?”
After hearing this, Allie nodded.
My main god is Kaguya
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