“What you said makes sense.” The goddess of the underworld clenched her fists and said to herself.
“That guy Ishtar really deserves a beating.”
Having said that, she finally felt relieved, and fully acknowledged and recognized Su Mo’s position as brother-in-law in her heart.
The two looked at each other and smiled, and reached a consensus without Ishtar knowing it at all.
Chapter 594 Game of Life and City Construction
next morning. Ishtar, who knew nothing, woke up from his sleep.
After breakfast, he dragged Su Mo to go to the underworld early in the morning.
It seems that there is a posture of rushing to reincarnate.
Although at the last moment yesterday, because of her stubbornness, she fell short.
But Ishtar’s grudge against Ai Lei has completely disappeared.
This trip to the underworld is also to reconcile with Ai Lei sincerely.
However, Ishtar didn’t know at all that his “old woman” words had already angered Ai Lei.
So, under the leadership of Su Mo, after entering the underworld.
She bumped into the seven stone gates that had suffered once before.
These seven stone gates are exactly seven blockades.
Only by answering the questions correctly can we move on.
If you make a mistake, you will be punished, or you will be deprived of an artifact.
With Ishtar’s IQ, when he came in for the first time, he didn’t answer a single question correctly.
Relying on the artifact to break through the whole process.
But this time, when she encountered the same problem again, she showed a confident expression.
Now, it is impossible for Tianzhou Ma Anna to give up, she has no extra artifacts to resist God’s punishment for herself.
But this is not important.
As long as Su Mo is around, there is no need to panic.
“Come on, Su Mo!”
Looking at Shimen who asked the question, Ishtar patted Su Mo on the shoulder and took a step back.
See what she looks like.
Su Mo didn’t know whether to say that she was cowardly or that she had self-knowledge.
But he didn’t mind much.
Who made Ai Lei already belong to him!
Soon, under Ishtar’s nervous gaze, Ai Lei’s transformed voice echoed near the stone gate.
Questions begin.
“Excuse me, who is more beautiful between the two goddesses, Ishtar or Ereshkigal?” Hearing this question, Su Mo had no time to answer.
Ishtar stayed for a while, and then complained dissatisfied.
“Wait! The last question was not that simple!”
For the question of choosing one from the other, there is a half chance of getting it right. The difficulty of this kind of question is completely different from the last time.
After listening to it, even Ishtar felt that he was doing it again.
In the meantime, she returned directly carelessly.
“You don’t need to ask this question at all. Of course it is the Venus goddess of love, beauty and art. Lord Ben Ishtar is even more beautiful’-!”
For this question, Ishtar is extremely confident, so he doesn’t even need to think about it.
In this world, who else can be more beautiful than her, a beauty god?
However, just as she was proud and triumphantly waiting for the voice of customs clearance to sound.
“wrong answer!”
Aileen’s indifferent voice sounded, and the next second Shimen’s curse hit Ishtar’s body directly.
Shrunk Ishtar’s body by half.
This is to seal her divinity.
After receiving this treatment in a daze, Ishtar froze for a few seconds.
“Protest, I didn’t answer wrong at all! The most beautiful one is obviously Ishtar!”
“Is this what you should care about now?” Su Mo couldn’t help complaining.
Pulling the shrunken Ishtar, he replied directly.
“The answer is Ellie.”
For the question of choosing one of the two, after eliminating the wrong option, there is no difficulty at all.
“Damn! This answer is obviously wrong!”
Ishtar was still a little bit aggrieved.
Soon, the two came to the second checkpoint.
“Excuse me, which of the two goddesses, Ishtar and Ereshkigal, is more worthy of entrusting the family property.”
Shimen quickly recited a problem.
And Ishtar, who didn’t learn his lesson at all, immediately answered.
“Of course it’s Ishtar! What this goddess is best at keeping is those shiny things!”
As soon as property and gems were mentioned, Ishtar’s eyes lit up involuntarily.
“Wrong answer.”
Repeated tricks, shePenalized again for answering wrongly.
The whole person’s body was shrunk in half again.
Now, her height is less than the size of a young girl, and she can sit directly on Su Mo’s shoulders.
“What! These answers are definitely wrong!”
Ishtar, who was weakened again, looked aggrieved.
And it turns out that Ishtar either has no brains or no memory.
Obviously failed twice in a row.
When I finally hear the question, I can’t wait to answer it immediately.
The question of the third stone gate.
“May I ask, which of the two goddesses Ishtar and Ereshkigal is worthy of respect and trust?”
“wrong answer.”
Ishtar’s body shrank again.
The fourth stone gate problem.
“May I ask, which of the two goddesses Ishtar and Ereshkigal is more qualified to accept human prayers and beliefs?”
“wrong answer.”
The fifth stone gate problem.
“Excuse me, among the two goddesses, Ishtar and Ereshkigal, which one chooses the healthy life, Ire, or the extravagant Ishtar?”
The sixth stone gate problem.
The seventh stone door problem.
Seven questions in a row, Ishtar made seven mistakes in a row, and in the end he became Thumbelina, only the size of a figure.
Even if it is a clay figurine, there are three points of anger.
Not to mention Ishtar.
Even though she did come here with good intentions, she was bullied to such an extent by Ai Lei without even seeing her face to face.
She couldn’t take it anymore.
“Wow! Su Mo, if that woman still refuses to surrender later, we’ll beat her up! Tie her back!”
Ishtar, who has become a figurine, said with flailing teeth and claws.
She can’t bear this grievance!
Same idea as Ellie before.
Ai Lei acknowledged the sisters’ kinship, but she couldn’t accept Ishtar’s slander. The revenge of the “.-old woman” must be avenged.
The same is true for Ishtar now.
She still recognizes Ai Lei as her sister.
But that didn’t stop her, she wanted to catch Ai Lei out and beat her up.
It’s okay to turn yourself into a figure.
My main god is Kaguya
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