The most unbearable thing was that she actually felt that she was more beautiful and trustworthy than Ishtar.
“This is impossible! This goddess must punish this kind of lying!”
Thinking of this, Ishtar sat on Ma’anna in a majestic manner and went to the depths of Hades.
Ready to get Ellie out.
The best-case scenario is that Ellie refuses.
She can take the opportunity to retaliate, and after beating this guy up, she will turn against her.
Ishtar, who thought so, broke into the palace of the underworld at the first.
And preemptively, with a gesture that Ai Lei would never accept, she shouted loudly.
“Ereshkigal, listen to me, if you don’t withdraw from the Alliance of the Three Goddesses and surrender, I’ll beat you up hard!”
Knowing Ai Lei’s haughty character, she is sure (good) that the other party will definitely not accept such a superior statement.
In this case, there is an excuse to beat the opponent up.
After venting, let’s talk about sisterhood.
It has to be said that these two people are indeed twin sisters, and their ideas are almost exactly the same.
However, alas.
Under her expectant gaze——Quickly reject, you quickly reject——under the gaze.
Ai Lei, the goddess of the underworld, slowly stood up in the center of the temple, then nodded.
“Okay, I surrender.”
“Huh? Dragon!”
Ishtar was choked for a moment, and his words were blocked directly.
Looking at Ai Lei who surrendered without hesitation, her eyes were full of confusion and grievance.
You surrendered, what should I do if I am angry?
Seeing Ishtar like this.
Ai Lei covered her mouth and almost laughed out loud. Only then did she really understand what Su Mo said.
Seeing Ishtar slumped did bring joy.
Unknowingly, she was cultivated by Su Mo as a small hobby.
Chapter 595 Changes in Fanlou, the God of Suspicion
Su Mo in the Xingyue World successfully recruited Ai Lei. Let this pair of twin sisters throw themselves together, and initially disintegrate the alliance of the three goddesses.
Game life world.
Su Mo was sitting on the top of a high mountain, overlooking the smoke and dust below.
“”Question”, [tentative] Su Mo, what are you doing? ”
In Su Mo’s arms, Lolita, who was wearing a fancy dress, was blushing, and asked Su Mo who was hugging her.
Her short legs flapped twice, but they couldn’t reach the ground at all.
Although for the gods, this level of restraint only needs a little bit of divine power to break free.
But during this period of getting along, Fan Lou, the God of Suspicion, obviously learned a lot.
In many cases, if you still don’t use your divine power, it will bring better results.
So, after subconsciously struggling a few times, she realized that Su Mo would not let go, so she could only continue to sit obediently.
Hear her questions.
Su Mo, who hugged Loli Shenming Fanlou, just smiled, cast his gaze to the foot of the mountain, and said.
“Can’t you see, they are building a city.”
Yes, the smoke and dust under your feet is exactly the scene of people working together to build the city.
About a month has passed since the implementation of the “Mass-produced Hubby Plan”, or the “Million Hubby Sister Project”.
In order to apply unified field theory to macroscopic models of the universe.
203 Su Mo originally planned to make one million Huby sisters to complete the task.
Even if it’s like FanlouThe gods, after being bloodied by Su Mo, only persisted until they created 200,000 Ex-Machinas before giving up.
This kind of assembly line work is really too boring.
For a god like Fanlou who pursues knowledge and certainty, it is no different from torture.
She was on strike, so it was rare for her to act coquettishly to Su Mo.
Seeing her like this, it is obvious that the self has been further strengthened.
(This book is edited by 【Fl?!ipp.”ed,】!, sorted out!, (more:, new:, book!, contact;’1:;3;4′,31,?7:7:478? ?) Su Mo naturally has no reason not to agree.
However, before she gave up, he still asked Fan Lou to make a machine that could automatically make Ex-Machina.
In this way, the “Million Hugh Bi Sister Project” can continue to advance, but the progress will be slower.
Now, including the machine-made Ex-Machinas, and the original quantity, all of them have been recalled.
At this time, the number of Ex-Machina members has reached as high as 300,000.
Nearly ten times more than before.
In fact, the Ex-Machines themselves are equipped with the function of self-reproduction.
But this kind of behavior hinders the understanding of the meaning of the mind.
So it was banned by Su Mo in all aspects.
Of these 300,000 mechas, most of the computing power is still used to analyze Su Mo’s mechanical model.
But the remaining computing power, even if only one ten-thousandth (beae) is left, is beyond the limit of human beings in this world.
In addition to the computational mechanics model, the Ex-Machinas are also responsible for serving as Su Mo’s subordinates to carry out Su Mo’s orders and help the human species become stronger.
In order to cultivate the self-reliance of the human species.
Su Mo didn’t let the Ex-Machinas take care of the Humans in all aspects, so as not to turn them into waste.
In fact, under normal circumstances, except for guiding and training combat skills, the Ex-Machina will not interfere with the activities of the human species.
Therefore, during this period of time, the human race continued to open up wasteland and fight at the same pace as before.
With the teaching of the Ex-Machina, everyone can learn how to use the ordinary martial arts, magic, and awakened skills to their strongest state without spending too much time.
The speed of comprehension of combat skills is as fast as cheating.
In addition, when Su Mo first bestowed the God’s Grace System, the seed of hope belonging to Pandora was planted casually, and it grew into an inherent skill of “worship with one heart”.
Let all human species have the same hacking skills as the protagonist Bell in the world.
Therefore, the speed at which humans accumulate combat experience far exceeds that of ordinary adventurers.
Under the effect of several plug-ins that complement each other.
The strength of the human species during this time has also grown by leaps and bounds.
Today, there are more than two hundred adventurers at the LV5 level.
There are already more than a thousand adventurers at the LV4 level.
There are more than 3,000 adventurers at the LV3 level.
The remaining levels are either due to overwhelming lack of talent, or because they are in the logistics department, or are old people and children, or are newly joined scattered people from other settlements.
In addition, those who persevere in this doomsday world have almost no possibility of falling below LV3.
And in the echelon with the highest level of LV5.
Riku, Iwan, and Arei, who performed the best before, failed to break through LV6.
But it has already accumulated the value to A-S level, and it is only one opportunity away from breaking through LV5.
It can be said.
Compared with a few months ago, the strength of the human species today is completely different.
They are no longer like those wild beast apes, hiding when they need to see other races.
The current human race is fully qualified to be tough if it is facing an ordinary orc race team, or a low-rank race such as a demon race.
Because the strength is very different from before, and there are gods sitting in charge.
The reputation of the human gathering place led by Su Mo has resounded throughout the entire continent of human species.
It was originally scattered, and there were some human beings left outside.
After hearing the rumors, they also came to seek refuge one after another.
After absorbing these scattered people.
Today’s human settlement has become the only human settlement worthy of the name, and the number of people has expanded again.
in this case.
The cave that was originally prepared is no longer enough.
Relying on Su Mo’s “Harvest” authority, they don’t lack food and supplies, but they lack a place to live.
in this case.
Riku, who thought that his strength had developed enough and that it was time to make the next step, came to propose, thinking that it was time for the human species to have a city of their own.
My main god is Kaguya
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